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高雄高等行政法院 高等庭(含改制前高雄高等行政法院)103年度訴字第514號


  • 裁判案由
  • 案件類型
  • 審判法院
    高雄高等行政法院 高等庭(含改制前高雄高等行政法院)
  • 裁判日期
    104 年 02 月 04 日

103514 104121     姿 1039261030024920 10321282 Cozy Planet Hostel10335 18Cozy Planet HostelCozy Planet Hostel82Cozy Planet Hostel6宿 6 退2415536211036910330985000 9 1 3 4 15 貿宿宿宿貿宿Northstar Instruments co. 宿10341499122909900124442415539 104116宿宿Northstar Instruments使 宿Northstar InstrumentsThis hostelis only for customers of Northstar Instruments Co. 1.西20105 使wiki使 2.tripadvisor宿 VFM LeonardoTripadvisor LLC tripadvisor 便 3.HostelworldHostelbookers103210312HostelworldCozy Planet tripadvisor 宿4. 5.宿facebookfacebookfacebookfacebook便facebook宿facebookfacebook宿宿 6.3 3 宿宿 Cozy Planet Hostel6 退Make a BookingRooms are available to guests from 3pm until 11am the next morning. 18Cozy Planet Hostel8HOSTEL WORLD 宿Cozy Planet Hostel宿宿103213123Cozy Planet Hostel Northstar Instruments co.Customer Reviews Make a Bookingtraveler friendly environmentwe certainly know what backpackers need and expect 宿宿 4 15 1.10361125301036125103716滿103722 15 2.972499911 103514931036111037120 1529531 Cozy Planet Hostel410356103308339001036910330985000 10392610300249204243-496262711013 152415536219 滿30101 141315161 103611Cozy Planet Hostel82 761036125 103716滿103722285 10351493671617-1920-221 3 4 15 宿945 28324155367 676 221 109 使21 82 10335 18Cozy Planet Hostel8HOSTELWORLDCozy Planet HostelRoom TypePhotosFacilities&ServicesPricesake a bookingirectionsUseful LinksCozy Friends WorldwideCustomer ReviewsDeluxe Double-Bed PrivateDouble-Bed Private Deluxe 2 Bed Mixed DormDeluxe 4 Bed Female Dorm 4 Bed Mixed Dorm6 Bed Mixed Dorm6 5501,600Rooms are available to guests from 3pm until 11am the next morning311使 tripadvisorHostelworldHostelbookers Cozy Planet HostelCustomer ReviewsFacebookCozyPlanet HostelXuitePixnetCozy Planet HostelCozy Planet Hostel4Cozy Planet HosteltripadvisorHostelbookersHostelworldFacebookXuitePixnet 626243-4993-9853-55103-10556-57101-10258- 615288-92106-111112-11850-51Northstar Instruments Co.Cozy Planet Co.64140 103414Cozy Planet Hostel70宿241 5536219 貿貿宿宿宿This hostel is only for customers of Northstar Instruments Co.Northstar Instruments Co. 宿43103213Cozy Planet HostelPhone This hostel is under Northstar Instruments Co.Northstar Instruments Co. This hostel is only for customers of Northstar Instruments Co.93103721貿宿宿使宿使 tripadvisorHostelworldHostelbookers FacebooktripadvisorHostelworldHostelbookers FacebookFacebookCozy Planet HosteltripadvisorHostelworldHostelbookersFacebook 106-111 112-118Cozy Planet Hostel 宿mARy10048Cozy Planet Hostel6Cozy Planet Hostel3 3 2415536219 981         104    2    4               2020 24111 12 1.             2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4.         104    2    4