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       10628        耀   106 7101106 20473 耀 耀ASML Holding N .V . ASML36 58 HMI 105 4 12AS ML105 4 21ASML105 4 21ASML105 4 29Confidentiality Agreement ASML105 5 耀TENDER OFFERHMII( ) 2 耀使20679100000000000 ) 26267 00000000000057883 00000000000 105 5 24120 105 6 167 331 ASML Holding N .V . Share SwapAgreement ASML1,410 31% 耀2,290 5,000 調調 159 1 159 4 調159 1 159 1 159 5 調106 71011 7885110 113 2 136 138 207 210 106 71011 8 9 1.105 7 7 105 22ASMIL 106 20473 26452.耀66963.ASML42434.1 27345.ASML105 4 29CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT 2 220 231 105 4 12ASML105 4 29Confidentiality Agreement 105 5 100 2 3 105 5 1219DeBrauw ASML105 5 23Offer Letter24ASML105 4 29ASML調105 7 7 105 4 29100%2 3 使105 5 2 3 105 5 256 16 1.157 1 1 5 4 184 2.仿調使1980Chiarella Bruger198419881980Rule14e-13使仿 3.5 1 157 1 9920157 1 Rule10b-5 4.157 1 3 5.Marketapproach調1989調89/592/EEC4 2 2 2003MAD , 2003/6/EU 2 3 knows ought to have known 20142014/5 7/EU 3 any person who has obtained inside information under circumstances other than those referred to in the first subparagraph where thatperson knows that it is inside information 6.157 1 1 5 157 1 1 171 1 1 104 1230105 7 1 381 1.ASML31 %1,410 1,410 使1,410 1,410 2.106 3 2010600059603658 .XLS 1 105 6 16105 10281,410 105 1028 3.105 5 246 15120 6 17105 102895251,410 105 1129ASML1,410 4.2,290 5,000 157 1 1 171 1 1 171 5 107 1 312 2 107 2 2 171 5 1 3 171 1 95211 2,163 4,162 106 71012 181 185 188 233 127 838 8384 68741 1 使742 4 1 100 171 7 107 1 31107 2 2 2 2 171 7 1 3 104 1230105 7 1 381 1 5 171 7 107 1 31107 2 2 1 3 381 2 381 5 381 381 5 7 473 1 171 7 381 171 7 104 1230103 104 1230105 7 1 171 7 106 1218171 7 1 3 1 473 107 8 310 312 315 317 106 1225107 133 106 1227107 9 153 169 171 7 104 381 1 5 171 7 104 473 1 1 381 1 5 171 7 157 3 103 3928107 21157 1 3 171 7 299 1 157 1 1 1 171 1 1 5 2 2 11741 1 2 4 107 4 16 10滿20 107 4 16 1571 27 1 使 滿 1 1 5 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 2 222 3 1 1 2 滿204 3 171 3 101 2 201215512157112 使 5 1 7 2 5 5 1 3 5 336 342 1 3 1 2 1 3 381 2 165 1 165 2 201 2 155 1 2 157 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 7