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臺灣高等法院 臺南分院92年度上訴字第1373號


  • 裁判案由
  • 案件類型
  • 審判法院
    臺灣高等法院 臺南分院
  • 裁判日期
    95 年 06 月 27 日

    921373                                                 西 891059137692919 8814613 8924675589349258944989993412195 12240 8788417 883020165,000.000 88101288268830調調調調 88 38911 877 88 882193883988318 884使 使調88430000000000000 00000000000008846 0000000000000 0000000 0000000000000 00000000000000 886 886 2488624 0000000000000-0 0000000000000000000000000000 861220891188滿893 89520 89312 退調調 調調1592調2 54334189105912455216217 271272272277調調調951209430392970 5 258259調調調 582 使調使 調調765717216516622029032573177 303304891059281 625726012888310 89105921675766242 121289105912913 235840740889105911168 239489105911167 5,000000990430.xls 990513.xls990716.xls17357 768 8812162 25433 418910591245 884176149 調2 31432388417 88417 5218220 941409404500070 322894713094045147704177941489105912955209951209430392970 5258259 5212 951209430392970 928220920263687089105912149 839038345088417 2 88225310 88417 884303 88101272218910596258 22124 841 513 175 101 88310 4156215123 8453814648調9273009202612290891059114 47194 883888310 88311 731632389105912 1415341 318 7304891059121920377318322891059 121988225 8817415 513 621562159226216215 12388225310 8817123 4 15123 6215 2651 使調15952 95310 8933315 889 889 892229173 88358839891376225 891376224 8839892229207 1258839 89222917127 125185192 926180920241471088219 8805160 883505160 1588219891376 4122129 893 8839 89222917357 5121227185 892229208839 8931588 3989315 88312 8839使948309400546430 949589286936970 8839 370 22使 89315 88616 8819628 88616 88398839調 948309400546430 使 13721680 3 38339 使使使使2 使使 8 調調8922299 886789222917178 88915 00000000000000000 89222920 89520 717089520 891376225 89520 8811108811892229173 48 889738811 91711 調8829使使調調 使使732 8829712 726 調0000000000000 43調71410000000000000 8922293 6892229 389222913 891376278913762185調88460000000000000 0000000 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 0000000 0000000000000 000000000000007134137 892229138843調89222914使 調89198924880603388 896 退8897389810調99-19-29-3741599461155調7 32608913764205212 8939調8812 調調調7858913762194 調調稿7141調調8913762189調770 8888888889222936調 調30 88252088240000000000000-0 734 882589137619019188232711263011242593122809301029230 1165 調7 14168913762192194 8824 0000000000000-0 00000000000000000000000000000 8886240000000000000-0 00000000000000000000000000000 8843088122調 稿稿稿便調 8839 513 711 9121571 1 215 71 1911121 131017711128565537175 101 101 11381378518812 8867888 14710 513 1543011 調29310553656764986 88312 使調20487調 887814710 734 765 8913554978 2702調382423調887814710 742 6 調89135583891376388 調 調163 166 89312 調 877 88512 215 1543011 775313 215 643 883 89222917319 調89137622930 7340314 8913762152154 ElE2 215 215 調 708813 2651 使調159 52 315 1 293 92267794716 8912131 8612208839 89312 7171209 7240762 9283389312使 7 243 稿3139調 調95310 使使799011使895 27稿3126129139 13794257241 13 89312調 8982811 132 131 8911132 131 132 177 132 132 88568812調132 8856調8812調88831 88121689529 8812調 88748 88830 調31305115122 5,000000990430.xls990513.xls990716.xls89529調 調415 11調2628489529 調2397398 88122407408 4178132 使131 132 883 531 61調887788調調132 132 88225 882 225 3832310 310 311 311 3123121314225 315 317 318 88315 便 208822558832 8831078 使 1543011 30816 88430520716 5,00000035776888318 88101272218910596258 88225 88417 88430 457 88417 111 88318 使89529使 61427167623 4 13 使87882 25882 225 38322 4 3 10310 31124 311 3123121314225 315 317 318 88315 5 便998 23982 4 500 500 413 000000000 88122228 使 使 1562調2 使使2 1495483 調調2883宿7170171 調8910593811891059312 882 2834333189105946669 4 調89105931214 88 310 860953使00000000088122228 西使 (00)00000002237238 89105911121141153185186 51319 89105911178 使 89105911171 88383450 14883 1513125126 6750 188762287402 346151602801409412279281 861212188411784396212 881231 (88)882003311158 159 30816 2 88382 4310311 4 383931067323316 726288311 3123147111112461624 154 8961稿稿892299203 1231124 891059213831047952 1999.3.11. 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Explain and let her understand w e do not have tim e to finish. A s I explained above, everybody w ithout M s.D oong know s hard schedule ahead of us. If you can not finish this w ork w ithin a certain tim e, w e w ill be in a big trouble 88653 24稿886172398861886 16 8845 884 884 8910594853884 使 使8910594184 8910594190調調1196退 使11110111使2 135 使 210 85182 6 6 123 8910594184 調89105941928910594185 使 使 W2ψ3010W230102530510 802使 穿6 1,500 12 885 30 2240443 88529 444 530529使530 調888 198821764 29698 調調 調 調1 131 調43114269530 89105910101調 調 調4304 89105910104883173188858888218 調891059109395調 調4307308 調調89105910137138調調調調891059109496調 88827 8922501788348834調 88618 88618 885 89317 8958885 調調8910591096 531 531 531 稿 調西8910591010310489105910104 1261 88827 88827 881118971589105969294 1a90111a11-3.xls調8910596102 使1143滿 143 使89105949598 89101 891059499101 使使使便 仿 144 16123 調 5 5 使使16便使8910597212213 調調調調 917259278927248910598171187 917819910103104 88531 8910599178180 14 320531 8910599180926 261999318 使 531 88531 調 531 PLANT 88.04.218910598173 8910595251252 PLANT D1D1PLANT 500×315mm D1PLANTRD1500 ×320 mm D1 D1PLANT 23.2×11.5×5 CON T0107885276 646×22.8× 6.523×11.4×6.523×11.4×6 8910598171172 2%3 調3 230×115×56 西仿4254貿41131 63 seats 88530641d7d7-newseats 88530641d7885314612:46AM 91725 d712:46AM5311200:46AM PC000112AMPM1159AM11:59 1200PM12:00121259 PM12:59PM01:001301001159PM11:59 1200AM12:00024D7AM 1246 1246046 88531 使使 SUP44AB 稿SUP44 seatsd7 302mm SUP44 ABSUP44AB AB 4.42 SUP442-310202 1102105107稿 8910598177使88.05.31Pa1 88.06.01Pa1Pa5886172Pa1a2 891059774 891059774 1104 廿調調 531 HD PE稿 PK3沿 W S1W S5使PVC PVC8910598178 886172PVC14 4691725 PK389 10598178179 W S1W S58910598183185 PK3W S1W S5沿 88531 HDPEW PL3 885301812:18 AMHDPE調 HDPE14HDPE 簿88530 529 調調7 48435 18使 88528 8852989 1059524488529 90111a03.xls885281050 88529 稿5283 990803.doc調750 88529 88530 88528105092626891059914114388529 90111a11-3.xls 891059524988531 8910595251891059525213 使 88531 11214 885 2988531 8853118 90111a11-3. xls90111a03.xls90111a11.xls 90111a03.xls90111a11-3.xls90111a11-.xls 稿 90111a03.xls88529848 稿72 90111a11-3.xls88531354 稿990111a03.xls81 90111a11-.xls 885317 30稿590111a11-3.xls1390111a03.xls6888529稿 便11088531 4 使 .xls .xls Jam es LinA thens88520961213146 116 88530 .xls () ()926268910599146147 .xls 885311211891059823090111a1-3.xls885313 54.xls .xls .xls 1393881 21 88530220 8853092 6268910599148Su-Pro Su-Pro SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT PLANNING & DESIGN CONSULTANTS INC 使 Su-Pro 90111a11- 3.xls8853135490111a11-3.xls7136161718.xlsD 14D 10 3.xls90111a14.xls90111a17.xls 5.31 88531 .xls 88831101788531 90111a11-3.xls90111a11-.xls 134 2 4 3 90111a11-.xls 8878721113316,759305,45912143,1602,05090111a11-.xls 231沿 90111a03.xls90111a03.xls8852990111a03.xls 1,03690111a11-3.xls80590111a11-.xls 72490111a11-3.xls90111a11-.xls 90111a11-.xls .xls 90111a11-3.xls 197,060,32561,824,844 2714 稿 8897880535911149157 使()()() 88615 90111a19.xls90111a 19.xls6.12 92788910599192195 88616 886188616 92788910599191 245387 90111a11-3.xls88531354245 90111a11-.xls 88531730220 90111a19.xls8861510 3387 88616 8910597223225 90111a11-.xls 90111a11-3.xls ()88383419202122 ()89 10591020 90111a20.xls90111a20.xls88621 390111a20.xls88615886 1688616 90111a20.xlsATHENSJAMES LIN11 92626 8910599143167 稿16" 1 稿 稿 375 886 9 8869 90111a11-.xls 調9011 1a11-.xls 690111a11-.xls 891059109988612886916 92718 稿稿 88614 88616 稿8861722 稿使90111a11.xls 8853135490111a11-3.xls 88531 調8861調調調88615 貿貿 便 891059786 貿891059787 89105978890 貿便便便 調 11109 調 16263 891059 7213214 8910597222 891059774 8910597212213222 退 413 210216使 使 614 881226 西 西 881220 3183018000 881222062594 55 1222 61461 5 154 4086 216901171415 901176 14561456451 調 西 西 21 116122064 13 簿141 80 西 2213 使 2651 881226西8812208913761192195 89137611852 5167西881220881226調5162164 22138812201 5166 1842213 5172 216 14590117 (90)190002176406 88122288122589245 西9011946901194789412301800089526 6145 6589137611862237238 881220881220881222285170西 調614 5 使使 36836913642991513 1321711372         95    6     27                 95    6     28   PLANT ()RD1 88531237PLANT 88531 ()90111a03.xls 3103690111A11-3.xls88530 805 ()D188427 PL11 ()92727PL1PL5PK4PL6PL10 88529 88530 885 31537 () PL118782887828 879238710 8788121 D14.dwg 88527 D1488527使使052988527 D148852788 53088530 AUTOCAD便 使 () P-1.dwg86117 P-2.dwg86117 PK1.dwg86117 BASE-01.dwg861219 SHEET.dwg861219 D3.dwg87122 ()D7.dwg8125 D8.dwg8125 PS1.dwg85626 D2.dwg86117 D3.dwg87122 D12.dwg861219 DIR1.dwg861219 DIR2.dwg861219 Le1.dwg87122 E1.dwg87420 WPL3.dwgHDPE88326 WPL1.dwg88427 D1.dwg88427 D10.dwg88427 D11.dwg88427 D13.dwg88427 FL1.dwg88427 FL2.dwg88427 () D4.dwg88520 88519DIM-010.dwg 88521885 18 ()00.dwg8612198861 11 2~3 漿6~7 4~6 11 13 4 槿 槿 槿 姿 姿 姿 2~3 使 500~2000 1000~2000 FLORA OF TAIWAN FLORA OF TAIWAN 3 () FLORA OF TAIWAN 1000 9278 510 PVC 531 91725 1820 調 便 E1-E5 Li1-Li5 92724 稿 235,410,225 稿 ()110 90111A03.XLS 235,035,135 稿72 () 90111A11.XLS 342,013,994 稿9 () 81 調 90111AXLS 264,379,393 稿4 () 76 調 () 216,707, 90111 ,695 A03.XLS 4 稿 310,067, 90111 632 A11-3.XLS 56 調 239,733, 90111 286 A11- XLS 調 266,042, 176 稿 90111A20. 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