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臺灣高等法院 高雄分院99年度重上字第31號


  • 裁判案由
  • 案件類型
  • 審判法院
    臺灣高等法院 高雄分院
  • 裁判日期
    102 年 06 月 13 日

     9931               991 139368102522 812 113 798094112336982 106 15102 4 2414513 10-1 93382 92Wireless ADSL Router927 8 退9111928 330uF+20% 25v 105c 8×1 1000uF+20% 6.3v 105c IC 25v 6.3v退2 447 1 3 388 354 2 360 使9119536.3V2 6325V 2 82.5360 102 4 10388 5 6 360 388 447 1 3 927 8 退9111928 退360 227 226 20,000,0005% 退退退 927 113,515,236 914 169211162,408,538 5,923,774 5,923,774 5% 927 113,279,089 3,321,886 933 275%20,000,0005%3,279,098 933 275%2,601,888 193,350 3,515,236 -3,321,886=193,350+ 2,408,538 =2,601,888 9111928 330uF+20% 25v 105c 8×1 25V 1000 uF+20% 6.3v 105c IC6.3V 6.3VLeakage current 2 63Max 63μA after 2 min. of application of w.v 25V Leakage current 2 82.5 Max 82.5μA after 2 min. of application of w.v927 113,279,089 360 227 226 3,279,089 360 277 17917 調41971 471784360 388 退 6.3V Leakage current Max63uA after 2min. of application of w.v 63uA2 25V Leakage current Max82.5uA after 2min. of application of w.v 82.5uA2 216 231 203394967 4 106 6025V 2 82.5μA 6.5V2 63μA A1A8B1B16 C1C16 GLORIAGAE 255 B1B16 C1C16 B1B16 C1C16 使C1C16 296 296-1 255 使退360 退139 142 A B C 25V A 使B 使C 使B B19 B20 1 140 119 Leakage Current MAX82.5 μA after 2 min of application of w.v2 82.5μA A 使A9A10 3180.258592 2025使A B 使B19 B20 1 140 119 B 使使A 使B 29IEEE20077 0000-0000 ElectrolyticCapacitor Failure Mechanism Due to Inrush Current 使Exceeding the voltage capabilityeven for a few milliseconds can result in the immediate failure of the capacitor, or its performance can be degraded over the longer term dueto high in-rush current 使使使Exceeding the voltage capabilityevenfor a few millisecondscan result in the immediate failure of the capacitorThe problem can be solved by using a wide safety margin between the voltage capability of capacitor and expected maximum voltagein anapplication. However, cost optimization requirements dictate the use of minimal safety margin2634 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY 1419849-14 1984149-14DielectricCharacteristics of miniature aluminium electrolytic capacitors under stressed voltage conditionsI-V Characteristics The measurements of the current transients, the I-V characterisitics, and the a.c. properties indicate that the main effect of subjecting the capacitors to the high voltages in anirreversible change in the capacitor dielectric characteristics as a consequence of a large increasein the resistance of the electrolyte and in the permanent leakage current through the anodic oxide3541使使 257-1 257-9 退2 30175 182 退 360 227 226 使226 1 227 退 A1A8B1B16 C1C16 B1B16 C1C16 使調307.381/MM7.543MM 6.631/MM7.027/MM 使使3031使ICICC1 C16 227 226 3,279,089 334 1 181709 927 113,279,089 2 3,279,089 3,279,098 933 275% 360 227 226 2 3,279,089 3,279,089 933 275% 449 1 78 102 6 13 2020 102 6 17 466 1 1 2