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臺北高等行政法院 高等庭(含改制前臺北高等行政法院)106年度訴字第1095號


  • 裁判案由
  • 案件類型
  • 審判法院
    臺北高等行政法院 高等庭(含改制前臺北高等行政法院)
  • 裁判日期
    107 年 03 月 27 日

106109510736                  1066121061391399000000000 2183863851 97204,002,264180,384,2643,550,775,25955,360,29216,903,501572,691,07338,622,24011,586,67220,199,82721,723,5899,017,4759,347,911580 12,374,60210,523,2479,188,554 2,671,073,28851,103,300,7081,567,772,5805,503,713,4363,981,378,3121,522,335,124退36,715,949 10523 10500046211,933,453,376 34,3545 1,933,453,376 58 23,681,000103 106 Government Savings BankGSB366170 241 241 121 75716000000075 8 6116991 1731 1.180,384,264 21,723,5895810,523,2479,188,5542. 53736 36GSB Sawasdy Card Co.Ltd.,SCCMr. Anant 97% Mr.AnantGSB G-CapitalSCCGSB GSB 75調241 97 3 312 3 97597 5810,523,2479,188,554 1.2. 97調1.204,002,264180,384,2642.20,199,82721,723,5893.580 12,374,60210,523,2479,188,554 1.調241388053 80562 1033 2.使使general-purpose financial statements滿使使滿使Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesGAAP 調105137105390 3. 94128GSB1291319623GSB 96411 49%964110960008210096411132133 966Mr.Anant6SCC1100Mr.Anant999,9946 1 894899SCC SCCGSBSCCSCC使SCCGSBMr.Anant3%49%GSB45%G-Capital3%Shareholders AgreementGSB SCC 調1014101064120 9712SCCMr.Anant 52,231,086Mr.Anant3%97%50,664,15452,231,086×97%Mr. Anant134136 981SCCMr.AnantGSB48%Mr.AnantGSB12112325,070,92152,231,086×48% Mr.Anant9810876-873 51,218,808SCC 52,802,895×97%1,531,205 49,359,9249811251,531,205Mr.Anant 87286949,359,92425,741,9249823,618,00049,359,92425,741,92497101623,618,000 23,618,000 SCC 36SCC 15361 2 36210 964 113655132 SCC Mr.Anant6Mr.AnantSCC1100Mr.Anant999,994SCCSCC SCCSCCSCC 3696411 GSB 49% GSBSCCSCC 96411 23,618,000 969 SCCthe Company1 100Mr.AnantSCC999,994 SCC66 SCC 67SCC 71SCCShareholding PartiesGSBGCMr.Anant70SCC The Shareholding Parties agree to cooperate and assist the CompanySCC SCCThe cost and expenses for the preparation, submission and obtaining the Business Permits shall be the cost and expenses of the Company7172SCC GSBGCMr.Anant Share PurchaseSCCNew ShareSubscription by Shareholding PartiesSCCFinal Proportion 49%GSB45%Mr.Anant3%GC3% 727380Mr.Anant9712897128GSB96 SCC Chinatrust and GSB, had entered into a discussion and negotiation of the Shareholders Agreement in 2007. The negotiation was last for several months. However, due to the delay in concluding the Shareholders Agreement, I was requested by all other parties to establish the Company so as to apply for the credit card business and personal loan licenses. 2.5GSBGCSCC 3 %As shown in the agreed Shareholders Agreement in its final version, my intended participation in the Joint Venture would be only 3%in clause 2.5 of the Shareholders Agreement,which states that Chinatrust,GSB and G-Capital Company Limited would purchase the shares from me so that the final percenta ge of shares held by each party will reflect the final shareholding structure.GSB退SCC SCC However, as a result of GSB's walk out of the Joint Venture, mymaking advanced Investment would be at lost.I will not be able to reclaim the advance Investment as some of the Investment had been used and expended in the operation and preparation of the Company. 134135Mr.Anant9816GSB9816 121122SCC49%使Mr.AnantMr.AnantSCC使 Mr.Anant使SCC49%SCCSCCSCC49%SCCSCCSCC SCC SCC49%36 SCC48%GSB GSB Mr.AnantSCC使Mr.AnantGSBSCCGSB9712GSBSCCSCC Mr.AnantGSBMr.AnantMr.Anant 49220 986GSB100 % GSB 550Mr.Anant 49Mr.AnantGSBGSB9811Mr.AnantGSB 9798GSB 106 LHFG35.6% 18LHFGGSB SCCSCCSCC Mr.AnantSawasdy Card Co.,Ltd.20072008 136SCCSCC SCC SCCMr.Anant Mr.AnantSVATTANANON ANANT 869SCCMr.Anant Mr.Anant9 7 958959調1061711 23,618,000使SCC Mr.Anant23,618,000180,384,264204,002,26423,618,000 1.241 62調2 2 1057062.4175105 706 3.75 4.241497 5.20,199,8273,415,629 31調1,523,7624,939,3913,415,6291,523,7629721,723,58920,199,8271,523,762 58 1.241 417911421 24196426312 5134241 104775 2.420 241 312 420 3.1 2 99512 702 100311213 708812318 708791228 3 312 4.10; 95331895331 95331 953 3170241 5.732 2151517 7373721124906480130 2 3179122999512 701290523100311 2 367397100 312 104 775 6. 14697 1,382,042,513 48,673,0021,430,715,5151,382,042,51348,673,0021,382,042,5131,373,728,366154524,510147,789,637 1541,373,728,366971699ING ING 149699709713 971,430,715,5151,373,728,3669796% 1,373,728,366÷1,430,715 ,515971,382,042,513 1,373,728,366 99%1,373,728,366÷ 1,382,042,51397 9 971699141699ING 997 169997721 1,572,450.6620,000,000978194,318,128.29 55,000,00012979265,890,578.95 75,170,26775,000,00020,000,00055,000,000170,267 96919970242831ING 971156,268,837.58 977216,158,280.12 100,000,0001978186,158,280.12 100,131,171100,000,000131,171 96917970123 27969 970 2070-75%1 265266247 249 215232923,599,477 9 1 941942使91使便調410 9713979 97 7.9758012,374,602 9713,985275 3,277,0932749710,537,232939512,374,602969調91,045調 275 5810,523,24710,537,23213,9859,188,55412,374,60291,0453,277,093 981 2183851         107    3     27         202024111 12 1.   2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4.         107    3     27