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    105 年 12 月 30 日

       10315                       103 調194 Larry Yeo 98101 3 160 000 005 祿0 00109 101 2 211059使 Visiontek Product LLC . Visiontek Visiontek 101 2 100 1229101 3 7 1 3 Visiontek Jeff HoeftJeffVisiontek 使Visiontek 159 1 159 1 159 4 調159 1 159 5 1 2 103 15174 191 調 Visiontek JeffJeff101 3 101 1 2 Visiontek 2 Visiontek 101 3 221 JeffI-Phone 101 2 21101 3794123 20225354101 2 22Jerry Visiontek Visiontek Visiontek Visiontek 101 2 gxore .com103 調194 調90104 113 103 3138395456 98祿祿101 3 16Visiontek Visiontek Jeff101 3 7 祿101 3 8 101 3 1622101 4 1 20225254祿201 202 196 197 4750101 3 7 祿1 131 5253調4246 Visiontek 101 1 2 101 3 16Visiontek Visiontek 2118 82282 342 1 Visiontek Jeff2152101 3 164 1 Visiontek 調9194213 224 101 3 3 5 9 101 196 101 2 211059 101 2 211059GXore Product Presentation for 4~12 display solutionDeal AllThank you for your value to attend GXore product presentation 221 39123 1 22101 2 211059GXore GXore 123 GXore GX100 7 GCGX series GC products GX series 祿祿follow1921祿101 GXGX series GXGXseriesGXore 西206 101 2 211059GXore product 101 2 221 39GXore product 104 2 226 391 39GXore product 1 調28101 2 2222101 2 226 391 38GXore pr oduct22祿101 2 E-MAIL22GXore 調29GXore 201 212 GXore Technologies ,Inc 101 3 7 Jeff使larry@gxore .comGXore .com3 4 調30193 GXore 101 3 使 101 2 GXore 101 3 GXore Visiontek GXore 3 20 GXGXore 101 2 221 39GXore GXore 101 3 使101 2 211059 123 101 ADVANCED MICRO COMPONENT CORPORATIONAMCC101 2 gxore 5 8 12GXore GXore 101 2 22101 2 221 39101 2 101 3 100 123 8 Visiontek 101 2 1 3 Jeff 100 1230JeffLarry ,Here is what I need for Q 2April 2000pcs of 4350 DMS59 ×16 250pcs of 4350 DMS59 ×1 Visiontek 101 2 101 4 6 4350101 1 25JeffLarry ,can y ou keep this skus alive for 1 more year500pcs 5570 VHDCI 4-port DVI version per month5570JeffJeffJeffVision tek 101 2 22197 101 1 25191 100 12301 187 188 Jeff101 1 101 2 1 Visiontek 100 1229101 3 7 1 3 Jeff1 3 JeffJeff4 Jeff224 102 331 38189 193 194 1 JeffVisiontek 2 Jeff435046507000Visiontek 使3 Jeff101 3 161 3 38189 193 1 3 Jeff Jeff4 祿chris 435055703650Radeon 7K 46504 4 194 4 Jeff 101 3 Visiontek Visiontek 101 3 100 12101 1 43505570Visiontek Visiontek 101 2 Visiontek 101 2 Visiontek 101 2 Jeff101 4 1 I-Phone 1 4350I-Phone I-Phone 100 I-Phone repairIPhoneJeff31383961691 3 203 22101 3 16 342 535 912656使802205873704 使 Visiontek 101 4 21Visiontek 101 3 2221Visiontek Jeff21233 JeffVisiontek 使 103 6 1800000000000 103 6 20342 1 5 1 1 1 2 303 342 1 5 502 1 342 1 342 1 Visiontek 101 2 使105 4485 152 104 1230105 7 1 2 2 381 1 2 3 2 4 101 4 Visiontek AMD5450 AMD5570 AMD5550 PC使100 10101 2 22gxore .com使101 3 16101 3 22101 4 Visiontek 317 342 1 301 1 53656 293105使764986161 1 92128 使 981118Jeff981122William chris 993 22Jeff1 100 1229Jeff1 Jeff101 1 181 101 3 7 祿1 100 128 1 25101 3 8 Whois .domaintools .com 1 AMD 5450VC5570VV5570VC5450PCB 4350Visiontek 43504350PCB 退43504350101 8 151 Visiontek 4350557054304550101 1 102 293 2 Jeff4 祿101 5 9 Visiontek 101 3 22101 4 5 Visiontek 101 3 8 16PC使Visiontek 101 3 224 Visiontek Visiontek Advanced Micro Devices LLC .AMD 使20225254197 AMD Visiontek PC使2223557689 AMD5450 AMD 5570AMD5550 PC使101 4 Visiontek PC使317 Visiontek 101 1 2 101 3 16Visiontek Visiontek 101 4 202728101 5 Visiontek 435055505570Visiontek 使21225354129 祿207 105 7 5 105 1 8495105 7 29105 3 AMD 136 140 PC使100 1222PINs183 186 114 115 199 201 VC5570VV5570VC5450PCB Vision tek101 2 104 107 107 108 127 129 104 11241217104 93202 Visiontek 992425 祿Visiontek Visiontek 202 Visiontek 108 128 Visiontek 祿Visiontek 203 205 210 211 祿Visiontek 101 2 Visiontek Visiontek 317 VC5570VV5570VC5450PCB PINs317 317 使使使105 39 祿198 199 200 祿201 212 祿使102 124 135 使 PCPCB PCPC229 233 237 AMD AMD D 222 223 2930 使 biosAMD biosbiosbiosD biosbios236 241 253 256 262 264 244 247 22 317 祿3 197 198 199 200 祿祿 981118Jeff981122William chris 993 22JeffConfidential1 Confidential to Compet itor Confidential調149 154 155 158 159 163 ConfidentialConfidentiality Notice197 Confidential198 Confidential to CompetitorConfidential 317 318 2 使 230 243 bios238 100 1222PINs183 186 21130 Visiontek 101 4 198 101 3 1622Visiontek 101 4 22101 4 27101 4 28Visiontek Visiontek Visiontek 101 4 10101 4 PCB 101 5 2430101 4 101 4 5 101 5 241 243 101 4 5 調bios101 5 6 263 101 4 PCB layout101 5 PCB layout105 4 27309 101 4 PCB layout101 4 AMD 2 3 layout2 3 connect 使236 237 251 biosbios使AMD BIOS調255 257 264 265 101 4 5 Visiontek 101 4 134 202728Visiontek 105 9 30PI&INVOICE3037101 4 Visiontek 101 4 祿2 101 4 102 17101 3 22Visiontek 101 4 202728Visiontek 21Visiontek 1 Visiontek bios1 祿2 祿100 101 3 Visiontek Visiontek 317 1 Visiontek 342 71115992318 104 1158301210873704AMD5450 AMD5570 AMD5550 105 44854350PCbios342 1 4350 317 4350PCPCB 317 105 4485 317 315 315 1 316 318 2 319 237 1 6 872379 101 105 AMD5450 AMD5570 AMD5550 101 105 1 1 55AMD5450 AMD5570 AMD5550 101 105 13435043501 1 551325101 105 4350105 8 5 4350105 8 5 1 143 205 299 1 342 2 1 2 1 411 1 1 105 12 30 10 滿20( ) 105 12 30 342 51 / 1 100 12From : 4350 101 3794 297 larry aba@hotmail .com[ 189 48 mailto : larry aba@hotmailDear Jeff, .com] I will start the preparing materials process and advise you on the new operation that will support To : Jeff Hoeft ;larry the financial term after starting .I may arrange new aba@hotmail . com financial people to meet Visiontek in CES to talk on future co-operation.They will only responsible for paperwork operation in USA to arrange shipments from Hong Kong.We will be clear after the CES meeting to process the operation.Please stay tune.GPUs supply is enough to meet new POs then.Thanks ! Br., Larry 2 101 1 From : larry aba@hotmail :4350,4650,Radeon 7000 102 331 108 .com [ mailto :larry 38 44 aba@hotmail .com] Dear Jeff, To : Jeff Hoeft ;larry Status for the GPUs availability as follows : aba@hotmail . com 4350-Supply up to your Q4 this year needs if based on 3K per month is OK.We will stock up the GPUs qty once the OA term operation starts. 4650-10K qty NCNR to AMD is ordered and secured in the OEM source.Leadtime for AMD delivery is late April.Starting boards delivery will starts from late April.This GPUs will be stock up upon availability from OEM source. 7000-Current doing re-design with Mobility GPUs which pin definition is different from DT type. Should know if it works before Chinese New Year holidays.Current available from the spot source is 10k.May need driver support on the mobile GPU ID.TBD .This GPUs qty will be stock up once it is OK. Note : The new support operation will provide good finance to secure GPUs stock which are limited in supply and meets VT long leadtime,stable demands with more other business.Most important is No LOC for future business and convenient for your planning . Any question,please do not hesitate to ask.Thank you 3 101 3 From : Yeo Larry[ mailto Design Operation for Visiontek Business 101 3794 7 2 :larry aba@ hotmail .com] 193 03 Dear Micheal and Jeff, To : Michael Innes ;Jeff Please be informed that my last day of work with GC Hoeft Technologies Inc.terminated on March 16th.,and as from that day,I will be assisting GXore Technologies Inc.directly for exclusive Visiontek design and business in USA starting April. Aill engineering R&D people in GC Technologies will eventually be joining this company as from April onwards.Please find information of the design company and appreciate all your support.I will be totally dedicated to service Visiontek business and more supporting as from starting April.We will have some minimum OA terms for startup and eventually increase as according to the business requirement. All is undergoing credit check for the process. Any question,please do not hesitate to ask ! Thank you very much ! ! Br., Larry 4 101 3 From: Jeff Hoeft Design Operation for Visiontek Business 101 3794 8 7 194 03 To : Yeo Larry ;Michael Larry, Innes 1) What should we expect from Chris now ? Is he going to give up our business and close down or will he fight to keep the business? 2) Do you have any inventory yet? I need to place POs for April delivery now.I need to know availability on -4350 DMS59x16 card-2500pcs per month for remainder of year -4350 DMS59x1 card-500pcs per month for remainder of year -5570 VHDCI 4-port DVI-500pcs per month remainder of year -3650 Dual DVI card-500pcs per month remainder of year (Can you still make these?) -Radeon 7K PCI-000-0000pcs per month remainder of year(mobile ASIC?)-4650 DMS59-750pcs per month remainder of year (can you make PCB shorter so it's same length as 4350 DMS?) -Candyboard support or direct with Riitek model? 3) You need to source new,high quality fan for all of these cards.I don't want the spike fan anymore as it is failing more than expected. 4) Are we going to meet the new factory? Are they coming to Chicago? 5) Is this different factory than planned? Seems like different name? 6) What is our credit line? You said we would have Net 30 and $2 million credit line immediately. 7) The new company will honor repair or replacement of GC Tek RMA product under warranty? I cannot afford any interruption in delivery for April and I need to know we have credit line in place and you will have product to ship me in mid April.