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臺灣高等法院 臺南分院98年度重矚上更(二)字第240號


  • 裁判案由
  • 案件類型
  • 審判法院
    臺灣高等法院 臺南分院
  • 裁判日期
    102 年 05 月 20 日

98()240                       西                   891059137692919 8814613 892467558934925894498999341219512240 使使 95524711 使 使 8612209012208788219 310 8911262 99123 3 使 88121588225 25310 5 88430520716 5,000,000 8810125 8872688830調調調調 88227 883810 225 383238310 3 11311 123121314 225 3 151717318 315 5,989 18使9982398212,370,527 883 8911877 88 882193883988318 883 使1 1055000088329 調105588329UK23866964 43105 0000000000000 0000000000000 461,184,0961,064,0660000000000000 104,441 000000015,589 0000000000000 1,064,066 00000000000000 使 886188628869614 12調6 使 調調 調1592調調1592調調5433411059455216217 271272272277調調379012644 58調調951209430392970 258259調調調調 15912 1583175 調調186 15837121962236112481271227111 調使159 111583963527984923786699994 調調71321322122126151153調調 1591895198939 調調1592調 15912 89658971調897767176896168965897770179177調調調8971調 15912 1583175 調調186 15837121962236112481271227111 調使159 111583963527984923786699994 調調調125117080-8113521872調調 調159289398965調30-381376 31-34134-13540-421059175-176調3842調調調調調 159189519調 調1592調 15912 8971調8977176896168977179 177 調調8971調 15911594調15911595 7111 2651 宿 86108734 882 19 18 宿883888310 7A4 16A4 調調使調調使 便8838使 8832 87121588225 調302-303314-315322105915 88225 88227 88225 271059184-1851059 8-9調 7203-2047 203 882273688218826001638 1059263-266 調7203-205105912-13調 10598 73 871215調871215302-303 88225 317 303-304 88219 87.3.240912413-19 3638 10-13 8 1059137-138 7 204-205 170-171 1551 10598 676888318 10596788228 34 88120 212 2527219 87.3.2409124343634317 38調31-3260 88219 13-19 77-105882188260016381059263-266 8838883172301011891059179 88 3101188310 88311 2 25105919219378-79 2088225 88328488225 : 88225 315 88225 310 調317105916 88225 38310 311 調315 8838310 10591026534 225 10591738310 10597 1059265 調302 883888311 150-151 調88311 88312 8831213 1488315 1661626768退 8961稿稿8922992088312521999.3.11.URSI89229919 311 4041 8831124 1059138 調31011 89521999.3.11.URSI8922991988831 8838346888312URSI 88315 4041調88311 883121314 1517204 311 88317 簿115-124 1059176 調48 調調50 調531059174 69 1059172 調4142調調50調 88317 1588315 125-126 127-129 88317 18130-132 3188331136 調88.3.15 32-33 調40 62 5 53 88315 188214821418130-132 88318 59318 105919 88318 59304105924559105920 調3181059 19591059115988315 88318 130-132 調59 88225 882 27 883 15 6750 188762287402346 15160280140941279281 861212188411784 39621 2 881231(88)8820033158159 87121588225 225 276 38310 310 311 31214 317 318 使使使使 88318 9983984,5895,98599839845891023 99430520716 3-5 99716 99716 99716 613388318 2998398 5,985 75,200,0001 3.8 138 19,789,473500 2,24352647,479,473 12,370,5275,985 47,479,473 889 892229173 8835883913762425137624883989222920883 7126883 893 88132 883989222917127185192 926180920241471088219880516088358805160 1115882191376122129 893 1669708839 167 7022使177 89315 8939 使100 5 1055使調732 3105調51050000000000000 調71408834調1 571388843 10588431058843調105 43105 8 3234353637-3942 調調貿UK238669640000000000000 7125-126127 調調790 調770 5 105 調調116-117 調 5 13767 105 88461,184,0961,064,0660000000000000104,4410000000 15,5890000000000000 1,064,066 000000000000000000000000000簿 0000000 0000000000000 00000000000000105 7134137 89222913調89222914 調8861989624880603388 896 123 退7 90-91 調777-78105 調105 調調調7851376194調調稿7141142 調調1376189 調調調105 741599461155調5 5 5105395 882 12573260 105 調105883-4UK23866964437111 使 886188628869614調 調36105107 4735886149-50 162-1648861 1059196-197 105919488610101059195 1059191-193 1059185 601059188 調7477調82861059184-185 253033374145497684851010 28611059190 62633459471059191-193 88751059185 25303337498861 886188626411335212443 64510739886 74886 828865418864886545886 476 10886 887 5 1059185 69614調 7588756 311105922 8861886916717032814510使使使6 14調使 使 9553029571102 10212 955309571 2 1012210 212 6149011798422 6 使614 95524 711560712171 942295712121958 2828 311 311 711 311 335 335 5556使957 1 41136 131 9011056 131 411 56123 1 使9011041 515 20302030711 28335 5521 41156 21 311 311 使5556311 37 50 5010212310200012451 50()()()()51使2150 413 413 75513668373663614 8612209012208911262 99123 3 871215使使使 使12,370,527614 413 614 1321711 使216210使使31128 使5655 使 513 95155 711 311 28311 5110550 711 1 100 105 886110使17711使96 4243213 使711 15423101調1542308 使使使1002980 301129310540867649861619128 1 92128 875 884 55415 便 500 5 88430520716 調199922526 3 105 5 884 317 5 225 310 5 2688310 5 105916757624212 調1999225 1999310 1999415 5 303-304 調126 51059913 調5 5,000,0OO 5 16189623調5 220 55105981257 2608 5 5 5 5 358407408 1059168 39410591675,000,000 990430.xls990513.xls990716.xls1757688812165 2 5 5,000,000 500 5 88310 105916125 調5 4 317 10591675242 303 105913165290105990303304655,000,0OO 5 161 5 220 88225 225 38310 311 31518 883810105979-10 265 220 5,000,000884305207163-5 5,000,000 1,840,000調 1,840,000 65184 500 5,000,000 5 5 21245 882253105 5 5 5 1022使使使使996570415 54334145951209430392970 259 884176149 調314323 88417614調8853188 62212 214 調216 調273 調簿271調調 927300920261229094140940450007094713094045147094713 09404514770973190970024424010594228178252 92822 09202636870 1059149-150 使 使9282209202636870使415 62159226500 882253105 5123 5 10550 91105 8911883 877 88 884使 100 300100使調10558843105 0000000000000 88461,184,0961,064,0660000000000000 104,441 000000015,559 0000000000000 1,064,066 00000000000000 886 5088624 5088624 500000000000000-0 500000000000000000000000000000 886758885 513 9 1215 使882 893 88.04.03105 88.06.2450 使100 100 使31055 調105 0000000000000 88461,184,0961,064,0660000000000000104,441000000015,589 0000000000000 1,064,066 00000000000000711 886 50 調調8922299 7-13886789222917178 3 88915 00000000000000000 892229209 895 207170171 89520 8913762589520 81228811 88625 2050886 2450500000000000000-07348862550 20137619019150624 0000000000000-0 00000000000000000000000000000 8 132-13788624500000000000000-050 00000000000000000000000000000 50 50886 232761162630611 624 6625506 6931228 093010292308862327611 65194-196203-20450 8843088122調6 60050 調調600 50 501022使使使使996570使 38-39 使5 10 調8 61-64 使使使 7214-2257216-220220 221-223224225 使 1163104 113 4 121 2 149158 105550513 88675 888 5 513 513 105 9 1 711192020631059202062 191 215 711 215 215 92367792679294987111215 55 88225 88225 892566 88225 調312314129調8831662 124126 55 877 88512 215 775313 215 643 883 89222917319 215 74137629307340314 1376152154 ElE2 215 215 調 56 883 531 61調887 7 88調調88565 8812調5 5 88滿2 883 89520 5089312 10550 888 5 5 5010550 2 退 132 8877使 105505 滿滿 105 50101 132 5 10550 5   1312 413 使調885 528稿 530 530 531 531 使使槿使使使使239,035,155342,013,9946 1 34,015,058 526 7011,500貿貿貿稿貿22,188311,976,832 71.12 7029,87070.0220,997 使調889調使 413 88383426519 521稿14614717 90111b06.txt90111b07.doc15015188383454 88531 8838341735317 9011a-3.xls .xls9011a14.xls9011a17.xls16175910892299238922997 PVC L16-D0001-D0002ALE1-LE2L16-D0101-D0105A Li1-Li5L16-D0201-D0205AE1-E5DL16-D0201-D0202 ADL1-DL253161 883834195 3188383432稿883834228588調858 8922995-1 5-4888198821764 96985 1313.xls8922993-390111a11-3.xls 90111a11-.xls5883834283189229922 883834518838341988383432稿90111a17.xls.xls4 L16-D 0201AL16-D 0202AD L1D L2146 簿8919446 SUP44AB 稿L15D 0201AD38922997簿89 19446.xls9011a11-3.xls88383432L17D 0201D67L17D 0201D1 7882 889718805359149157 稿883834188838343988831 88383419 退 61 531 88529 88529229調 調 4 885 884 使使 調調調調 1261 調調 88530 529 調528361 88530 6 8845使 88610591858869614 使61614 使 調 (C onceptual D esign) (C onstruction D raw ings) (B idding D ocum ents) (Site Plan) (Planting Plan)Lighting Plan (Paving Plan)Irrigation Plan) (Street Furniture Plan ) (Landscape D esign Elem ents) (D etail D esign) (Jam es Lin) 885(Tasuya H iraga)146147 1790111b07.doc 518 (A dm easuring for the Tainan cannel) 52023(All constructio n design to com pute and irrigation design) 52327 (All design detail) 52730 (To appraise am ount and all work direction) 88518 8852023 88528 17620 14231059190 240 1 退 105931 61稿稿531059197 稿82396118531 12稿 1059200 1999519E-mail Ms.D oong's advaice(advice)advice 10調311 823939148838345188383452149-174 6161稿82393914 917253便512 529530531 61 使使使1059170-171 使530531530 531 611059182 . xls3834 88831885318853010548853091510591781059183 1059185 91725 PL1PL10D10D14PL11 2288531 88530 426PL1PL5 91725 88530 88530 PL1PL10 使CAD88530PL1PL5T-OLO L yersPL6PL10 PL1PL1088531425 7691725 105917118788531 88.6.188617288531 2 STREE FURNITUR88531 5.316.115 6.1 51826288617236583 396288531 92626 AUTOCAD 60155 3PL11.dwgPlant.dwgD14.dwg35291725 88531e-mail13 88383417 885 311488383417 2930127 滿128838341788529 88531 7e-mail 88529 529 2 29 529 885 29530 530 PL1PL10 D1HDPEW S1W S5PK3 886524D13稿 886588531 8861721888616稿61 5 31 143 3 D one.ok 使調調 調使 88.06.013 稿 5 885 885281059 244 If she says anything about our design,please, say no to her. Explain and let her understand we do not have time to finish. As I explained above, everybody without Ms.Doong know s hard schedule ahead of us. If you can not finish this work within a certain time, we will be in a big trouble 88653 24稿88617239886188616 8845 884 884 1059853 884 使 39616263781059184-185188193212使891059184-185188189212 1059190 調96退 135 135 使 283459 1059191-193 88751059185 使 W2ψ3010W23010253051080 2使 穿61,5001 2 885 30 240 4388529 44530529使530 8881988217649698調調 調 調885 131 1059101 調調311 268 530 調88304305 105910488317318 885 8888218 調10599395調 調88885 88307308 調調888278931789581059137138調調調調8810599496調 888 278922501788348834 88618 88618 885 89317 8958調調 調調105996 531 531 531 稿 調西10591031041059104 1261 88827 88827 88111897151,839,400105992 94 1a7,50090111a11-3.xls53,825 調1059102 使1143滿 143 使10599598 89101 105999101 使使使便 仿 144 16123 b 調 5 5 使使16便使1059212213 29,87020,99770.293 調調調調 917259278927241059171 187178199103104 88531 105917818014 320531105918092626167 1992251998420 1999318 使 88531 88531 調 531 PLANT 88.04.21530 1059173 1059250251252 PLANT D1D1PLANT 500×315mm D1PLANTRD1500×320 mm D1 D1PLANT 23.2×11.5×5 CON T0107885276 646×22.8×6 .523×11.4×6.523×11.4×6 891059171 172 2%3 調3 230×115×56 西仿254 貿113 63 seats 88530641d7d7-newseats 88530641d7885314612:46AM91725 d712: 46AM53112 00:46AM PC000112AMPM1159AM11:591200 PM12:00121259PM12:59PM01:00130100 1159PM11:5912 00AM12:00024D7AM12461246046 885 31使使 SUP44AB 稿SUP44 seatsd7 302mm SUP44 ABSUP44AB AB 4.42 SUP442-310202 102105107稿 1059177 使88.5.31Pa188.6.1Pa1Pa5886172Pa1a2 105974105974104 2,800 3,325 26924 調調 531 HD PE稿 PK3沿 W S1W S5使PVC PVC1059 178886172 PVC14 4691725 PK3 1059178179 W S1W S51059183185 PK3W S1W S5沿 88531 HDPEW PL3 885301812:18AMHDPE調HDPE4 HDPE 88421簿5292 88530 529 48358 使 8852888529105924488 529 90111a03.xls885281050 88529 稿5283528 3 990803.doc調50 88529 88530 88528105092626105914114388529 90111a11-3.xls 1059249 88531 1059251 1059252 3 使88531 1214885 2988531 8853118 90111a11-3.xls90111a03.xls90111a11.xls 90111a03.xls90111a11-3.xls90111a11-.xls 稿 90111a03.xls88529848 稿72 90111a11-3.xls88531354 稿990111a03.xls81 90111a11-.xls 885317 30稿590111a11-3.xls1390111a03.xls6888529稿 便11088531 4 使 .xls .xlsJam es Lin A thens88520961213146 16885 30.xls92626 1059146147 .xls88531 1211105923090111a1-3.xls88531354.xls.xls .xls7,85093 88121 88 53022088530 926261059 148Su-Pro Su-ProSUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT PLANNING &DESIGN CONSULTANTS INC使Su-Pro 90111a11-3.xls88531354 90111a11-3.xls7136161718.xls D14 D10 3.xls 90111a14.xls90111a17.xls5.3188531 .xls8883110 1788531 90111a11-3.xls90111a11-.xls 134 2 4390111a11-.xls 887 87211 13316,759305,45912143,160 2,05090111a11-.xls231沿 90111a03.xls90111a03.xls8852990111a03.xls 1,03690111a11-3.xls80590111a11-.xls724 90111a11-3.xls90111a11-.xls 90111a11-.xls .xls 90111a11-3.xls 197,060,32561,824,844 27142 稿 8897 8805359149157 使 () () () 88615 90111a19.xls 90111a19.xls6.12 92781059192195 886168861 88616 92781059191 245387 90111a11-3.xls88531354 245 90111a11-.xls 88531730 220 90111a19.xls88615103387 88616 1059223225 90111a11-.xls90111a11-3 .xls2331 ( )88383419202122 ()1059 20 90111a20.xls90111a20.xls88621 3 90111a20.xls88615 88616 88616 90111a20.xlsATHENSJAMES LIN11 92626 1059143167 稿16" 1 稿稿 375 88698869 90111a11-.xls 調90111a11-.xls690111a11-.xls 10599988612 886 916 92718 稿稿 88614 88616 稿8861722 稿使2990111a11.xls8853135490111a11-3.xls31 88531 31調238861調調調88615 3 1702171 貿貿71.12 6 便 105986 貿10598710598890 貿便便便調 109 調62631059213214 1059222 1.541059741059212213222 退 13588857 使55 1055091105500 71150 105 711 5555 500 88310 413 368369136430112991300 36141795524 71111212162101321957128 3113725556515 90110411962137911         102    5     20         500 132 10109 1010         102    5     21   6 53 13 71 使簿 簿 使 使 216 使 使210215使 210 5 PLANT ()RD1 88531237PLANT 88531 ()90111a03.xls 3103690111A11-3.xls88530 805 ()D188427 PL11 ()92727PL1PL5PK4PL6PL10 88529 88530 885 31537 ()PL1187828 87828 879238710 8788121 D14.dwg 88527 D1488527使使052988527D1488527 88530 88530 AUTOCAD便 使 () P-1.dwg86117 P-2.dwg86117 PK1.dwg86117 BASE-01.dwg861219 SHEET.dwg861219 D3.dwg87122 ()D7.dwg8125 D8.dwg8125 PS1.dwg85626 D2.dwg86117 D3.dwg87122 D12.dwg861219 DIR1.dwg861219 DIR2.dwg861219 Le1.dwg87122 E1.dwg87420 WPL3.dwgHDPE88326 WPL1.dwg88427 D1.dwg88427 D10.dwg88427 D11.dwg88427 D13.dwg88427 FL1.dwg88427 FL2.dwg88427 () D4.dwg88520 88519DIM-010.dwg88521 88518 ()00.dwg8612198861 11 2~3 漿6~7 4~6 11 134 槿槿槿姿姿姿2~3 使 500~2000 1000~2000 FLORA OF TAIWAN FLORA OF TAIWAN 3 () FLORA OF TAIWAN 1000 9278 510 PVC 531 91725 1820 調 便 E1-E5 Li1-Li5 92724 稿 235,410,225 稿 ()110 90111A03.XLS 235,035,135 稿72 () 90111A11.XLS 342,013,994 稿9 () 81 調 90111AXLS 264,379,393 稿4 () 76 調 () 216,707, 90111 ,695 A03.XLS 4 稿 310,067, 90111 632 A11-3.XLS 56 調 239,733, 90111 286 A11- XLS 調 266,042, 176 稿 90111A20. XLS () 稿 300,191,90111A11-XLS 181 調 311,976, 稿 832 稿