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  • 裁判案由
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  • 審判法院
  • 裁判日期
    112 年 08 月 07 日

  • 當事人

1117 15717 16 49.732 4112671 171711161512617 1740315717調737 18213212調調94252 調使2調 1821調調2083調1821126 7 調89157293324使 1821128671使使182 1 1101027 291 11.25 11131111176021.7324.69109311010 32.8940.0340401760126 400 224224-1224-2224-3224 -5224-6224-7224-8224-9224-10224-11224-12224-13225226227232 100100-12149,00016調69.97 55.886.4810940110 28,99647.15%16,197,00017.957.94017.9 57.960 2990902 60302 12155611131 20601115274024,7892,44040×6,197,311 24,7892,440 24,7147,87717 11131 111222調277916520224324760126 111513調9 40調使使 49.732 49.732 110105175,7082,649調157202111118212,6454,495調3655024 11131 25225311233111131200,1458,8132100100-1134,000164,1526,840宿使 35,9931,973 23596060164,1526,780224-9224-10 11131 112113218使 71137 11131112113 219 3511184 ...4.(286291) 111 3111251511131112113 112515318 4 使 11131調11131401011131110123111012311,992,6622,001,458,813224-97,884,292224-10912,4561,992,662,06531102,209,69111161117224402,209,69134,350調16364.332,209,691÷34,35064.3310947.15%BVR13.54%55.6264.33×113.54%)55.6216492499120.2Examples of US and Canadian definitions of fair value are as follows: (a) The Model Business Corporation Act (MBCA) is a model set of law prepared by the Committee on Corporate Laws of the Section of Business Law of the American Bar Association and is followed by 24 States in the United States. The definition of fair value from the MBCA is the value of the corporation's shares determined: (1) immediately before the effectuation of the corporate action to which the shareholder objects, (2) using customary and current valuation concepts and techniques generally employed for similar businesses in the context of the transaction requiring appraisal, and (3) without discounting for lack of marketability or minority status except, if appropriate, for amendments to the articles pursuant to section 13.02(a)(5)....(a)MBCA...(1)(2)(3)調Section 13.02(a)5366調17使 324 調調293 4064.33 調75%25%174814824995001111310 1011113 調858735535775%25% 25%調50%調338 1120225 60%40%調49.732(40×60%64.33×40%49.7 32 47.85%調327 110109109417調547 112316483 165 17 4064.33 60% 40% 49.732BVR 9193調 40 11131 401113調851.2 5調3731.3 281 42.5631.3×1.2542.56 11012 3050%10%20%調20%24.18%44.6847.77調293324調3253461101230 調1/3 46.9146.9625%調 50%49.8549.89 調3373385 1.15851.2349調344 4040 42.56275276 調47.85%11010 68.55%11041310調243244297 44.6847.77調322 42.56 276 60 1104111111126060調273274262263使調319323327 60 10110513,8707,0001061,7097,000106 退1,1289,000101105107957957 退退2632649571092251082304467469471957101105退 402,209,691 4064.3360%40% 49.732171 1213673         112    8     7    101,000         112    8      7   17 20 165182 調4779 調4779 1 1,524,863 111225 111318 60 2 206,189 111318 3 31,000 111318 4 18,478 111318 5 2,000 111318 6 2,582,504 111318 7 78,851 111318 8 787 111318 9  6,770 111318 10  86,078 111318 11  479 111318 12  430,162 11134 13  3,000 111318 14 1,100,000 111318 15  55,150 11133 16  51,000 11137 17  20,000 111318 6,197,311