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智慧財產及商業法院97年度民專訴字第1 號


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  • 裁判日期
    98 年 04 月 24 日

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971 O2Micro 983 25 151 56369 151 9 255 1 2 3 977 1 200 5 AQUOS LC-32PD6T 154776AQUOS 使使AQUOS LC-32PD6T 154776AQUOS 使使979 102 3 AQUOS LC-32PD6T 154776AQUOS 使使AQUOS LC-32PD6T 154776AQUOS 使使209 983 251 7,882,531 5%6 897 31915 1 154776915 1 109 7 30 AQUOS AQUOS 973 AQUOS LC-32PD6T 使154776LC-32PD6T 184 1 2 185 841 851 2 7, 882,5315 AQUOS LC-32PD6T 154776AQUOS 使使AQUOS LC-32PD6T 154776 AQUOS 使使 1 13 1 13使CCFLCCFL 1 135 1 6 2 9010183 16T1T117 1 13 1 1 6 4 2 20T1T214 Power InCCFL22242 14T1/T2 1 3 2 調3 1 1 13使 / 2 Vp 2 13POWER CCFL調POWER 調調調13POWER 調POWER SOURCE 6 T1T2(Vp ) (Faraday's Law) Vp(flyback) CCFLT1T214調VpRS1 調CCFL14調(PWM) 14調(PFM) Vp 13調使 1313調8 4-5 14Rs1 調225mA 調 1 3 5287040 223 IPC G05F1/100 591974IPC G05F1/103 IPC H02M7/02H05B41/14 591974IPC G05F1/10H05B41/2951518G05F1/00IPC H02MH02JH05BIPC IPC 3 3 110/220VCCFL500V3 1 3 3 HOVHO T8T10 T12 3 1 16-18 3 3 3 使3 high frequency zone 使2 48-53 3 1 28-29 3 ballast 3 1 34-37 3 3 1 20-23 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 FIG. 1 illustrates a flow diagram of the electrical process of preferred embodiments of the present invention3 4 3 382 FIGS. 2(1-4) illustrate electrical schematicdiagrams of one preferred embodiment ballast of the present invention showing the detailed interrelationships of the various components 3 4 3 411 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 292 31 3 2 213 183 MOSFET 177165 213 209 205 193 195 183 193 195 209 205 193 209 195 205 201 309 600 800 213 183 209 193 205 195 waveshaping 3 5 32683 3 213 183 3 2 213 183 oscillated in parallel3 5 26-27 operated in parallel3 5 64-65 coupled in parallel 3 1 1C3 3 293133353 4 11-14 1 3 3 1 3335CCFL3 3 1 1 292 31CCFL1 3 3 2 600 800 213 183 253 259 331 337 700 900 filament602 802 3 5 39-43 6 3-8 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 退3 1 14 3 2 257 335 257 1 使335 1 使257 335 201 309 255 333 255 333 3 201 309 255 333 1 調3 3 2 257 335 201 309 3 2 805 201 3 調 3 3 1 3 133 133 3 3 133 133 3 1 2 3 1 2 退3 1 1 292 31 3 2 213 183 MOSFET 177165 213 183 209 193 205 195 193 209 195 205 201 309 600 800 213 183 209 193 205 195 waveshaping 3 5 32683 3 213 183 133 3 1 3335CCFL3 3 1 1 292 31CCFL133 3 2 CCFL3 2 600 800 213 183 253 259 331 337 700 900 filament602 802 3 5 39-43 6 3-8 133 133 3 1 143 2 257 335 3 2 201 309 255 333 201 309 255 333 255 333 3 201 309 255 333 13調調13E 3 3 1 3 2 257 335 201 309 3 2 805 201 3 調調 133 13 1 132110-340788 21213 212121[0013] 1 1321 21213 1 1 DC1 213 2 3 6 buck2132IB 21調213 232024262 ONOFF 2 3 buck2 調1 21[0017]使1 12141 調使213 7 469 10503 9 107 46調 1 1321211 131 13 3 21134175246 145430641 155615093 165910689 1710-125487 185892336 1 1321231 13 1 171 13981 9 66-67 3 13211 14 13Magnetron heating 131 131 14 141 14 14Inverter144 35-50 148 使148 53-57 15155 151 7-101 14 161 14 16stand by ballast ACACAC162 9-142 38-42 AC120V277V163 42 171 1417 Push-pull insulation17[0007]L1L4173 L1L4 18使3 181 13-18 3 28-29 31-33 1 14 191 1419Q 2 191 63-65 2 4 201 14 20Piezo electronic Transformer 2020[0002]使20使20[0010]3 6 201 14 13201 143 211 133 13213 13211 143 1321 17使使 貿 56 3 3135 1 24-116 1 24-120563 退 1 2 3 24-123 1 調2 3 24-126 1324-13537394113563 13 2 3 1 調 (element) 188 20089 2-9-20. 使means for step for. . impendance CCFL調調1 調188 調188 13調調 調調調調 13調調188 1 1 1 1 2 7 14 1 退1 1 way functionresult 1 1 1 1 1 CN7505CCFL1 1 1 way functionresult 1 1 1 1 901018 調1 調 1 使1 調調調 ... 使調鹿3 調ON/OFFDCamplitude pulse width Vp1 調調Vp使DCV 1 調調1 調PWM 調ON/OFFPWM 調1 調CCFL 退使CCFL調1 way functionresult 13 13 131313 退使CCFL13way functionresult 13 13CCFL13131313 退使13way functionresult 調13調調 13 13調調13調PWM ON/OFFPWM 調13調調 退使調13調調way functionresult 3 5,287,040 134,175,246 145,460,641 155,615,093 165,910,689 185,892,336 195,923,129 1710-125487 2011-146655 2110-340788 3 13213 13212 21233 1321 使使1 13調使 1 131 131 13 841 185 851 2 981 3,488 25,11087,583,68025,110×3,488 87,583,680 969 9 % 7,882,531 87,583,680 x 9 % =7,882,531 7,882,531 841 使AQUOS 1-1012-16 使 1 11doctrine of claim differentiation 11使1 x 8 11-12 調 14調VpRs1 調CCFL7 5-7 調調 2 調調Vp調調CCFL調調 調CCFLT1T2使使調 1 13 981 215 981 215 1 13 CCFLCCFLCCFLCCFLCCFL調CCFL調 1 13 897 31 10-340788 西199887122221 5,287,040 西1994832 153 1 13213 1 21 1A.3 12, 14 1B. 3 7,463 1 1C. 3 1D. 3 15, 28 1F. 調3 20 1 3 1A. 1 1B. 85213 85183 213 1 253 526-30 One side of an 85 turn primary winding 213 is oscillated in parallel with an 85 turn winding 183 of a second transformer The other side of 213 is connected to the one turn secondary winding 253. 1 29,31 2 1 213, 183253,255, 257, 259, 331, 333, 335, 337 1C. 293133354 11-14 The outputs of the isolation transformers 29 and 31 are fed to the means to connect to the fluorescent lamps 33 and 35. One or more lamps may be connected to each transformer. 1D. 1 CCFL14 2 257 335 257 1 使257 247 277 299 5 59-63 Secondary wind ing 257 (one turn) actsas a current sensing device and is used as an input to one of the auxiliary lamp sensing circuits to be descri bed later.One side of 257 passes through dio de 247, while the other is connected to the ground 299 by wire 277. 335 1 使 335 271 335 299 5 59-63 Secondary winding335 (on e turn) acts as a current an input to one of the auxiliary lamp sensing circuits to be de scribed later.One side of 257 passes through diode 247, while the other is connected to the ground 299 by wire 277. 335 1 使 335 271 335 299 559-63 Secondary winding 335 (one turn) acts as a current sensing device and is used as an input to one of the auxili ary lamp sensing circuits to be described later. One side of 335 passes through diode 271, while the other is connected to the ground 299 by wire 277. 1F. 調 3 16-19 If one or more lamps is burned out or remo ved, the device will sense this and either s hut down completely or decrease output power to the remaining lamps as required. 805 805 6 46 -49When this input is below the reference level at the high input (ie,as during a fault condition), the outputof 805 is high. When the input is above the reference value (normal operating conditions), the output of 805 is low. 805 805 6 55-61 Under normal operating conditions, the output of 805 will first be high, and then drop to low. This is because as the lamps are first started, they appear similar to a fault condition, and then after they arelit settle down and appear as a normal load. If the lamp s fail to strike, as in a fault condition, the output of 805 will remain high. 805 855835 847 855 805 855 7 4- 9When the output of 805 falls low, the falling edge triggers the timer of 855 to start operating .After the delay, determined by 835 and 847, the output of 855 goes high and remains high.If the output of 805 remains high, there is no falling edge, and the output of 855 remai ns low. 1321 13A.CCFL [0001][ ] backlight 13B.3 7,147 147,141 9,10使1 13C.3 7,1412117 141346 13D.3 121115141328[0016]12151617181920151215 13E.調調 211 21[0016]121516171819202021242423[0017]2(a)23202(b)2426ON2 2 OFF 1 7 122021232416172,28調調1 133 13A.CCFL3 1 1 33, 3531 13B.85213 85183 213 1 253 5 26-30 1 1 AC Power In 3 2 3 1 29,31 213,183 253,255,257,259,331,333,335,337 213,183 181 213,183 205,195 3 5 2685213 2 85183 213,183 3 4 561000μF 129, 155127, 1532 213,183 205,195 129,155 213,183 13C.1 33,35 29, 3133,35 3 4 11293133352931 13D.1 33,35 1 1433,35 3 191 143 4 35-39 195 33, 35191933,35 3 8 60201 203 217 255 8 49255 1 411 413 700 704 255 700 201 700 201 309 333 900 309 13E.調調3 4 43- 4721使MOSFET21MOSFET25,27 MOSFET25,27 調3 1 1433,35 使2133,35 調1329,31 257,335 使PWM 1533,35 調3 21使MOSFET21MOSFET25,27 PWM 15MOSFET25,27 調13213 213 1 13213 171 1 T1N1,N2 N3N1,N2 12N3CCFL1 CCFL2 RsRs14調N1, N21 131 21[0001]backlight 212 3 12,14 ballast condenser 1, 13 7,14 7 141 21211 13 3 1 3 1 2 33,35 3 1 29,31 213,183 253,255,257,259,331,333,335,337 213,183 181 213,183 205,195 3 5 2685213 2 85183 213,183 1 3 3 1 13 173 3 17173 T1, T2L1,L4 L2,L5 17[0005]3 T1L1T2L41 17171 13 使148217使使 897 31西1999882 12092507796104146 4 17使 西199988114 Non-Final Rejection 3 西2000892 29Notice of Allowance 西2000897 28Issue Notification5 3 897 31使使 1 13 1 352 3 T1, T2 2 1 13 1 134 3 5 4 3 2 MOSFET 177,165使 each said primary winding being coupled directly in parallel with one another 2 7 3 4 7 7 1 563 5 2 4 1 1 2 3 CCFL1 CCFL1 131 1 1 調1 1 9 18-21 1 13 調 1 13 353 371 調 使 +/- 使 使 使調221 13使使 退79 79977 10977 31 981 6263 2 2-2 1 13 13調 971125298299 1 1 1 1 調調 1 調188 13 13 13: 調調13調調 13調調188 1 135,287,040 4,175,246 5,430,641 5,615,093 5,910,689 5,892,336 5,923,129 10-125487 11-146655 10-340788 563 1 調 CCFL 5 2 261 1 9 2022使2 3 302 3 1 ... 1 6 1 2 2 20T1T2279 11132 3 302 3 2 2224CCFL273 1 (N-1) 1 調5 2 調2 CCFL1 CCFL2 CCFL1 3 N (N)CCFLsCCFLFB(feedback ) 2 3 1 1 .使means for step for . . 1 81751 188 equivalents 1 7 14調VpRs1 調CCFL288 2 Rs1 14Rs1 調225mA 291 調 1 調調調7 14調PWM 14調PFM Vp281 調PWM 調PFM Vp2 3 調2 3 13(CCFL)調調 (CCFL)(CCFL) 5 1 2 13 6 5 T1T2 13調297 13 2 3 133 7 14調VpRs1 調CCFL28 8 2 Rs1 14Rs1 調225mA 29 調調 13 調297 調調調調調 1 1 均<