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  • 裁判案由
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  • 審判法院
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    106 年 07 月 27 日

       1051635                              106 76 24714210313,1501041229103424簿10533 103424簿簿247 3,150 3,150 58225 800750583564674簿 1,3001,150201070127 簿1,3001,100610074簿300 30076簿 1036079 簿101,200 83891083881,200 8891,800100 3,150 13 10361 10210 簿1001222簿 17312 1033251035137127103417103514332110361 10381810392210310810361 1036271037101035160400103417103514332110361 103627退1032103424簿1041229103424 簿17321052510525105512929110533 103627103424簿103424簿簿1031083,1506,30015,00042% 10533 10533 1991 2471893,150 10533 3,150 10533 5827使1001222簿 1039251039262047103927 5810512158滿16103 2154103109893 277 10629 )1.2. 10629 使10629 201978 105121便 105121使使退使2003 DONATEDONATEDONATE105121105121105121簿 1001222簿 簿103424簿1001222 1001022 3 1001222 1051212011500 500 1001222 1001222簿3150 1001222 3 100 12221001222簿 103 21541031091001222 103531103424101 1031035311001222 103627退退簿10361 退103424103424簿103424簿1103424簿 13簿簿簿105 111013簿簿簿簿簿103424簿103424簿1056001980(187-191退使105600 1036271032簿103424簿1037101035160400103417103514332110361 10361210361 103627退10321041229 103424簿1052510525105512929110533 103424簿105251055129291 簿簿10525 10551292911053151055142496100 103-117235-253調 10533 1722 64674簿1,3001,150 201070127 簿1,3001,100610076891079881,2008891,800891100 3,150 58簿6467簿70簿74簿76簿79簿83100 簿1001222簿 1001222 26-50209-211調1/ 21/21/21/2 99-100101-102104-105100 500 676774簿調55-58 2012/5/2 310152371-72(Er ick)We are spending a lot of effort and time on item which our father gave it to us, nomatter what itwill bring us someday.西Nian-S hin was given to me as a share holders among my siblings by my parents.Idon't know about Irene,Monica, but for myself, I can always donate my shares toa charity or Taiwan Government2012/5/23101523 73-74 (Fr ank)What you should worry is that how to wire thismoney step by step, time to time., when you decide to wire partial or total money into your US citizen account.20 12/5/2410152475-76 No wonder there is no moneyleft for the share holders. Because the officers eat upall the money.At the is rate the money you have beenputting in to keep it alive will all be paid in the form of taxes to Taiwanese government when it issold. And this is all done at the expense of the share holders.2012/5/31 10153177I had told you that it is impossible to make the same among all of us.Look at farther did ontayun share. Both you and me almost twice of your sisters.He never tried to make the same at the beginning. If he did this, how can be the same amongall of us.2012 /8/61018678Let me finish a few wordsI said regarding giving to Michael and Karen of Nina's share.I don't want another cursetobe imposed on me and my family if my promise to Nina for Michael and Karen is broken whenMichaelturns30. For this reason, if my promise to deliver whatNina had asked for at her death,I would give all myshares to the charity( likely to the hospital or her old nursing school) 302012/8/17 10181779-82Because the profit should distribute tos hare holder and will be charged personal income tax in the following year.100500100 15 83881,20088 91,800100 100 3,150 1001222簿 507 3,1501011126簿243 8 2,700 44501,800103424簿1006 1011126簿 2,700 7,200 56-57 1011126103424簿 1001222簿 5077533,150 3,150 10533 17312 使使使941821 簿16511001222簿 507 7533,150103424簿100 763 15,0005%6 簿103424簿10533 76315,000 5%3% 1041231041211 000000151041229173105251055129291 103調 103424簿100 763 15,0005%6 103424簿10533 763 15,0005%3%10533 17312 103424簿簿10533 1722 172 2 簿871776 103424簿100 76315,0005%6簿103424簿103424簿10533 10533 18910533 3,150 17312 10533103424簿 17223,150 10533 189 10533 79851 106 7 27 20 106 7 27