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  • 裁判案由
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  • 審判法院
  • 裁判日期
    111 年 12 月 30 日

  • 當事人

110488 110 11277 100412101102000000000000 01011031058 11011277100412101102101103105810249 便調使貿貿貿駿駿調使 使使使401 使 駿使使使401 使 223225971 15951 401 使使調調 1191239510721922371175314555602312417 8 100 121058401 3550557177851972255795897067167207278068409359401048105311121113117311801260126313311332136013701429145814621517157616361694171017121870188119412031206420752101210821552157218722062224222622692286229323262381241524172465 101103105810249 1711 4 8101146 107811112931512233 2291 5532使523 77747571375 717274274 184便 7184519 453871029 936274742 871029742 7 749571使使 31011010778101101078 9599103101103 105811296997295 82717171 4102 285 681 調1103104 31732365103 調 571 使使 1調10010210211 調3473511541792調334335337338調2047205010171046調12361237 3調103810383,000 3223243233395658231241103813118 4調駿74780111341135101103209215217182183 退退103105使 5調調調調調調調1 232 1001033 使4 1154 6調調調調 100121058365,444, 317315,952,161104100105 242253調301 調1137161 21096 1 17918011381146 7 1101610212 2532598098152 2調 29801809815819827 8 03807807829 209219706 716 2 297433297 433 178433使285 433 285 使使 39899調調調1332729 22 2 1 使調使 2使 133 2227455356 242 4 13313363751 53565711121516181171197475駿105 2072091791801 10963181183 113163 2 調 4貿111 97110 73 99100 便 2 2 1311511611711810161031979 101610212220700 1325325980381510211124177102910 4586 8038076156231101673102810211121021011 102968771 KA00000001021241807 615 102108139 517177 712 調 6駿1044駿駿67駿駿3 117196駿駿駿89909394駿591 710382382392 810010102214230 9//便 簿3 8 便9 829 177637調249255339353373407431441449451465479487 489 使 Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit西2007 UCP6004541A credit by its nature is a separate transactionfrom the sale or other contract on which it may bebased....5Banks deal with documents and not with goods, services or performance to which the documents may relate.3434A bank assumes no liability or responsibility for the form, sufficiency, accuracy,genuineness,falsification or legal effect of any document, orfor the general or particular conditions stipulatedin a document or superimposed thereon; nor does itassume any liability or responsibility for the description, quantity, weight, quality, condition, packing, delivery, value or existence of the goods, services or other performance represented by any document, or for the good faith or acts or omissions, solvency, performance or standing of the consignor, the carrier, the forwarder, the consignee or the insurerof the goods or any other person. 101109654711081210932 243388249324使111125419426調 11調使使調 21401使 216215使使使711 調 4 駿10459 使使4143滿1112301 14151 3 41471103043 1100121058 151,878,928110113017118123駿111 111663調6365駿43 駿使 12151081225277262694 179571111230調1161827 401 使216215使17使401 711 216215使22使71177172177178 401使 17311 使71121571121510310 6使401 使401 使使401 17使55711 351 215 381113579 11151使 1011105927 219121417242 627 駿711 101113151625使401 711 216215使101113151625使401使 7172177178 駿401 使1011131 51625 311 101113151625使215 101113151625使401 55711 27 327 調退184 100121059 20582 33276 418 431 223811104123010571222 2 22 4014014546使3822 109 使 2991         111    12     30      20滿20         111    12    30   215 216使 使 711