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    110 年 05 月 13 日

       10990              10814710 Future Opportunists LLC Skandic Commodities FundSkandic 10110Skandic1011012 Future Opportunists LCC SkandicHSBC Bank of Bermuda Hamilton000000000000Skandic Options Strategies Fund Ltd.10110 1850 15911 調15911595104 3 1591調 Future Opportunists LLC1011012Future OpportunistsAPEX FUND SERVICES 1011128Skandic104 226Skandic105826Skandic 108220APEX FUND SERVICES108129Skandic 1074229 9176773113114117119 108821108002898610811191080337145調1081217調10835567160Skandic Options Strategies Fund Ltd. HSBC Bank of Bermuda Limited0000000000001082741333187211214 56161510050001072 使107210721611072 1041230 10571 222238115 Skandic 退502%10742295818310391046107422956 APEX FUND SERVICES104226Skandic17 3821101 退250*2%*2=2滿1 330 603815 FutureOpportunists LLC1011012Future Opportunists LCCSkandic FutureOpportunists1072 1542301130816 40867649861619128192128 10811191080337145Future Oppor tunists LLC1011012APEX FUND SER VICES1011128Skandic 105826Skandic Future Opportunists LCC 1011012 FutureOpportunists LCCFuture Opportunists LCC Future Opportunists LLC10110121074229913 133144119124Skandic Future Opportunists LCC 16162 Future Opportunists LCC Future Opportunists LCC Future Opportunists LCC 1 181 120 138143Future Opportunists LCC 29913011161107211 411425 110 5 13 20滿20 110 5 13 107 515 161