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臺北高等行政法院 高等庭(含改制前臺北高等行政法院)八十九年度訴字第一九八九號


  • 裁判案由
  • 案件類型
  • 審判法院
    臺北高等行政法院 高等庭(含改制前臺北高等行政法院)
  • 裁判日期
    90 年 10 月 12 日

                                       調 調 調 調 使 Ubi ius ibi remedium 使 Anspruch auf einen effektiven Rechtsschutz Numerus clau- sus Klageart sui generis Judge made Law   Challenge ProceduresChall- enge 2. Each Party shall provide non-discriminatory, timely, transparent and effective procedures enabling suppl- iers to challenge alleged breaches of the Agreement arising in the context of procurements in which they have, or have had,an interest. 使 7.Challenge procedures shall provide for arapid interim measures to correct breaches of the Agreement and to preserve commercial opportunities. Such action may result in suspension of the the procurement process. However,procedures may provide that overriding adverse consequences for the interests concerned, including the public interest, may be taken into account in deciding whether such measures should be applied.In such cir -cumstances, just cause for not acting shall be provided in writing; ban assessment and a possibility for a decision on the justification of the challenge; c correction of the breach of the Agreement or compensation for the loss or damages suffered, which may be limited to costs for tender preparation or protest. 8.With a view to the preservation of the com -mercial and other interests involved, the challenge proce- dure shall normally be completed in a timely fashion. -- Agreement of Government Procurement 貿 effective proccdure 使 使 調 使 調 使退 滿 調 000000000 使 使 調 調 調 調 調 調 調 調 調 調 調 調 調 調 調 調 調 使 使 退 使 調 調 調 調 調 退 退 退 退 調 調