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臺北高等行政法院 高等庭(含改制前臺北高等行政法院)103年度訴更一字第15號


  • 裁判案由
  • 案件類型
  • 審判法院
    臺北高等行政法院 高等庭(含改制前臺北高等行政法院)
  • 裁判日期
    103 年 06 月 26 日

10315103529                    101 3 221010125948102 8 29101 780 103 1 17103 31 1 10Lexapro Tablets 使193 4110098 100163300 101 780 103 31 Escitalopram西128.12510Escitalopram 7.8 10Epram Tablets Escitalopram7.8 調調1035132 130016120N06A 21SSRI 8.96.2SNRI 5.9 Esciitalopram 1 N06A214.76SNRISSRISNRISSRI西101 128 7.8 5 I232101 122 退22使2 使 2 103513貿 193 193 使使193 使193 193 193 19 3 調調 193 使193 103513調 1 使193 979 1 9 使 99 2004858 3 Bonus Goods:The Dis-tributor shall be entitled to a bonus of threepercent of the Finished Products ordered free ofcharge, i. e. that all orders will be delivered plus extra threepercent.3 3 97149,380 34,481 149,380X3=4,48180009719719804,481104 12 1 1.3 201 1.3 調1 1 1 1.3 201.3 121 1 10Norvasc 15235 mg215.48.8385 20155 102378 979 1 1 979 34.427.56.9 6.9 6.9 27.5 34.427.56.9使027.5 27.5027.5 6.9 6.4 1 193 193 999 16調979 9799111099111)9911 969725618297979 979 使969899使 298 100200193 193 193 調193 調1251133 1891調 1.3 使 193 19345 使 19345 126 使 193 使使97971 97991199祿1 1 1 193 退9496108,416 979 西Escitalopram979 西Escitalopram97西Escitalopram98.39 193 FTCABBOTT LABORATORIES, a cor-poration, and GENEVA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a cor- poration Docket No. C-3945貿5 FTCComplaint FTCComplaint AbbottHytrinGenevaHytrin滿GenevaFDAAbbottGeneva AbbottGeneva450 GenevaGeneva180 使HytrinFTC 貿5 貿5 貿5(a) terazosin hydrochloride"terazosin HCL" 5060170 terazosin HCL54000 19998 13GenevaHytrinAbbott1987terazosin HCL AbbottGenevaAbbottHytrin1.85Abbott Geneva GenevaAbbott 貿5 FTC In the Matter of ABBOTT LABORATORIES, a corporation. DOCKET NO. C-3945 DECISION AND ORDER In the Matter of GENEVA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. a corpo-ration. DOCKET NO.C-3946 DECISION AND ORDER AbbottGeneva2 30FTC Genevaterazosin HCL180 ComplaintAbbott Geneva FTCWESTLAW AbbottGenevaFTC FTC稿 FTCAbbott GenevaFTC Hytrin FTC AbbottGeneva貿AbbottAbbottGeneva5 FTC5-0貿5 AbbottGenevaAbbottterazosin HCL FTC 1 1 西 Escitaloprambio-equivalent西Escitalopram2 99祿1 97971 97991197999799西Escitalopram98.3992.1975.94 1.614.895.369999祿9999祿9799西Escitalopram9970.58 1 9999祿西Escitalopram75.945.361001863.7612.199999祿西Escitalopram 99991 1.3 祿西Escitalopram99祿991.3 99 99祿使193 9496108,416 979 西Escitalopram979 西Escitalopram97西Escitalopram98.39 調調9619I232101 964 17965 17977 979 仿調 1 1 1 10062 調1 100621110112959916.2531.7642.6540.6146.18 1 FluanxolDepotDeanxit2 426.9 使979 161 1 使97985,3008,00066.25 981 99123195978 24129791使 1 1 979 1 調1006301028 979 1 1 9599959928 9563,769141 34.422.8 96123,03818634.422.8 97149,38019331.3321.5 98140,57819732.7616.05 99161,01919432.115.99 98991 959934.415.991121 1 193 調26012 193 使使193 使193 調調調1251133 1891調調調34.427.595978 24125 959934.415.99 1 調 99西3使1985 使991使11 使1使5 調 使5 2500105000193 411 193 4 5 使94西Escitalopram971 97979 16111 34.427.595978 2445-61 3 4 125 959934.415.99 1 1 491 1250121 1 111 99西1使15 使982 5 使1 1 991 使2 ( ) A B 1 91104 160 163 2 712 752 938 943 945 950 953 95 599祿1 1757176197西Escitalopram98.39 西 12501 1 111 1 8,000 100 6 2 調1 1 110 112 100 6 2 調8,000 調1 8,000 959916.2531.7642. 6540.6146.181 57821005169781-83 979599281 399563,769141 34.422.896123,038 186 34.422.897149,380 193 31.33 21.598140,578 197 32.76 16.05 99161,019 194 32.115.99 17471770959934.415.99 1 121 426.9 使979 161 100 10188-9 1 97985,3008,00066.25 95978 2412979 1 使1 1 28311 1.3 調191 調191 2 8110067 6 7 6 193 Escitalopram 西貿FTC Federal Trade CommissionABBOTT LABORATORIES, a corporation, and GENEVA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a corporation Docket No.C-3945貿5 Abbott GenevaAbbottFTC FTC terazosin HCL Escitalopram西EscitalopramEscitalopram西9496108,416 979 西 Escitalopram979 西 Escitalopram 19791 193 西調 981 103 6 26   202024111 12 1.   2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4.         103    6     26