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臺灣高等法院 臺南分院108年度上訴字第1003號


  • 裁判案由
  • 案件類型
  • 審判法院
    臺灣高等法院 臺南分院
  • 裁判日期
    111 年 09 月 28 日

1081003 1081004 000000 000 105490107134108 2271058219143091071 10514962 ( ) 118204043464853656768118204043464853656768 (1941424749526669) 118204043464853656768118204043464853656768 (1941424749526669) 1-51-61-71-81-181-251-281-34 1-483 31 1-581-623-23-33-43-83-103-113-183-193-203-223-243-253-294-44-54-74-84-9 4-114-124-134-154-165-155-165-175-185-195-205-215-22 6-28-19-69-810-124-1 908110281 10111 1058 () 104123186 10281( )98 102( )85 ()103 10388 103調 104778103 1038 96 97 10338 10381 104 8102 1037 10381 90SMSAMJTTMJSUPJITIJFEAEEIJAIJMSIJADEAMLEJASTJCIJEDIEEEAQCT AMRJASTIJFSNIJMSIJHMIESANNCIAMIJPIJSLLJP-2IJPOMIJESSAE-TPJIT-DSAE-TPJN10退 102 George Reiff ()()()... ...使 ()741 21Universidad Empre sarial de Costa RicaEmpresarial ) CONESUP 4 3 George ReiffDaniel Odin2GeorgeOdin 19 181855(57 )調UNEM UNEM 調 CONESUP(UNESCO) (IAU-)UNEM 1,000 使 CONESUP 21 Odinwww.0000.international000使 10223 4 GeorgeOdin 使1 1820404346485365( ) Universidad Empresarial () 00000000000000( )00000000000( ) 00000000000( 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via Knowledge StructureAQCTRep resentatives of Religious Fitness of Elderly People JTTMUniversal Tavern Trick Assembling Identif icationSMSCollege Operating Predicaments and Homologous Strategies under Low Birth Rate SituationAEE使10 31010 使103112510436 10421 3,279(2) 1049 稿IESANN7Commerce and Management LearningTechnologies of Information GroupSAE-tpEmerg ency Care System Development via Cloud Computing SkillAQCTAdvancement of English Reading Compreh ension Skill via Electronic Picture BooksIJEA AHC Payment Innovation SystemsIJFMRPS App lication via Architecture of Android PlatformIESANN New Business Pattern of Socio-Technical Niche GovernmentsSMSControllable System for Impro ving Product OperationSAE-tp 使使1041027104113010521 58,654( 1) 使 41032 使1031117稿 SMSChif Structure and Corporate Characteristic of International HotelsSMS 1031218 稿Pair-Stage Compensators Design via Pareto MethodAQCT Optimal Couple-Stratum Regulator DesignJIT System Reduced Order Regulator Design via O.S.D MethodIESANNOptimal Compensators Design via Si mulated Annealing Method(SMS)Polybasic-Aim Optimization via Fuzzy-Development MethodSAE-tp 4 2 使1 6122 4 103224 22,624(2) 1048 3 58,000 104829使稿JTTM3Strategies for low birth rate associated trourism operating difficulties(IJEA) Online-banking adoption impact elements in tourismindustry(JTTM)Humanity bilingual students collation examination(IJDE)使使10482910491 9781017 4 使162 63 4 163 64 6 使104112510412289781017 49589772使 16364 6(3) Best system harmonic percolation achievementSMSBest couple-tier system controller designSMSManageable achievementsystem controllerIESANNPrime sub-eigenstructure appointment system adjuster designAQCT4 10463 SMSIESANNAQCTEI 11,40045,600( ) Study enhancement via intelligent mobile game learningSMSProduct replacement deportment within farther design domainSAE-tpModular neural unstable code organizationAQCTConcract examine synthesis of academy pupils' bilingual entertainmentAQCTSchool operating strategies under low birth rateAEE510468 SMSSAE-tpAQCTEI 11,4007,6003,8003,8003,80030,400() AI based wisdom contents ofsocial networkIESANN10469 IESANNEI11,40011,400()Modular neural unstable code organizationAQCTCollation and diagnosis of e-commerce skill in different countryAEEEfficacious greenhouse optimal strategy via fuzzy gradeoperationSMS3 10464 AQCTAEE SMSEI 7,60011,40011,400 30,400() 調 調 : 1591調使159215931591 15952 調995208105128 10781757 109612 1 5911594 159 511595159115941591159420393 49574710314631103131215480481 3840210 SMSAMJTTMJSUP JITIJFEAEEIJAIJMSIJADEAMLEJASTJCIJEDIEEEAQCTAMRJASTIJFSNIJMSIJHMIESANNCIAMIJPIJSLLJP-2IJPOMIJESSAE-TPJIT-DSAE-TPJN 調調調調調調調調調調調調調調(345912712815615817017118318923222221822323223932374359 80888898123 555455167167170172223226226 2302302362382452481671752814231651651771779698154182186 4156127135136 7990153191346347182183233243) 調(5960111223)( 16717710010125)2015.04. 稿00000000ISSN10692610600040940 PayPalCIEPS-ISSN104416104629(6313654597986951061091221243942385113814361522592633135180) () 使 GeorgeOdin117 (224227 )使 Odin Odin .pl 57 GeorgeOdin 7 西57 57 使 (104) GeorgeOdin 使 使 GeorgeOdin2 19181855調UNEMUNEM調 CONESUP (UNESCO)(IAU-)UNEM 1,000使 21使 10223 4 165 1 1820404346485365 使 ( ) 19414247495052 8 ( 194142474952)2,000GeorgeOdinGeorgeGeorgeOdin西DHL 滿42 ( 使165)11718 5 Odin使 105519 使 使627 使165 調 (2481015171173178148149154160163165172173 175176179183195196203205212218222224226227939699101168169173174 5711141923153156173175189194199201212214348101415192068717778828387889394146147150151154155159160163164167168172173175176179185 18819019319519619720621023723925225325725823101114152022313448516271198199214 21923323468699597 14014125271112642728191204使) 165 (102105) 11820404346485365 調(2922 32556171757711311412212697981771791801831891911961981112636515415979101339343 使)調調 EMBA103 2014080000-00000000-0000105400調調 631365459798695115118120121 1131232611147881) 11718 使 105519 使 使627 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( ( ( ( ( 使(Influence Factors of House P urchasing Decisions...( ( (707176 ) 仿1 42使 1 9192 167 1 2 104 使103 104103103104104 103 103 70104 104 103510 4747 調(10353047 ..( )47...103530478 ( (10468...5 10381 5 5(338)( 103 103547 ...10310206...( ( (5 1035647 (3739 13)(10551147 47 ( ( 45( ( 46( 1 ( ( (47 ( 140143)105726 4713 使4747( (47 ( 47 474747 47使475使 使 513 415 513 415 (1106244) 101111058 15105217 6 15370 7 2 1 (104) (104) 27283940 AI() 35ElSCI 146148155157) 2 65702 2 1581601631641039(308313)1041215 24324512281257237 Quantum karnaughmap and reed-muller expansion for the reversible TSGquantum logic gate design-耀3 879090Bestcouple-tier system controller design- 8991909390110410AI Based Wisdom Contents of Social Network- 152 859211049 Influence Factors of House Purchasing Decisions - 1591Study Enhancement via Inteligent Mobile Game Learning - 10839092 415 102 15105217使() 使使使 2 2 47使 4 10392910421 208,091 AI based wisdom contents of social network104106 10521 44,3506 10431710451 174,613 (510353020(30 20(30 20( 6)調使104 ( 使( 1 (21 1 21( ( (606768)( ...10310206...(稿SSCI 稿(3739)( 6(66...(6稿 ( (稿 (138140)稿使稿稿1稿 稿103 稿稿稿使使 使 使 使 (1213) 1038721 93稿IESANNAEESMS103926使1031212 10421 167,026調 (59 637174141521222522531392532534934771963435)1038721 1041201040000533( ) - 105400調調105771050005855 91164692427118128145147 1 021017231,000 103346稿IESANN使10311251043610421 3,279調 (80838893 2522532333253253488 477196570)1021017 Advances in Engineering Education Multi-Managers for Arrangement via Bayesian NetworksMulti-Fugleman for Arrangement via Bayesian Belief Networks 1031126 7 1037- 105400調調105 771050005855155157283184120122105115145147 10497 稿IESANN使1041027104113010521 58,654調(223232 4252253 253488477 4019635490494)調使145 145148999697419420- 1063 9106000179210577 1050005855201591520159211601657282145147232235) 使 000- 00000000使1022103224103627103110391022 22,624103 1 1031117 使稿SMS Chif Structure and Corporate Characteristic of International Hotels 1 031218稿Pair-Stage CompensatorsDesign via Pareto MethodAQCTOptimal Couple-S tratum Regulator DesignJITSystem Reduced Ord er Regulator Design via O.S.D MethodIESANNOp timal Compensators Design via Simulated Annealing MethodSMSPolybasic-Aim Optimization via Fuzzy- Development MethodSAE-tp 4 1043510400271 8314085210434 (3579 515212612813513814714816826626797982425 2123489 420422276277)104 1201040000530 -104 321040001311 1031111 10610201060008774 1030122 102830106512 1021031022 103110311031117 10512281053 1061271060010156 10610201060008774 105771050005855 調1101013調11003308530調1101013調 1100330853015085881581622838145147181967150246249323327343351 1048 3使 3 Strategies for low birth rate associated trourismoperating difficulties(IJEA)Online-banking adoption impact elements in tourism industry(JTTM) Humanity bilingual students collation examination(IJDE)稿 JTTM10482910491 9781017 4使 1626 3 4 1041125 1041228 9781017 4958977 使163 64 6 6 3 ( 167174252254208139253253493477196 36572)調使 515314897 242416418458462 2 - 1 2 10410121040008347 ( ) -104101510401 40906(4 )1052241050001269 ()-()1053181050037777 1112231110015255( 3)121291323 調( 稿3 7...( ( 1038Collation and Diagnosis of E-Commerce Skill in Di fferent CountryEfficacious Greenhouse Optimal St rategy via Fuzzy Grade OperationModular Neural U nstable Code Organization3(10387211037( ) 3 7 1038721 ( 371 2...(71038(321( 3 103910393 103624343,580 21 10591711351152Line滿1(1021017) 1033452( 103929)()... ...(213215) (103... ... 使使... 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Advances in Engineering EducationMulti-Managers forArrangement via Bayesian Networks Multi-Fugleman forArrangement via Bayesian Belief Networks2831231,000 調( Commerce and Management Learning Technologies of In formation Group 1049Emergency Care System Devel opment via Cloud Computing Skill6 6(10410276( (1052 ( 1049Commerce and Management Learning Technologies of Information Group6( ( ( ( 1041130 (Commerce and Management Learning Tec hnologies Of Information Group201591520159216 2 wordpdf...Ching-Hung Shen IJDAIJDEUJDA調2015/9/21 9181 145 調( 10478 104 829197101210412282( 1052)951012 6 ( 21048(104829) 1052(1041228) ... 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105725930調 1057251121 105725933調 1057251119 105725957調 1057251211 105726113調 105726212調 1055111055調 1 Lo Yun Jung 3 (103226103309 (1033309 7991021280921367 477,500 186187 1624 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251319322 調調126128 (103) (48680239103227234,0007,500) 3391216212使 18 18 5 90,400(000000-0000×10322730.35+7,500=180,800÷2=90,400) 236,000(470,000-234,000=236,000) 1 2 Lo Feng Yang 22 1036506 110361306 2499103120061-3-3) 3103831061-3-3 477,500 10369263,5001039117,500(40692164) 41110116 105712 10365103916477,5002 160177 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251292294 調調1126128 339412216212使 193750 193750 3 105,450(000000-0000×1036930.05+7,500=210,900÷2=105,450) 206,500(470,000-263,500=206,500) 2 3 Wu Szu I 5 (10392409 29791009 139710112809 210163009) 283,500 59413744 103922268,50010392415,000(696921) 103115103274035,00040(111216152 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251256259 調調126128 339412216212使 242500 242500 3 226,100(000000-0000×1032530.37+283,000-0000×10392430.28=452,200÷2=226,100) 145,000(435,000-290,000=145,000) 3 1 1032506 110321306 310210345061-3-3 410385061-3-3 435,000 4 Yu Shu Chen 6 (103924103.8.5()09 29791009 139710112809 210163009 283,500 556976 103924283,5006922) (10-1-2)10311710327635,0002102(103)117610312937131517152 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251272275 調調1126128 339412216212使 299250 299250 3 241,105(000000-0000×10321130.365+283,000-0000×10392430.28=482,210÷2=241,105) 145,000(465,000-320,000=145,000) 4 2 1.(103506 2.10321306 310210345061-3-3 410385061-3-3 21032510 31032510 465,000 5 Kao Ruey Chu 7 (10392409 29791009 139710112809 210163009 25 57415360 1039245025119 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251264267 調調1126128 339412216212使 342500 342500 3 290,505(261,000-0000×102101429.435+500,000-0000×2×10392430.28=581,010÷2=290,505) 134,000(395,000-261,000=134,000) 5 5 102101406) 1021034506 1031022:06 395,000 102101102101120195,0001021011395,00079 1021014261,000(33148) 調調126128 Chia Ping Shun 9 (10392409 210392509 139910312809 210393009 25 58414552 1039245019 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251260263 調調126128 6 Wang Yi Min 8 (10392409 29791009 139710112809 210163009 283,500 56416168 103924283,500118 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251268271 調調1126128 339412216212使 266750 266750 3 212,450(261,000-0000×10292529.52+283,000-0000×10392430.28=424,900÷2=212,450) 139,000(400,000-261,000=139,000) 6 3 10292306 11021034506 210393006 40 10291366 102925261,000(148) 調調1126128 7 Tsai Yu Lien 10 (10392409 29791009 139710112809 210163009 291,000 103924103116283,5007,5006970979820 412536 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250255 調調1126128 339412216212使 298000 298000 3 216,275(261,000-0000×102102429.445+291,000-0000×10392430.28=432,550÷2=216,275) 194,000(455,000-261,000=194,000) 7 4 102102106 1110203450610 21031022:06 455,000 西170171 調調143145 1021021455,000201017 1021024261,000(150) 調調1126128 8 Pan Yi Tien 11 (10310180910-1-12-2 21031120910-1-12-2 6991031440910-1-12-1 2103123109 447,500 (10-1-5) 1031125268,50016072 4194101 105711 103111310311183417,5002 143159 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251284287 105400調調7881126128 339412216212使 178750 178750 3 103,300(268,000-0000×103112530.95=206,600÷2=103,300) 179,000(447,500-268,500=179,000) 8 9 Chen Ping Kun 12 (103111709 1103121009 13991031440910-1-12-110-1-12-2 2103123109 477,500 103129238,5001270 10311141031118326西1909810-1-510-1-15 10210941 105711 10311141031118(10311141031118103125326187500) 122142 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251288291 105400調調7881126128 339412216212使 193750 193750 3 87,990(238,000-0000×10312931.26=175,980÷2=87,990) 239,000(477,500-238,500=239,000) 9 10 Lin Hui Min 13 (10311270910-1-12-2 210312240910-1-12-2 41001031280910-1-12-210-1-12-1 2104150910-1-12-2 477,500 (09)(10-1-15) 1031223246,8751370 104121032217225226230231237239 778541 105711 1031128103121010312186208,750208,750 7088 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251276279 105400調調17881126128 339412216212使 193750 193750 3 91,63391,632(246,000-0000×103122331.805=183,265÷2=91,632.5調1) 230,625(477,500-246,875=230,625) 10 11 Tsai Cheng Chou 14 (10311280910-1-12-2 210312240910-1-12-2 139910314409 3104150910-1-12-2 447,500 10-1-12-2(10-1-510-1-15) 1031223276,8751370 869341 105817 103121710312195317500 10412199209 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251280283 105400調調7881126128 339412216212使 155000 155000 3 106,633106,632(276,000-0000×103122331.805=213,265÷2=106,632.5調1) 170,625(447,500-276,875=170,625) 11 12 Hung Hsiu Er 15 (1047120910-1-12-1 1047170910-1-12-1 91001041440910-1-12-1 6104915091-3-210-1-12-1 477,500 202212 12413041 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251299302 105400調調7881126128 (10-1-15)(104715276,76573324) 339412216212使 1550001550003 107,313107,312(276,000-0000×10471531.07=214,625÷2=107,312.5調1) 200,735(477,500-276,765=200,735) 12 13 Yee Li Wei 17 10482609 21049509 2613100104128091-3-4 121041215091-3-4 44 151157 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251311314 調調126128 (9-710482444)(108265) 104826187,000(74220) 339412216212使 195000 195000 5 110,955(287,000-0000×10482632.545=221,910÷2=110,955) 153,000(440,000-287,000=153,000)5103,000 13 14 Liu Yung Sung 16 (104102909 1041140910-1-12-1 33100104128091-3-4 121041130091-3-4 468,850 (0910-1-12-1 (10-1-210-2-1104102301041027168,850104102834) 1041029260,25016075) 41138144 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251307310 105400調調7881126128 339412216212使 189425 189425 3 97,555(260,000-0000×104102932.57=195,110÷2=97,555) 208,600(468,850-260,250=208,600) 14 15 Lin CHih Chan 18 10512 0910-1-12-1 12105111091-3-410-1-12-1 36100104128091-3-410-1-12-1 14105131091-3-410-1-12-1 417,000 (0910-1-281) 10515294,41777161) 202 41131137 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251303306 105400調調7881126128 339412216212使 163500 163500 3 114,109114,108(294,000-0000×1051533.1=228,217÷2=114,108.5調1) 122,583(417,000-294,417=122,583) 15 16 Su Hsin Ching 19 1051609 11105111091-3-4 6100104128091-3-4 4105131091-3-4 40 41117123 10612710600101561055241050004541246247250251295298 調調126128 (108) (9-7105154010516265,000)(77) 339412216212使 145000 145000 5 99,230(265,000-0000×1051633.27=198,460÷2=99,230) 135,000(400,000-265,000=135,000)585,000 16 17 Huang Chun Tse 20 1052109 3105220910-1-12-1 312100104128091-3-310-1-12-1 8105250910-1-12-1 431,000 10-1-510-1-12-1 LINE2728 10521300,460171116207 調調西(135136 145150 105400調調7881126128 339412216212使 17500 17500 3 116,780(300,000-0000×1052133.45=233,560÷2=116,780) 130,540(431,000-300,460=130,540) 17 18 Kuo Tien Yu 2 (102122309 48(99102120091-3-3 210312209 630,000 使102121643EA0000000(9-6) 調調126128 (23523624010212310212196371033620) 1021223231,000(6102150) 3391216212使 31 31 10 223,355(231,000-0000×102122330.015+335,000-0000×1036330.055=446,710÷2=223,355) 399,000(630,000-231,000=399,000)10299,000 18 16 104808 10361208 21011046008 2(10483108 84 (08) 10353084216 (6810363335,850) 調調126128 19 Wu Jui Feng 4 (1037209 129910312009 210373109 50 50107111 (6810371234,850) 調調126128 339412216212使 22 22 87,495(234,000-0000×1037129.93=174,990÷2=87,495) 19 20 Wang Ping Chuan 21 10511509 2105128099-8 391001041280998 4105228099-8 35 1.調調(126128 (108) (9-711227110511435105119269,500) 339412216212使 325000 325000 5 198,750(269,000-0000×10511433.535+260,000-0000×10532132.465=397,500÷2=198,750) 290,500(350,000-269,500+470,000-260,000=290,500) 20 32 105321049-8 2105322041-3-8 106531304 210653104 47 1.233234 2.調調1126128 (1082) (9-711827410531747105321260,000) 21 Kao Yi Chin 8 10281006 310210345061-3-3 6103830061-3-3110312010 382,850 便(06) 105816 (102819382,850) 188198 (78102823261,000) 調調126128 3391216212使 155000 155000 3 100,470(261,000-0000×10282330.03=200,940÷2=100,470) 121,850(382,850-261,000=121,850) 21 22 Chen Liang Wei 10 10281306 310210345061-3-3 6103830061-3-3 470,000 便(06) 107112180 調調126128 (102) (102829231,000) 3391216212使 155000 155000 3 85,490(231,000-0000×10282930.01=170,980÷2=85,490) 239,000(470,000-231,000=239,000) 22 23 Chen Chu Hua 16 Date10281606 11021034506 2103101006 42 西184187 調調126128 (102) (78102104231,000) 3391216212使 165000 165000 3 86,095(231,000-0000×10210429.405=172,190÷2=86,095) 189,000(420,000-231,000=189,000) 23 24 Tsai Chia Hung 7 10291006 210210345061-3-3 4103830061-3-3 47 便(06) 調調126128 (102) (148102912261,000) 3391216212使 305000 305000 3 100,765(261,000-0000×10291229.735=201,530÷2=100,765) 209,000(470,000-261,000=209,000) 24 25 Wang Yun Hua 11 10291006 310210345061-3-39-5 6103830061-3-39-5 47 調調126128 (102) (148102912261,000) 3391216212使 155000 155000 3 100,765(261,000-0000×10291229.735=201,530÷2=100,765) 209,000(470,000-261,000=209,000) 25 26 Hsu Yung Lin 14 Date:10292306 11021034506 210393006 40 便(06) 103102103175177 調調126128 (102) (148304102927261,000) 3391216212使 155000 155000 3 100,910(261,000-0000×10292729.59=201,820÷2=100,910) 139,000(400,000-261,000=139,000) 26 27 Hsieh Ming Chun 12 10341506 110341706 210210345061-3-3 4103815061-3-3 39 (20) 103416265,00039156 (152153 調調126128 3391216212使 15 15 3 102,285(265,000-0000×10341630.215=204,570÷2=102,285) 125,000(390,000-265,000=125,000) 27 28 Chen Yi Lin 13 10292306 11021034506 210393006 8040 便(06) 10 (152153 4.調調126128 (102) (10-1-378151481029232492,000246,000) 3391216212使 155000 155000 3 93,410(246,000-0000×10292329.59=186,820÷2=93,410) 154,000(400,000-246,000=154,000) 28 29 Cheng Hsu Tai 15 Date:10292306 11021034506 210393006 8040 便(06) 1618 (146147 調調126128 (102) (10-1-378151481029232492,000246,000) 339412216212使 327255 327255 3 265,735(246,000-0000×10292329.59+404,000-0000×1037329.93=531,470÷2=265,735) 154,000(400,000-246,000=154,000) 29 5 (10308 11037508 11011036008 2103103108 (21) 404,510 10373681510373404,510) 161827 (146147 調調126128 30 Lin Wen Chang 21 10322006 4103224061-3-8 11021034506 2104220:06 47 103220261,00037154 25 調調126128 (103) 3391216212使 19 19 3 100,150(261,000-0000×10322030.35=200,300÷2=100,150) 209,000(470,000-261,000=209,000) 30 31 Ko Huei Ying 26 1036()11 110361911 11031044511 2104618:11 47 (10-2-115817153103616275,000103618263,000) 調調126128 3391216212使 205000 205000 3 101,445(263,000-0000×10361830.055=202,890÷2=101,445) 207,000(470,000-263,000=207,000) 31 32 Wang Su Ting 17 10382606 310210345061-3-4 3103103110-1-12-1061-3-4 10 110 2103103110 478,135 103826(103826292,00006159) (6976103826292,0001041148,135) 調調7881126128 339412216212使 19 19 3 120,048120,047(292,000-0000×10382630.02+8135=240,095÷2=120,047.5調1) 178,000(470,000-292,000=178,000) 32 33 Peng Wei Hsiang 18 10393006 110393006 11021034506 21031030:06 291,000 103930291,0001866 調調126128 339412216212使 10500 10500 3 115,030(291,000-0000×10393030.47=230,060÷2=115,030) 33 34 Lee Li Chuan 22 10310306 410310810-1-12-1061-3-4 10310310-1-12-1 11031044506 210410706 22105107便10 47 10-1-12-1 (10-1-32210310647) 103107261,0006985) 105400調調7881126128 339412216212使 19 19 3 100,020(261,000-0000×10310730.48=200,040÷2=100,020) 209,000(470,000-261,000=209,000) 34 35 Chen Kai Tung 25 (10310150610-1-12-1 21(10311140610-1-12-1 2(1031044510)1(1011034506) 2(1041115102(103111506 40 (72178103111140261,000) (10-1-159/15772507500827500) 1041029104112710710-1-12-175757616016110010210810491610410291041127374,57810,00010,000) 105400調調7881126128 (108) 339412216212使 45 45 8 264,599(261,000-0000×103111130.62+374,000-0000×104102932.57+10,000+10,000=529,198÷2=264,599) 571,922(400,000-261,000+000000-000,578-10,000-10,000=571,922) 35 25 (10491610-1-12-107 2(1049210710-1-12-1 105.12.15307 2105.12.1507 827,500 36 Li Kang Hung 19 103101806 110312206 11021034506 2103123106) 415,000 (0610-1-5) 調調126128 (701031127291,000) 339412216212使 195000 195000 3 114,585(291,000-0000×103112730.915=229,170÷2=114,585) 124,000(415,000-291,000=124,000) 36 37 Huang Yi Ho 24 103101806 21031114061-3-8 11031044506 21041115:06 44 0000-0000110310301031110251922519228589 (721031111261,000) 105711 1289104 調調126128 339412216212使 175000 175000 3 99,880(261,000-0000×103111130.62=199,760÷2=99,880) 179,000(440,000-261,000=179,000) 37 38 Chang Yu Kuang 23 103111706 1103121006 11031044506 210412906 44 103129231,00011270) 105711 103111410312534122110512110-1-5 調調126128 339412216212使 175000 175000 3 84,240(231,000-0000×10312931.26=168,480÷2=84,240) 209,000(440,000-231,000=209,000) 38 39 Ou Feng Niang 33 1103111408 10-1-12-2 11021044508 2104111508 25 105816 103111025 183186 105400調調7881126128 (10-1-3701031112261,000) (108) 339412216212使 8 8 3 69,190(261,000-220004000×103111230.655=138,380÷2=69,190) 25 39 17 (103101308 11011046008 2104111508 40 Ou Luo Tung 12 (103101308 21031114081-3-8 3100103600810-1-12-1 310312310810-1-12-1 79 105816 103111179 183184185187 (2372210311102521031111371,0001031112261,000) 105400調調17881126128 (107) 339412216212使 35 35 5 154,880(371,000-0000×103111130.62=309,760÷2=154,880) 408,000(790,000-11,000-371,000=408,000) 40 41 Shen Hui Ju 2 (10371908) 21001026008 210312008 10315ANGELA.PANGILINANHILARIOC.ORTIZ00000ANGELA.PANGILINANAngla00000HILARIOC.ORTIZ)08 () 20 66 80 IJHMSMSAEESAE-TPAQCT96138 180 110114 1041215(115116) 調調西218219 1041111 (10271920) 西 10435119 調調126128 3391216212使 7 7 70,020(200,000-0000×10271929.98=140,040÷2=70,020) 41 42 Chen Chi Chih 3 (10331810363008 110332008 10010360207211 103630207211 207211 244,850 103317244,8507156 調調(151153137140 調調126128 3391216212使 9 9 92,055(244,000-0000×10331730.37=184,110÷2=92,055) 42 43 HU Hsin Lan 4 (10342508 (10343008 410010360081-3-3 4103630081-3-3 () 63 (10-132110342363) 103425103428295,000188,9102394080) LINE6567 (154155 調調126128 3391216212使 26 26 5 211,650(295,000+000000-0000×10342830.305=423,300÷2=211,650) 146,090(630,000-295,000-000000=146,090) 43 44 Chen HsiangFeng 8 (1038108 510010360081-3-3 51031031081-3-3 1(9-5ANGELA.PANGILINAN00000ANGELA.PANGILINANAngla) 70 調調126128 (107) (6024610386344,000) 339412216212使 27 27 10 141,955(344,000-0000×1038630.045=283,910÷2=141,955) 356,000(700,000-344,000=356,000)10256,000 44 45 Cheng Hao Chan 7 (1038308 210010360081-3-3 31031031081-3-3 () 70 (173) 1038265(0814159686910387103826292,0005) 調調126128 339412216212使 245000 245000 5 140,945(342,000-0000×1038730.055=281,890÷2=140,945) 358,000(700,000-342,000=358,000) 45 46 Yen Man Rong 1 (103101808 1(10462208 11011046008 210493008 () 73 (10-1-5103111743104152510415573)(10-1-326) 10491458,147547381104617328,276) 調調126128 339412216212使 295000 295000 5 162,242162,241(328,000-0000×10461730.97+58147=324,483÷2=162,241.5調1) 343,577(730,000-328,276-58,147=343,577) 46 47 Wu Kuan Yi 11 (10308 (103103008 11001036008 2103113008 (3-6) 55 105520 103102855 115 (68) 調調126128 339412216212使 245000 245000 244,570(550,000-0000×103102830.43=489,140÷2=244,570)55(431432) 47 48 Chen Yu Hsin 13 (10311808 21041120810-1-12-2 11011046008 3104380810-1-12-2 (3-6) 65 LINE203205 10418366,0007271) 105400調調7881126128 339412216212使 245000 245000 5 150,955(366,000-0000×1041832.045=301,910÷2=150,955) 284,000(650,000-366,000=284,000) 48 49 Lu Fang Yuan 14 (10312108 110312308 11001036008 2103123108 () 338,500 (08) 調調126128 (103121338,50070) 339412216212使 12 12 163,160(388,000-0000×10312131.09=326,320÷2=163,160) 49 50 Shin Pai Ling 18 (10491608 210492108 110110460081-1-34 21041115081-1-34 () 848,503 (08) 調調(126128 (104911878,50375) 339412216212使 394252394252 391,667391,666(848,000-0000×10491132.585=783,333÷2=391,666.5調1) 50 51 Sheen Feng Zu 19 (10411308 10411408 1(08) 11021046008 2104123108 () 35 10515LINE229231 (10411233576) 調調126128 339412216212使 12 12 142,340(350,000-0000×104112332.66=284,680÷2=142,340) 51 52 Chen Tien Wang 20 (104101908 1104102008 1(08) 11011046008 2104121508 () 48 調調126128 (10410848102) 339412216212使 21 21 207,370(480,000-0000×10410832.63=414,740÷2=207,370) 52 53 Zheng Yu Shan 28 104916049-3 31049210410-1-12-1 10-1-12-1 105915304 210591504 427,400 0410-1-12-1 105400調調7881126128 (104916291,9580475) 339412212 161000 161000 3 113,409(291,000-0000×10491632.57=226,818÷2=113,409) 135,442(427,400-291,958=135,442) 53 54 Hsu Li Wen 29 104101504 110410200410-1-12-1 1051015604 2105101504 477,500 0410-1-12-1 1041015258,3308775) (10-1-2206208) 105712 98 1 104.10.2013049 105400調調7881126128 339412212 193750 193750 3 96,880(258,000-0000×104101532.285=193,760÷2=96,880) 219,170(477,500-258,330=219,170) 54 55 Chiao I Chieh 30 105180410-1-12-1 21051280410-1-12-1 106131304 210613104 477,500 10-1-12-1 104820298,8551051273,8185818418618719019310-1-4(10-1-2208) LINE1EMBAEMBA21184186189 105128185194 105400調調7881126128 調調1129134 339412212 193750 193750 3 117,697117,696(302,000-0000×10512733.64=235,393÷2=117,696.51) 174,827(477,500-302,673=174,827) 55 56 Chiang Lin Te Yin 31 1052200410-1-12-19-3 110532204 1062283(04 210622804 399,000 0410-1-12-1 ()10-1-15 105318259,600LINE1(36) 105400調調7881126128 339412212 154500 154500 3 97,355(259,000-0000×10531832.445=194,710÷2=97,355) 139,400(399,000-259,600=139,400) 56 57 Chiu Yen Ya 22 (10321208 1(1032121-3-8) 2110310560081-3-4 22105213081-3-4 71 調調126128 (102) (15215410321433620) (239241-11032271034245015) 3391212 27 27 10 99,650(260,000-0000×1033330.35=199,300÷2=99,650) 450,000(710,000-260,000=450,000)1035 57 58 Lin Hsuan Hsuan 23 (10321908 110322508 2110310560081-3-4 22105220081-3-4 77 調調126128 103224610335211,000(58180103154) (239241-1103341034225021) 3391212 305000 305000 10 105,165(271,000-0000×1033530.335=210,330÷2=105,165) 499,000(770,000-271,000=499,000)10399,000 58 59 Shih Yu Ying 10 (10381508 210110360081-3-4 41031031081-3-4 268 10382637736915815908) (696064103826103923371,110,000) (2093103821238230268) 105400調調7881126128 339412216212使 86 86 10 464,995(1,110,000-0000×2×10382630.02-2000×1039229.965=929,990÷2=464,995) 1,570,000(2,680,000-1,110,000=1,570,000) 59 Pei Min Hao 6 (10381508 110391208 310010360081-3-4 510310310813410-1-12-1 1(10-1-12-1) 1(10-1-11) Pei Tzu Wen 9 (10381508 310110360081-3-4 41031031081-3-4 1(10-1-12-1) 60 Chen Chiu Lien 26 (10311607 1103121707 1051216207 2105121607 821,000 調調1126128 (10-1-5) (1031215322,9007076318) 339412212 345000 345000 5 130,080(322,000-0000×103121531.37=260,160÷2=130,080) 498,100(821,000-322,900=498,100) 60 61 Chou Jui Hsing 27 (104101707 21(1041020079-5 (1061015207 2(106101507 60 調調126128 (108) 1041016305,2506(097512102) (267) 339412212 22 22 10 150,260(365,000-0000×104101632.365=300,520÷2=150,260) 234,750(600,000-365,250=234,750)10134,750 61 62 Su Chin Lai 21 (10518089-3 2105111089-3 2(08) 29610460089-3 410521089-3 79 調調126128 (108) (77105111420,000) (271CK00000007910517) 339412216212使 31 31 10 176,560(420,000-0000×10511133.44=353,120÷2=176,560) 370,000(790,000-420,000=370,000)1027 62 63 Chen Cheng Chuan 28 (1053230710-1-12-1 110532807 107323307 210732307 799,000 10481910-1-12-1 105400調調7881126128 (118105325378,400)(330) 339412212 344500 344500 5 156,530(378,000-0000×10532532.67=313,060÷2=156,530) 420,600(799,000-378,400=420,600) 63 64 Hu Lan Ya 10522710-1-12-1 10-1-12-1 416,363 ()EMBA10-1-12-1 1052273345010533382,91310533390,913EMBA68 105400調調7881 339412 163182 163182 3 107123調(158159) 64 65 Wu Yen Huan () 27 1045120410-1-12-1) 31045300410-1-12-1 105531204 210553104 47 105400調調7881126128 (104513236,50072) (108) (32210451247) 339412 212 87,520(236,000-0000×10451330.73=175,040÷2=87,520) 233,500(470,000-236,500=233,500) 65 66 Shen Chia Hung 1 102712103.1.2709 210312009 157,500 10312336150152102112810312315,000315,000330,000157,500) 調調126128 216212使 48,490(157,000-0000×10312330.26=96,980÷2=48,490) 66 使 使 67 WuYungChen 6 103211103851038506 110321306 3102103451-3-306 4103851-3-306 44 調調126128 (10-1-220910321144) (15210321132) 216212使 274,980(320,000-0000×10321130.365+350,000-0000×1036530.08=549,960÷2=274,980) 120,000(440,000-320,000=120,000) 67 使 使 15 2(103211104808 1(10361208 11021046008 210483108 440,000 (20210352944) (5310352910365671,00030,0002) (350,85008) 1(08) 68 ChangChia Wei 9 10282206 3(10210345061-3-3 6(103830061-3-21-3-3 40 調調126128 (102) (102828231,000) 便(B3102.8.28231,000102.8.28) 216212使 206,915(231,000-0000×10282830.03+303,000-0000×10361830.055=413,830÷2=206,915) 169,000(400,000-231,000=169,000) 397,000(700,000-303,000=397,000) 68 使 使 24 (103617103807) 2(103619079-5 105.8.312(07 2(10583107 1(9-5)  70 (105) (244103616) 103618303,000(6810) 69 Shih Ming Chiu 20 2(10412206) 11041221031044506) 2(10412206 4(10412210) 210412210) 調調126128 1(10) 216212使 69 使 使 / 1 102. 10.29 103. 03.27 Quantum karnaugh map andreed-muller expansion forthe reversible TSG quantumlogic gate design SAE technicalpapers v.49,NO31028 - 87 83 90 78 耀 90 81 2 103. 03.24 103. 06.23 E-Commerce Industry SkillRequirements in DifferentCountries IJA v.32,NO3InternationalJournal ofAdvertising - 95 94 92 95 97 90 3 103. 09.10 104. 01.15 the stakeholder model of theyan-shuei firework paradetoward sustainable touristattraction annual qualitycongresstransactionsAQCTissue 11032 - 90 / 90 90 90 91 // 94 4 103. 09.10 103. 12.01 Digital Integration inBeimen LOHAS New Education Advances inengineeringeducation2014.08.08 - 79 71 67 60 65 68 5 103. 09.10 103. 12.01 - 76 82 91 60 65 68 6 103. 09.12 103. 12.01 Control and Validation ofWinning bids in anElectronic Bidding System SAE technicalpapers v.50,4 - 65 70 e 50 60 67 61 7 103. 09.22 103. 12.01 Electronic Absentee Votingsystem in Taiwan Storagemanagementsolutions(SMSIssue 5,Sep,2014 - 80 70 66 60 63 62 8 103. 09.23 103. 12.01 Cultural heritagepreservationA textualanalysis on V.S Naipaulstravel novel Annual qualitycongresstransactionsAQCJissue 2 - 81 60 63 68 80 75 9 103. 09.24 103. 12.01 The Intellectual Structureof Creative IndustriesStudies in 0000-0000 JOEBM vol.2,no.11032 - 74 82 63 61 68 60 10 103. 09.24 103. 12.01 Love and sexual in williamblakes visions of thedaughters of albion 171037 -- 89 82 65 63 60 83 11 103. 09.26 104. 01.15 collation and diagnosis ofe-commerce skill indifferent country advances inengineeringeducationVol.5, No.31039 - 92 89 DSP-BasedAndroid 91 94 90 90 12 103. 09.29 104. 02.11 best couple-tier systemcontroller design storagemanagementsolutionsSMSIssue 51039 - 89 91 90 93 90 85 13 103. 11.17 104. 01.15 chif structure and corporatecharacteristic ofinternational hotels storagemanagementsolutions(SMSIssue 3 - 94 90 95 95 91 91 14 103. 11.25 104. 05.20 Mult-fugleman forarrangement via bayesianbelief networks IntelligentEngineeringsystemsthroughArtificialNeural Networksv24.Issue 510310 - 80 / 86 85 耀 90 89 80 15 104. 03.04 駿 104. 05.20 Universal TravernManipulation AssembleIdentification Storagemanagementsolutions(SMSIssue 610311 - 85 90 89 82 86 91 16 104. 03.17 104. 05.20 Study Enhancementvia InteligentMobile Game Learning Storagemanagementsolutions(SMSIssue 51039 - 92 Android 90 83 90 88 85 17 104. 09.01 104. 10.07 Strategies for Low BirthRate Associated tourismOperating difficulties InternationaJournal ofEducation &theArts,Volume13(1) 1011 - 93 90 95 89 85 89 18 104. 09.23 105. 02.17 2 Influence Factors of HousePurchasing Decisions Storagemanagementsolutions(SMSIssue21043 - 91 DSP-BasedAndroid 90 86 88 調 80 80 19 104. 10.06 105. 02.17 2 AI Based Wisdom Contents ofSocial Network The IntelligentEngineeringsystems throughArtificialNeural Networksv25.Issue 1,1042 - 80 85 87 92 調 82 e-Learning 90 20 104. 10.26 105. 02.17 Housing Prices Evaluationvia Hierarchical Model Storagemanagementsolutions(SMSIssue 4(EI)1047 - 86 86 85 82 90 84 21 104. 10.27 105. 02.17 Commerce and ManagementLearning Technologies ofInformation Group SAE TechnicalPapers V51,No21045 - 91 85 90 82 86 93 22 104. 11.25 105. 02.17 26 Strategies for Low BirthRate Associated tourismOperating difficulties InternationalJournal ofEducation & theArts,Volume13(1)1011 - 90 85 90 90 80 86 1 () 使 2 (1) 201,00038113 3 (4) 5038113 208,091 4 (2) 4238113 44,350 5 (3) 4238113 6 (5) 4738113 174,613 7 (1) 2138113 167,026 8 (2) 231,00038113 3,279 9 (1) 58,654 10 (2) 22,62438113 11 (3) 12 () 45,600 13 () 30,400 14 () 11,400 15 () 30,400 1-1 000 1 1-1-1 1-2 1 1-1-2 1-3 3 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