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    109 年 03 月 20 日

        10614                         105 53109 2 12 32331 1 2 332 341 2 371 106 10271226107 2 275 29108 8 6 107 1113調108 1 3 108 2 22108 5 24108 9 6 138 159 184 267 調109 1 20361367369 370381384109212 2調 371 3851 10338 00012EUNICE SPA 16調調82115 82910 Pantoea spp.Pantoea Pantoe a使Pantoea 0000000 10339 123118412 195122722711951200 10338EUNICE SPA 181 18EUNICE SPA10338 使EUNICE SPA184121951185 ANTISAMIN仿 調調Pantoea4 200 5 Pantoea Pantoea 12141510338 5656使Pantoea Pantoea 1 Pantoea 使仿使使 1033816 163012Pant oea Pantoea ANTISAMIN仿 調調Pantoea412 277 8929使使103 1311277 groberBehandlung sfehler200512743-44 1.10338 30032 1630104 324310338 1010使1153103312Pantoea p.agglomerans105112 105000050211051163Pantoea 1116Pantoea Suspectp revi ous PID related103125 尿174073PFCloudyRBCWBC2160160/CMM10332101102peritoneum biopsy chronic inflammation104 109 1 224220Pantoea 2.1031254 1Pantoea1031Pantoea Pantoea 10338 3.10338 Pantoea 213 10Pantoea217 19701971antoea2007135 Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases20152515Pantoea.agglomeranscontaminated catheters 162 91CVL 165 1 使TienamMepen2Pantoea 56575856Imipen nem2Pantoea 使 103312使 2Pantoea使 1020002010Pantoea 66.616.7intra-abdominal infection11.1 soft tissue infection5.6p neumonia89Pantoea Pantoeaprimarysecondary 4. Pantoea 910 Pantoea Pantoea 48366 35992 Pantoea 1.962032 2.15151 103 103314216 調 1.371調 調93 2.調 調 ANTISAMIN 使 184121951 18522722711951 10311 PantoeaA10338 PantoeaBPantoea 201108101 1080500373Pant oeaagglomeransxuRG2282 10862410311PantoeaPantoea 使ABPantoea 78 109 3 20 20 109 3 20