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臺灣臺北地方法院105年度金重訴字第8 號


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    108 年 08 月 23 日

      1058 10710    10611        耀                                                105 1 2 4 106 1694 1 171 1 1 2514102 6 7 6 10-20 l使47105-107 104 4 5 25便105 1818使155 1 4 105 1 302 23105 1 30105 3 25D 105 1 302 23D118使8 使530188920000000 D113291 302 188 5 105 2 2 152 18105 2 2 1329434817.95 18.15 18.05 17.85 18.05 1513294518.10 18.15 17.95 18.10 使18D11818.05 使 104 10151 1.6129105 1 1 103 104 36.77%10103 6 166 2 7 2 201 171 1 1 168 2 1 2 171 1 2 3 使 2 102 3 27102 5 7 3 1 102 1220102 1220102 10314 103 4 30102 1220103 4 20103 4 11103 7 31103 4 169 5 3 4 2/3 103 4 183 3 6 使4 2/3 232528103 6 16使 使姿201 171 1 1 168 2 1 2 171 1 2 3 使103 104 000 A 28姿104 2 10202 2 104 1 26104 2 10104 1 25104 4 305 121 1.44調1.6129157 1 5 6 2 1 2 12182319184039 103 104 104 2 10202 104 1 26104 1 25104 5 121823197 3 5 2 36.77 = 24.53 + 12.24 21102 5 7 3 1 103 4 23157 1 1 1 2 3 10% 104 5 13122318104 1 265 1312231 8 1- 46 51-54 104 1 225 7 7-1 8 9 13 21.61118,8421.531 3,470 3,470 104 5 121823104 5 261030.32317,5872.338 3,470 1,255 104 5 276 3 1030.8951 4,520 7,827 1 4241277 279 755011864348( ) 1 57072175 105 6 8 8 31159 1 105 1 161 161 1611058 121-143 153 158-160 164-166 158 36-42 142-145 159 1 2 153 157 163 158 34141 調 105 8 302 161 4-6 45-46 2 161 441 2 調 152106-110153202-20315759-63158189-192161190-19415912 153121201158188 161189調 105 7 6 159 1 105 8 214 105 8 19159 1 2 105 7 6 9 6 105 6 14154 49156 125 178 78100 7 6 105 6 8 8 31159 1 161 161 105 8 121-143 105 1 8 104002562034103 1 1 104 11309322調7 調調調調調159 4 2 22159 4 2 991634104 3877159 4 2 159 1 159 4 調159 1 159 1 159 1 2 159 5 調159 5 2 2 105 1 302 23155 1 4 102 5 3 1 9 2 105 5 4 2 6 2 155 1 4 使155 1 4 --182 280 102 5 7 3 1 9 2 105 5 134 2 6 2 19105 1 8 104002562034103 1 1 104 11309 121 77-81 102 6 7 6 10-20 102 5 6 1020161 150-152 162 102 6 102 6 105 8 122-124 102 6 160 40177 使使107 123 211-216 D 13 105 1 8 104002562034103 1 1 104 1130257,366 161,561 63121 81106 2 3 106000169936105 8 104 4 5 25便105 18105 104 5 103 1 1 104 1130-1100-111 103 1 2 105 4 20105 105 1 14退161 224 退152 8 105 1 302 1 2 2 2 3 2 152 4 142 162 172 188 13291 104 6 295 132513301 調5 使105 2 2 152 18105 2 2 1329434817.95 18.15 18.05 17.85 18.05 105 2 1513294518.10 18.15 17.95 18.10 107 6 211070402112105 8 49-51 113-150 106 2 3 1060001699--105 8 1 218-226 D1 155 1 4 使171 使使使986816105 1 302 1 2 2 2 3 2 152 4 142 162 172 188 滿滿滿使使使18 D1D 1 D1105 2 2 1 D1 105 1 302 2313293018.15 2 2 2 181818.05 100 185 5 便使1818.05 D1205086使1818.05 100 1818.05 使1818182 2 1518 105 1 14140 491436251 199 4941使1264131 1418132 105 8 448-449 2 18.518.6181 1418D1C 104 5 26104 8 262 25D118C 使23.29 =603,757,300/25,918,000 C 130 104 6 1 7%10% 104 5 4 120%130%18.17 = 23.29 * 60*130使18.17 105 1 302 2318104 100%104 使D1使18使 D1105 1 302 232 24182 2420.05 105 1 302 182 1918.15 2 192218.15 2 2318.25 1818.05 1818.15 18.15 18 13293018.25 18.15 18.10 18.15 18.10 18.05 18.15 1 3010222 2 106 1510172211422 3 9 159 2543105 2 15129 137 2 162 172 182 191054138 2 229 312 239 2013291818.05 18.05 1 309 3910222 2 13162 3 9 159 2536112613102 1510551147124 13232 1611242911332 179 9 115512103712412 189 26101 1041531113261136124112592 199 8 9 4810442 239 1 7 1329 使 使使調調調105 8 17-20 102 6 102 6 7 152 37-38 161 162 105 8 122-123 調2 A B C D 105 1 302 23調便調調調101 11 155 104 7 1 103 2975155 1 4 使171 1 106 2184155 4 使155 4 使 2 D12 8 5 906 10 02 901 5 2 1818.05 100 D12050105 2 1686105 1 302 1619232 使D 21=0000-000086=0000-000039=0000-000068=0000- 0000 2 2 2 使 106 205 155 1 4 104 7 1 155 1 4 104 7 1 使2 CNT3":3,"CNT 使使/ 10166 = 10/ 6 7.8 130 = 7.8 / 6 146 = 7.8 *2/ 6 + 4.68+ / + / 使10166 7.8 130 164 = 7.8 + 7.8 + 7.02/ 6 + 7.8 2 便1818.05 1818.05 155 282 155 105 2173使使使2 使18155 1 4 2 使2 使2 使2 155 1 4 2 2 D1 2 157 1 1 6 使104210987898986413104 1 22104 2 10104 2 264 4 104 3 3 104 3 6 3 30104 4 8 使1.3948104 4 20284 104 4 28104 4 301.44調104 5 1 104 104 5 1 104 5 12103 Q35 104 1 20104 1 2218.50 104 使使使使使 sia 105 8 195 5 6 22152 133 -134152 158 19102 3 7 1 105 8 195 102 5 7 3 1 1027314679 2120 10210310438.09%36.7736.77%10361610621072 102 10311.441 1220103 6 16103 6 18104 2 26102 1031103 6 18102 1031103 6 16103 6 16137 124 154 38182 140-141 1 296 -255-61 I 1112145051103104000A2817171 721586178701564849122-123 127 128 136-137 141-142 160 149 150 104 5 12103 12311 1.44104 172 -173178-179 105 28-29 104 6 29100%104 8 28103 12311.44調1.6129537 5.2 104 10154.1 調1 1.6129103 0.81104 5 1223.20 調104 1015104 1225104 175 -176154 47 103 6 167 3 5 2 36.77 = 24.53 + 12.24 21 102 5 7 3 1 6 119 62103 4 163 使4 2/3 103 4 17103 4 165 4 6 5 4 154 66102 5 7 5 4 105 8 144-146 103 4 17102 5 7 102 5 28103 1 27使103 4 17102 5 7 199 9231 8 3 102 1 30171 102 3250157-1 1 1 157-1 1 1 36.77 36.77 157-1 1 2 157-1 1 3 157-1 1 1 3 157 1 1 996 2 157 1 5 2 1 2 157 1 5 2 1 2 157 1 1 157 1 1 951 11955 30157 1 4 157 1 996 2 6 4 991222157 1 5 6 955 305 Basic 使20160636- ? 910 996 2 157 1 995 4 使20031 insider information shall meaninformation of a precise nature which has not been made publicprecise nature使9912225 調 -- 103 102 5 7 6 1 3 1 102 4 29102 5 7 5 2 9 2 59% 6 1 1 30% 3 1 102 5 6 2 3 102 4 6 1 3 1 102 5 7 4 152 16155 7 105 8 143-145 102 12201021220 a 102 3 27102 5 7 102 1031102 12201 111214102 122527102 122050- 15-17 使 b 6 22100 103 3 31100 104 3 3154.95 40.54%4.50% 調3 簿152 158 161 58152 106 107 122 102 5 7 c 103 1 22102 122017185 154 67102 1220102 1225102 3 279 102 3 28105 8 231 102 5 7 102 1031182 140 102 1225 103 4 163 4 2/3 a -255-61 12.1.24 103 4 30102 1220103 4 20103 4 11103 7 31103 4 169 5 4 2/3 2123103 4 16154 66 105 8 144 146 103 4 16使3 1 4 3 102 1225 b 10使501 1 5 1 1 3 102 124 1 3 2 1 160 137 105 8 190 103 4 183 3 6 4 232528103 6 16 a 103 4 16184 4 3 6 25 b 23243028103 34103 6 162930331921161 192 使104 4 18105 8 147-148 c 103 4 182523103 34103 26324 103 5 9 103 2 1036161034181036303950 104 a 103 103 4 4 5 1820103 4 144 1622103 4 145 16 b 5.2 8 30103 5 9 158 278-284 103 6 30103 4 5 5.2 158 273-277 103 5 101 11 40- 4446-48 103 6 12103616103 6 16103 6 30使I 19103 4 2191103 4 2310302045330 I 27103 125 103 104 104 1 25 154 70105 8 163-164 104 2 10154 69105 8 164 103 125 161 192 103 125 II1 105 8 195 姿2 156 127 128 178 70752 2 便2 104 104 2 10160 149- 150姿156 149 150 105 8 118-119 193-195 53-54 103 104 156 3048-49 122-12 3127 -128136-137 141-14 2145 -146149 -150158 6 160 149 -150171 71-72 178 7099-100103 125 II1 104 2 1020II3 103 6 16156 128 105 8 117 105 8 196 105 8 121 2 104 1 2 2 使2 105 8 195 227-245 3 4 2.3 104 2 2 105 8 195 247-251 2.3 2 5 104 3 319 2.3 8429105 8 34-35 300 178 110 105 8 60103 104 104 1 104 2 10202 2 104 1 2617104 2 10104 1 25104 104 2 10201 265 154 81160 10-12 1 26161 192 1 26MON 5 00160 33104 1 25104 1 26104 2 10 103 125 103 12104 使I 11121427104 1 26104125 使 C4-E-17 C4-E-17 161 165 283313,391+ 10,393=23,784 25382391( ) 2251125028972064161 177 13,39119171326HK3259KGI 2140KGI 1751480 10,393250 4/8 130 4/9 380 104 11120000000000117 2 103 1 1 104 1030SRB334105 8 325-440 EXCEL 1050107005143 2 260-261 1050004591105 8 272-273 105 8 161-163 104 4 138,430 =290+373+1870+2507+1036+1104+1250 253823912251 101 118,430 =2538+2391+225 1+12502,064 =1010+554+500 20641,917 =207+207+320+237+636+31019172,140 =1110+100+930 KGI 21401,326 =846+ 600-120 1326104/ 04/08252 =420,000+420,000+420,000+ 314,000+ 314,000+318,000+31 4,000 1 3 3336104/04/09 1,295,100 =210,000+223,500+ 149,000+ 133,000+137 ,000+137,000+137,000+ 27,200+42,000+99,400 4 6 3743250 4/8 130 4/9 2,231 =1751+480 KGI 1751480 1,326 00000000000000000000000000000000100,000 0000000066,0000000000064,00000000000 3,000 00000000100,000 0000000050,000383 BOSS161 212 C1 2-3538L- 0000000 104 1 222 3 100 66643 100 50383 S . 383 161 231-232 383 2833161 166 使使使 1-6 調152 4862-63 106 129 161 52162 12361011151617 Limited 153 202-203 157 59-63 104 5 2227104 5 15161 206 1 5 161 551-6 C4-E-17 使 8 BOSS161 212 C12-3 538L-0000000104 1 222 3 100 66643 100 50383 S .383104 2 9 3 10846 120 480 120 1,326 BOSS 1326 104 5 4 1326BOSS 1326 104 5 5 2020S . 104 5 13383 S . 383 161 231 232 C4-E-17 132622.591198 161 177 161 531,326 383 C4-E-17 1,326 ( 161 165 ) 使使7 7-1 9 1 6 8 使使1 8 8 7-1 9 13使使 103 1 1 104 1030使104 1 26104 1 26便104 1 303,794 8 便 11 101 104 104 1 便104126使104125104126 942 15100 3800952 231 1 1.8 2 1 1.851 7 3 1 1 2 9 3 2 1 963586981358使104 1 25II35-- 104 4 30104 4 301.44調104 1 22104 2 10104 2 26104 3 3 52 104 3 6 3 30104 4 8 1.3948104 4 20284 104 4 2820160636- ? 110 5 104 1 25 2 1 2 6 104 5 12182318401823II59104 5 1 便使1131595 4 8 319 5 1 346 106 216 217 104 2 10104 2 10105 28153149158 182 104 2 10 104 1 25104 5 121823104 5 131223104 1 265 1312231-4651-54 104 1 225 7 103 Q3104 1 20104 1 2218.50 103 3 201411285 95103 6 16便28103 1017121718117 259 Project Pi II 103 1012103 10104 1 2619117 259 Project Pi II 106 191 21.61 407,203,350 18,842,000104 1 20B 103 1110104 2 10104 1 122224104 1 12103 1112--103 1113297 1117105 12121097104 1 8 403 B 104 1 26103 1 1 104 1030使103 1 1 104 1 26104 1 26便104 1 303,794 8 便102 10313019.78 1.441 28.48 117 260 104 1 2618.70 1052.3% = 28.48- 18.70/18.7= 52.3% 992015157 1 使101 4351102 4868103 442 2093105 1598157 1 1 1055121823 104 1230105 7 1 381 157 1 3 10 104 1 265 1312231 8 1 - 4651-54 104 1 225 7 7-1 8 9 1321.61118,8421.531 3,470 3,470 104 5 121823104 5 261030.32317,5872.33 83,470 1,255 104 5 276 3 1030.8951 4,520 7,827 1 4241 277 279 755011864348( ) 1 57072175 2 1 2 171 107 1 31155 157 1 107 1 31171 1 1 155 1 4 2 155 1 4 使2 155 1 4 1 171 1 1 2 282 155 1 155 1 4 9826592 D D1D12016/02/021 271 使滿157 1 1 1 2 3 111 18157 1 1 1 171 1 1 2 102 der by c' or102 23592 10= 'A 28 1 5 471 5 59232 775 775 471 2 155 1 D1使使調2 2 157,072,175 2 2 2 103 2 105 7 1 107 1 31171 7 1 3 381 2 11381 3 1 57072175調107 1 31171 7 381 5 調107 1 31171 7 171 7 171 7 102 491 171 1 2 使使使473 1 使107 1 31171 7 使BCONNECT107 1 31 171 7 171 7 171 7 171 7 381 3 154 2 301 1 11 101 使4086764986161 912 8 1 92128 308 310 1 154 2 154 2 154 2 使D D1104 1 225 7 7-1 8 9 13A B C D D1. . . 105 1 30105 3 25D 2 3 4 6 7 14171819202226273031323435374041424345464755575859606162636468697073747584959699102 103 104 21105 1 30105 3 25332642,96944,007D 53,11980.89 82.84 105 1 302288.98 99.45 105 2 2 2 2 D 105 1 308 42,26579.56 98.36%96.04%D 105 3 使105 3 218,799 1 7,026 650 105 3 1818.62119.35 3 2319.5258,992 1 7,21 96,800 2 使155 1 1 4 5 171 1 1 152 47-48 62- 6375-78 91-92 106 -107122 - 123 125 129 -134136 152 158 ITIONAL 164 -166170 -171179 -183194 202 -203157 59-60 616263200 -201158 36- 4142123-125 142 143 -145159 183 -189326 - 327 330 331 161 4 -645-46 52-58 60-61 244 162 6-7 105 9 201050017816105 7 22105 008 105 7 28105113105 7 6 105200019 105 7 20000000000 105 7 15105 1319105 7 7 105 4 105 7 4 105 19105 7 1 105 0002105 7 11105 005 105 7 4 105 003 105 7 7 105000117 105 7 1105180579105 7 11105000000 105 7 12105000589 105 7 6 000000000 105 7 12105 0000640 105 7 7 105010700 105 8 25105000090 105 7 111050003030105 7 7 1050001376105 7 211050001495105 8 2 1050002080105 1848C4A-27103 8 18C4-A-8104 6 29C4-B-17 C4-F-11 ZTB - 105 8 151050000816105 8 18105001014 105 9 1 10530059390 105 8 161050000078105 8 15105 0587105 9 1 105000126 105 815 1050000301105 8 1910510319810 105 8 19105000015 C4-B-17 105 5 26C4-B-7104 6 5 C4-B-13 104 1228C4-B-16 C11-571056 3 C11-70105 3 10簿105 2 25105 7 1 1050098 105 3 2125C-5-1 C-5-2 C-5-3 - C12-3 538L0000000 1 C12-111 C4-E-9103 9 2 102 114 122 104 1 5 2 3 3 3 7 C4-E-1 0104 4 2 5 4 2 103 4 22000681103 4 25000343駿105 8 221050035113102 66-68 70- 7175-7 780-81 8486-87 133 138 4-2752-247139 2-133 140 141 2-204 142 2-15 2143 144 2-95116-127 133-16 8145 2-107 122-128 150 4-160 151 87-113157 65-183158 435052616679137-138 159 260-29 1248-249 342-345 161 8-1317-23 29-43 154-159 168-169 105 8 152-158 1 52-67 130-139 D 13 使152 16使152 37158 123 161 53BOSS161 212 BOSS161 231 232 使B-3 C4-B-17 C4-A-8office- C4A-27使8 C4-F-11 152 1152-53 158 12-16 159 285-286 161 169 使使使104 8 118 13使使103 112515使105 8 200-203 使104 1 12使99-102 105 3 2122使243-245 使使使 155 1 5 102 3448使使155 1 5 2 D 2 調4 105 8 91-92 105 8 107 2 105 7 111050000008104 1012105 1 28142 6063105 7 7 1050107005. . . 105 6 9007143 2 259 2 12D 105 1 304 499 261 X0151-X0155 2,257 =499*4+2612,257 64-B00000000000 105 2 3 2,257,000.00149 145 2,257 2,400 150 100 5 2 D 65-A66-A67-A68-A69-A70-A71-A105 2 195,250 105 2 244,450 105 2 267,000 105 3 045,000 105 3 104,800 105 03241 105 3 301 2 使 6 5 4 5 使102 使便ishes 2 滿105 8 55-58 86-87 2 105 1 30使275 30004 275 30005 18.15 275 64-A105 1 19105 1 26922 2 2 2 2 105 8 42 -435788 2 5 1 251 301 305 使調3 102 7 1 2015103 2 2410103 12295 5 ENTER 5 使 11 4 5 105 8 88103-104 2 2 2 2 ( ) 500 2 使2 使105 8 217-240 1,500 1,500 1,400 10109 LOSE2 2 30105 8 4360- 618997104 2 2 2 105 1 302 1619233 1 7 21252 242 2 2 D 101 11 2 D 2 2 155 1 5 2 D 155 1 5 582 105 8 96132 9711滿133 483 55-56 使 D 105 2 2 1 105 1 302 1 2 3 2 152 162 172 187 ishes 105 3 21252 2 2 D 2 滿 D 2 2 3 105 2 25使9 5 4 19.45 19.30 7019.41 19.35 6 19.356-2429 使19.30 63=1+6+56 使7019.45 9 19.50 4619.662-2429 19.30 105 2 2511204 11263819.95 19.85 19.90 19.80 3 6111204 19.91011262819.85 1111263819.84011204 19.91111262819.85 1111263819.80 41-2432-433 使105815111021-2431 11204 11263811111 111254使20.05 20.00 19.95 103 -2431 19.9 2 D D 105 1 302 232 2 42,96944,00742,2652 2 2 D 704 1,742 1,038 D D 105 1 302 1817-18 105 0225030419-20 105 03071818-19 105 3 2119D D 105 1 30182 105 1 302 232 2418.30 20.05 9.862 243 111918.95 3 1818.63 2119.35 3 2519D D 105 2 243 21使2 3 75111 105 2 243 212,221 1,009 = 9,808 - 8,799 105 3 21105 3 21155 1 5 105 2 243 212 2 105 2 24105 3 21D 18.54 19.52 2 使2 105 3 2110325 18.39,500 1-72161 226-226 1032使8,800 8,800 105 3 2112421212431119.10 19.15 1550641 124441124456 19.50 6413282313282319.45 6413291213291219.40 64105 8 243 -245使使1041 105 3 2115338 19.35 1-75161 227 -22819.35 3 906019.35 161 211 22使使使8 3121105 8 245 2 105 3 23144 4 2 1 19.05 便1-74161 227 23使2 105 3 2118.60 3 2319.50 105 3 2123使2 使105 1 191243311-22161 225 -226105 4 1119401-81161 228 50-52 2 105 2 1 1120392 滿1-21183 15-16 105 3 119 0232251418.65 18.718.75 18.8109 570418.85 101-511-52183 21滿便105 3 119 2 3218.95 19.00 18.65 18.75 18.89 572 18.85 18.90 240 2 D D 使D C 7 D 1,037 2 2 D 105 2 2 1 105 1 302 1 2 3 2 152 162 172 187 D 3 21252 3 2 2 2 D 2 2 D 105 1 302 23D 105 1 302 23調 104 1 225 77-18913 157 1 7-1 9 137-1 139 CALL OPTION 使C4-E-17 161 177 HKKG I3 3 10HK161 166 HK- 32592 105 8 134 CALL OPTION CALL OPTION CALL OPTION 2020161 200 201 6 157 1 1 116 116 157 1 106 3 9 10600034052 50 -51157-1 105 119 107 105 119 104 107 107 8 104 1 22272829302 3 5 5 BOSS161 212 C12-3 538L- 0000000 104 1 222 3 100 66643 100 50383 S . 383 104 2 9 3 10846 120 480 120 1326BOSS 1326 104 5 4 1326BOSS 1326 104 5 5 2020S . 104 5 13383 S . 383 161 231 232 C4-E-17 132622.591198 161 177 1,326 383 104 1 222 3 100 66643 100 50104 5 5 2020 1011104 1 225 7 153 171 C4-E-17 161 174 -177C4A-27161 157 104 使161 166 105 8 141 使使使104 1 2 使5 4 便 12104 1 225 7 104 1 22104 3 25280 152 158 159 161 53-54 C4-E-17 161 174-177 C4a- 27 161 157 使161 165 使使105 8 142 280 10151020105 8 1122- 23使使使104 1 2 使5 4 便 104 1 225 7 8 10129 CALL OPTION 使7-113 調 9396 歿915 17101 1225923 12957 20943 2995112395Red Fire Developments Limited Red Fire9522201 962540981 4 3 Wealthy Wonder Group LimitedWealthy Wonder ( StevenChuing Zaa ,Cheng ) 915 17963 9 100 CT Opportunity Investment CompanyCTO 901012961 2 74CTO 943 4 調CTO CTO 7677調20調 Yvonne Wing Yan AuJohannes Yu Keung Wong2 89調 Garrison Colony Asia Investors LimitedGarrisonGarrison Asia In vestors Limited921210933 21Garrison Colony Asia Investors941121Garrison Colony Asia Investors L .P . GarrisonGarrison L .P . CT Asia Investors I , L .P .CT Asia CT Asia L .P .CT OOscillum Company LimitedOscillumCTO 2 GarrisonGarrisonCT Asia CTO 100 OscillumNewtonAsia Investors LimitedNewt on GarrisonGarrisonNewt on 2 956 30調2 OscillumGarrisonGarrisonPinnacle Technology Corporation PinnacleOscillumPinnacle902 16927 21PinnaclePinnaclePinnacleCTO OscillumPinnacleOscillumGarrisonNewton調CTO GarrisonNewton 952 1000000000000 999 3 00000000000 997 2309904604550 5 8 9 11 928 96Colony Capital Asia Pacific Ltd ColonyCapital CTO CTO 9212Colony CapitalGarrison Colony Asia Investors LimitedCTO Colony CapitalGarrison9 GarrisonCTO GarrisonColony CapitalGarrisonCTO Garr i sonCT OGarrisonCTO GarrisonNewtonCT Asia 9 3 3 PPGRed50-52 1.2 58148989 92129 1218CTO 6000300030001.2 調933 20CTO 1.2 58148989GarrisonGarrisonNewtonNewton20581489894 17148989950 18001350933 2258148989NewtonGarrisonCTO 934 27ColonyCaymanCT OpportunityUSD$58,148,989ColonyColonyGarrison Colony Asia Investors934 28CTO 58148989Garrison調使28581489894 GarrisonNewton17148989950 18001350 13450 1.936 11CTO 1.45調936 26CT OpportunityGarrison Colony Asia InvestorsCaymanCT OpportunityUSD$81,000,000ColonyGarrison Colony Asia Investors936 29CTO 8100Garrison調使Garrison8020NewtonNewton29802013099168.55 Bel Air Investment Fund Bel Air Selene Investments Fund 795 6164.38 18055080HeliosInvestment Fund Helios22663013.7238 8519.12 545 2920292 5976.34 757 2328.77 Minos Investment Fund Minos Bel Air 2913099168.55 Nestor Investment FundNestorPinnacleNestor29934 19Bel Air 555 7899.73 1650Global Tactical Investment Fund Global Tactical OBU Global Tactical 291120Global Tactical 947 8 400 NestorNestorBel Air N oble Medal Co Ltd Noble Medal 8,100 2.調936 2 CT OpportunityGarrison Colony Asia InvestorsCaymanCTOpportunity US$24,500,000 ColonyGarrison Colony Asia Investors937 23CTO 2450Garrison調使GarrisonNewtonNewton2324503 450 Twinstar1000祿祿990 3739.21 調使2450 3.調931015ColonyCaymanCT OpportunityUS$ 3,000,000 ColonyColonyGarrison Colony Asia Investors931019CTO 300 Garrison調使GarrisonNewtonNewton19AHHH4RO22614300 4.調944 8 ColonyCaymanCT OpportunityUS$ 6,000,000 ColonyColonyGarrison Colony Asia Investors944 13CTO 600 Garrison調使GarrisonNewtonNewton13944 18600 NewtonKGNV Investment II LimitedKGNV Investment IIData Management Technolony Limited893 28905 25KGNV Investment II Limited918 1 Global Wealth Development Inc . Global Wealth 調946 16ColonyCaymanCT Opportuni ty US$20,000,000 ColonyColonyGarrison Colony Asia Investors946 24CTO 2000Garrison調使GarrisonNewt on Newton24944 18600 500 2500KGNV Investment IIKGNV Investment II946 2925002600 963 1.931224CTO 988 8378.15 Oscillum調941 4 Garrison Colony CaymanCT OpportunityUS$ 1,056,915.53Garrison Colony Garrison Colony 941 24CTO 105 6915.53 Garrison調使GarrisonOscillumCTO 調8378.15 使 943 1 ColonyCaymanCT OpportunityUS$7 ,500,000 ColonyGarrison Colony Asia Investors943 4 CTO 750 Garrison調使4 GarrisonNewtonFermion Devices Company Limited Fermion 750 Advanced Synchronous Solutuons LimitedAdvanced SynchronousAdvanced Synchronous4 11750 150 KGNV Investment IIKGNV Investment II47264600調使Advanced Synchronous750 調使94126 Advanced Synchronous111 8823.68 OscillumOscillum6 100 Blue Water PacificLimited Blue Water 2.94126 7 GlobalTacticalMulti-Strategy Global Investment Fund Multi-StrategyOBU Regency Worldwide Investment Fund Regency OBU 551643.7 8236659.36 302733.43 OscillumOscillum94127 100 100 25.95 Blue WaterBlue Water94127 20100 25.95 33464000150 49879500使 750 941013調941013CTO 750 Minos 調使Minos 14750 NewtonNewton9410255012.95 Blue WaterBlue Water25501683 PPG 2700 947 7 8 3 Bel Air 2700調Wealthy Wonder Group Ltd .300 6300PPG 948 PPG 947 21CTO Garrison2 948 29CTO OBU 2400GarrisonPPG PPG 1228CTO Garrison4850CTO 8 29281 48503 CTO GarrisonMinos 1 CTO Garrison4 CTO CT Asia PPG PPG 974 2 Bel Air 977 2 PPG 2700 27001 :PPG 948 29Bel Air 2700CTO Global Tactical Bel Air PPG 2700 1.CTO OBU 00000-0000000 948 292400GarrisonCTO 調使Garrison29NewtonNewton29Bel Air 2.Pinnacle00000-0000000 947 8 100 Bel Air Global Tactical 8 400 NestorBel Air 929 24PinnacleBel Air 7 11500 Noble Medal 調TORRANCE000000000 11調1000便8 9 Noble Medal 500 Selene Investment FundBel Air 使8 16499 9992Bel Air 3.Bel Air 8 29Garrison2400Noble Medal 16300 2700PPG 00000-0000000 PPG 600 PPG 9 1 1000759 4000Wise Gain Investment Limited000-00000000161750Invest Online Lt d000-000000000 1 PPG CTO 941228CTO 948 29GarrisonNoteCTO - 94829Garrison2400 Bel AirPPG GarrisonCT Asia CTO GarrisonCT Asia 451 931210/ 2.1 941114CaymanCT Opportunity Investment Company CT OpportunityIn vestment Company Garrison Colony Asia InvestorsNote48,500,000CTO 4850Garrison便CTO 1.9411164850CTO CTO 16CTO Garrison162475700 Garrison 2.Garrison94121615037500CTO - 94.11.164850 3.Garrison9412173300Top GeniusServices LimitedTop Genius 4.941228 Top Genius3300Garrison Garrison28CTO - 94.11.164850 CTO285063914CT Asia CTOCT Asia CT Asia2811576733906241Total Bright Services LimitedTotal BrightGrand Way Services LimitedGrand Way Grand Way 282400Newton Newton28Garrison Garrison28CTO - 94.8.29 2400 CTO 28760 CT Asia CTO CT Asia CT Asia28750Minos Minos 28750 CTO - 94.10.13750 CTO282420CT AsiaCTOCT Asia CT Asia2824096386Top Genius Top Genius28Newton Newton28Garrison Garrison2824096386CTO 2323713635925050-94.11.164850 CTO281980CT AsiaCTOCT Asia 941228CTO Garrison Colony 94.8.29 2400NoteCTO GarrisonNewtonGrand Way CT Asia CTO GarrisonTop GeniusGarrisonCTO Garrison2400CTO 94111648503 CTO Garrison便1 CTO Garrison4 CTO CT Asia 9412288 941228Garrison Colony CT Asia Investors I , L .P .102,230,914.USD CTO 4 CT Asia PPG 100 Hopesen Capital CoHopesen 10 2StandB y L/C5 4 PPG 2 3100 951 Oscillum6240954 13( ) 000 000 0 800 954 6 OscillumBlue Water6240954 261 2480955 30Red FireOscillumBlue Water192240004 81001 440240002 3 967 266 250240007.12( ) 8697.62 3100 2 1. 951 4 3120 Oscillum941230200 656731203120 2. 954 6 3120 9411164850CTO CTO 951 16215 6944.77 GarrisonGarrison16OscillumOscillum951 20315 Blue WaterBlue Water20310 8789.02 1 953 3060003 3120149470201293312 4 3 2 312031204 101250270 260 260 280 125010250 250 240 150 170 3. 4 99204 810019224000Red FireRed Fire) 955 24200 OscillumOscillum2529100 60Blue WaterBlue Water25299332426019224000Fullpoint Enterprises 1.Oscillum953 17New Able International LimitedNew Able100,000,000 10,000,000New Able949 1 Blue Water 2.Alpha Wizard International LimitedAlpha WizardBlue Water952 8 3.Blue Water1998112 20047 3020047 3020069 1 959 1 4 81001 24804 19224000Red Fire 29579346.84 956 8 Red Fi re 29579346.84 Alpha Service Holding Inc . Alpha Service 00000-0000000 29579346.84 調Alpha Service 調 Alpha Service 956 9 60Alpha WizardAlpha Wizard956 136846Alpha Wizard956 141510008800Yugen Kaisha GT Limited Bankof Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.#1033851 Alpha Service 956 122090KGNVInvestment II KGNV In52 50-12 GC Oaks Country Club Portfolio LimitedGC Oaks GC Oaks NewtonGarrisonCTO . Alpha Service 956 12200 KGNVInvestment II KGNV Investment II132 28602 2000Nakatoshi Toushikofun Yugen KaishaSumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp ,Tokyo #0000000000 Alpha Service 956 15120 Alpha WizardAlpha Wizard956 16111 Mr .NG Kwok Kuen DavidHang Seng BankLimited, Hong Kong#000000000000 Alpha Service 956 1550BlueWater Blue Water15372000125100New AbleNew Able151250004070使 Alpha Service 957 17120 8020Total Mass Investments LimitedTotal MassTotal Mass17120 8000Century Top Assolcates Ltd#000000000000 Alpha Service 957 24455000Joint Aviation Corp . Joint Joint 24455000 Alpha Service 958 15364000Joint Joint 15363935.98 #00000000000 Alpha Service 958 16107 5000Gifted Pro Investments LimitedGifted ProBlue Water00000-0000000 Gifted Pro161075000BeinFushi Inc. 00000-00000 Alpha Service 958 16110 MoonSoon Management Limited Moon Soon 412 2148 953 1 NewtonGarrison412 2148OBU Multi-StrategyMulti-Strategy1 412 2148Oscillum Oscillum953 8 125 Total MassTotal Mass125 Oscillum953 1520Blue WaterBlue Water182464.86 Oscillum954 6 195 4500KGNV Investment II6520Moon Soon KGNV Investment II125 40GC Asia Investment LimitedGC Asia 704460New Able Best Method Limited Best Method Top Wishes Investment II LimitedTop Wishes1.2 Best Method BVI Chiu Te-Hsin922 13935 3 8 20Best Method Huang Hsi-Hui Best Method 926 1700000-0000000 Angelo J .Y . Koo Top Wishe s 923 21BVI HuangFen-MeiTop WishesTop Wishes927 2000000-0000000 調CTO CTO GarrisonCT Asia 調調Red FireCTO 3.Best Method Top WishesCTO CTO CTO Best Method Top Wishes956 7 OBU 1.2 95002500Best Method Top Wishes使Estar Cable Ltd . 961 2932Best Method 957 19 1.Best Method 950093004 957 21755274.39 Laureola Technology Co .Laureola2100GC W Honolulu Portfolio Limited GC W45556804.36 GC Oaks 25687921.25 GC Megaworld Portfolio LimitedGC MegaworldGC WGC Oaks GC Megaworld957 24210045556804.36 25687921.25 NewtonNewton957 25263 GarrisonGarrison957 252666556804.36 25687921.25 92244725.61 CTO 2.Top Wishes250024004 957 21441 416.79Laureola518 5844Exact Abcity InvestmentsExact 990 3739.21 GC CGHS Portfolio Limited GC CGHS 450 GC Las Olas Portfolio Limited GC LasLaureola755274.39 361 1350Advanced SynchronousAdvanced SynchronousOBU 00000-0000000 00000-0000000 361 13501 1840OBU 00000-0000 00 00000-0000000 Exact 957 24518 5844CT Asia CT Asia 957 31CTO GC CGHS GC Las990 3739.21 450 957 27NewtonNewton272 GarrisonGarrison957 3114403739.21 CTO 3.Best Method Top WishesCTO 1 11834308.82 CTO 958 4 95126 2 16691441.42 16691441.41.2 3 CT Asia 956 301035LaureolaLaureola957 132 535 Multi-Strategy500 Regency Multi-StrategyRegency 13567 463 5000LaureolaLaureola131035CT Asia CT Asia 957 311037577.97CTO Total Bright957 1411514160.21 4.CT Asia CT Asia 957 3111532839.48 CTO KGNV Investment II956 122090Red FireGC Oaks GC Oaks 957 1420984444.38 NewtonNewton957 14GC Las23387891.76 Advanced Synchronous4650GarrisonGarrison47093262.89 CTO 101 126 101 1225 95 調退Pyxis Group Limited 101 9 28退 94西Bel Air Estates 6300PPG 2700300 PPG 3000PPG 96 使 BEST METHOD TOP WISHES1.2 9312101 100 1. CTO 936 29CTO 8,100 Garrison 936 29Garrison Limited8,020 Newton PPG 300 94 2,700 9412284,850 101 11 302 Best Method Top Wishes1.2 Best Method Top Wishes Best Method Top Wishes957 19Best Method Top WishesESTAR Cable Top Wishes DevelopmentBest Method Top Wishes 957 19ESTAR Cable Top Wishes DevelopmentESTAR Cable Top Wishes DevelopmentBest Method Top Wishes 9295 調77調 CTO GarrisonNewtonBel Air HeliosMinos NestorGlobal TacticalGlobal WealthOscillumFermionAdvanced SynchronousBlue WaterMulti-StrategyRegency調 Twinstar祿9295 Bel Air 500 Nobel Medal 947 Nobel Medal 948 9 500 A8-40 A10 -C-22-14使957 19 調調 PinnaclePinnacleA10-C-1-36PinnaclePinnacle PPG 2700 STANDBY L/C 9295調調婿調 使調調調 101 11 調調 CTO CTO GarrisonNewtonOscillumPinnacle調 調 58148989 CTO GarrisonNewtonNewtonGarrisonCTO CTO GarrisonNewton 904 9295使 1 3450 8100 1 CTO GarrisonNewtonBel Air HeliosMinos Bel Air NestorGlobal Tactical Multi-StrategyGlobal Tactical NestorBel Air Noble Medal 2 Bel Air 00000-0000000 Bel Air Bel Air 使 3 HeliosMinos Novizo Technology Corporation NestorPinnacleGlobal Tactical Avellin Partners Company Ltd .Multi-StrategyEuclid Advisors Corp .調Bel Air HeliosMinos 4 Multi-StrategyGlobal Tactical 5 93Minos Minos B2-19F-1-6Minos CTO 93127 6 Selene Investment FundBel Air 947 11500 Noble Medal 000000000 947 500 Noble Medal Noble Medal Noble Medal Selene Investment FundSelene Investment FundCTO 948 9 Noble Medal 500 Selene Investment Fund500 Noble Medal 2450 1 CTO GarrisonNewtonTwinstar祿 2 Twinstar祿使CTO 2600 1 CTO GarrisonNewtonNewtonCTO GarrisonNewtonNewtonGlobal Wealth 2 Global Wealth 918 5 8 6 9 13調Global Wealth 963 855 1 CTO GarrisonOscillumCTO GarrisonNewtonFermion Devices Advanced SynchronousGlobal Wealth Advanced SynchronousOscillumBlue Wat er 2 Fermion Devices Advanced SynchronousNovizio Technology CorporationGlobal Wealth OscillumPinncaleBlue Water調 3 944 13KGNV Investment II150 CTO A10-C-21-30 Oscillum300 AMC 94Oscillum94127 100 95Oscillum951 2 200 1 95.01.02- Oscillum Co .Ltd .2,000,000 Oscillum94127 100 951 2 200 109 1 Global Tactical Multi-StrategyRegency OscillumBlue WaterBlue Water 2 Global Tactical Multi-StrategyRegency OscillumBlue Water調 3 Regency Global Tactical Multi-Strategy 4 94127 941220Blue Water100 25.95 150 CTO 750 CTOMinosNewtonBlue Water CTOMinosNewtonBlue Water調 941025Blue Water50CTO 94PPG CTO 948 292,400 9411164,850 GarrisonGarrison CTO 2,400 PPG PPG Hopesen 調 調OscillumOscillum CTA NewtonCTO GarrisonOscillumPinnacleAdvanvueBlue WaterNew AbleNew AbleNew AbleNew AbleNew AbleNew Able20059 1 New AbleNew Able 使 954 10 使 Total MassGlobalWealthMoon SoonNew AbleGifted Pro Alpha Service Total Mass 951.2 Best Method Top WishesESTAR Cable Ltd .51 3,093,355 Top Wishes Development 40 4 1.2 957 19Best Method Top WishesOBU 7 20Best Method Top WishesBest Method Top Wishes967 27 調CTO CT Asia 調 Red FireCTO Best Method Top WishCTO Best Method Top WishesOBU 957 20Best Method Top WishesBest Method Top WishesESTAR Cable Ltd.51Top Wishes 40 Best Method Top WishesBest Method Top Wishes Best Method 935 3 957 19Best Method Best Method 957 19Best Method OBU OBU Best Method Top Wishes321 127 1 1 調調調 Global Wealth 祿TwinstarNoble Medal PinnacleGlobal Wealth PinnaclePinnacleOscillumBel Air Newton祿Twinstar祿簿Newton918 Global Wealth 918 PPG 300 Standby L/C Noble Medal Bel Air 500 Noble Medal Noble Medal Bel Air Selene Investment Bel Air 調 調婿260 便 Red Fire Alpha Service Red FireAlpha Service Alpha Service 調Alpha Service 1.2 Best Method Top Wishes1.2 Best Method Top WishesBest Method Top Wishes巿 調 便 PinnacleMinos 祿 Selene Investments Fund Bel Air PPG : 便使使使PPG Wealth Wonder PPG 300 300 PPG PPG ? ? PPG PPG PPG 941116951 20CT0 CT0 GarrisonGarrisonOscillumOscillumBlue waterBlue waterBlue water310 8,789.02調953 304 102 3 954 10 2;1051228 1513 953 312,014 9470; 4 3 4 10270 260 280 使280 - - 000 使 1.2: Best Method Top Wishes Best Method Top Wishes; Best Method Top Wishes0 000 ; Best Method Top WishesBest Method To pWishe s Best Metho dTo p Wishes Best Method 957 19Best Method 957 17Best Method COPYGarrisonGarrison CTO GarrisonGarrison CTO CTO Colony CapitalGarrison 911 5 CTO ) 6 CTO 919 11 Colony Capital9117CTO CTO Garrison91 101 11 CTO 3 92129 936 11145,000,000 9212129312249,888,378.159212189411164,850 3 Garris on CTO GarrisonCTO Garris on 使Colony6 1 8,100 2 2,450 3 300 4 2,600 1 34501.855 6,915.53CTO GarrisonCTO 1.459,888,378.15 CTO ColonyColony Asia Investor.I , L .P . Colony Asia L .P .Garris on 使Colony Asia L .P . 21Colony Asia L .P . CTO Garrison204,022,916.033,176,795.99 4 CTO 稿933 20GarrisonGarrisonGarrisonGarrison Colony CapitalColony Asia L.P.Garrison933 20GarrisonPartnership Agreement CTO 使Colony934 27稿Colony 750 CTO Garrison 945 25調9495CTO 945 25調1718941228Garrison96 9412285 941228CTO 711 94CTO CT Asia L .P .941231177,842,180 CTO CTO CTO CTO 調DD CTO CTO CTO CTO OscillumGarrisonCT Asia L .P .CTO Oscillum 941013CTO 750 Minos CTO Garrison2 2,400 CTO Garrison4,850 PPG GarrisonColony Capital2 932 1 CT0 CT0 CT0 CT0 CT0 925 5 CT0 CT0 CT0 Colony CapitalColony Asia Investors I , L .P .Colony Asia L .P . CT0 OscillumGARRISON CT Asia L.P.CT0CT0CT Asia L.P.Colony Asia L.P.使CT0Colony Asia調 CT0 CT0 CT0 CT0 CTO CT0 CT0 Colony Asia L.P.GarrisonColony Asia L .P .Garrison CTO CT0 GarrisonCT0 Garrison2,400 NOT E CT0 Garrison4,850 NOTE使 CT0 Minos 750 NOTE CT0 CT Asia L .P .4 CTO 101 126 91990 18100 943 29951124923 12957 200 1 1 8 121416182022Red Fire97112491104 9 123-134 69104-106 124-129 70204-206 105 8 18-67 91103 105 8 99-100 91103 100 祿100 105 8 99-100Wealthy Wonder105 8 99-10010102-4777-11739101 -103106 -107223-231 494072-97 55115-151 57248 59252-253 69112-113 74175-179 105 8 113-114 136-137 3 100 102 8411 65115 祿Best Method Lucky BellHopesen Top WishesEstar Cable Ltd Noble Medel 739 10Deerport Holdings Twinstar105 8 26祿105 8 488 105 8 439 9296Wealthy WonderHopesen TwinstarWealthy Wonder9422105 8 253-258 303-304 306-308 祿829 Best Method 使60130-133 135-137 Wealthy WonderHope sen Twinstar100 稿K 874244K KB100 3 25使500 8210102 3 13100 3 7 9912133 祿TwinstarWealthy WonderNoble Medal Hopesen Wealthy WonderKGNVAdvanvueKGNV Investment III Limited Avellin Partners Comp any Ltd . KGNV Investment VI LimitedEuclid Advisors Corp .KGNV Investment IV LimitedGifted ProNew AbleTotal MassAlpha WizardLaureolaMoon Soon 2 3 4 7 8 101213152 4 5 162734363942555852223 70827313A81 318212835 52224 659395105 8 350-35 1105 8 443 105 8 490 調調105 8 381-382 調 TwinstarKGNVAdvanvueKGNV Investment III LimitedAlpha ServicesKGNV Investment Holdings I LimitedGlobal WealthKGNV Investment II Limited7038-4072131-13423232957 調調調904 調904 調調65947916 5-166105 8 266 271 GarrisonColony Asia L .P .CT Asia L .P .PinnacleOscillumNewtonGlobal Wealth Alpha WizardBlue WaterBel Air New AbleNestorAlpha Service Gifted ProMinos Total MassMoonsoonGC Asia PPG 105 6 1368294-297 105 6 298 BVI 777-98 100 4 2324AMC Pyxis Management L imited Pyxis BVI S S Steven82122 S 稿972 100 4 23Pyxis AMC BVI 163 Bel Air 調Bel Air Bel Air PPG Bel Air Bel Air 105 8 303-304 調Bel Air Bel Air Bel Air 調 915 17963 9 100%9093調169 9291107 12191072245570128 1 9 128 5 50205 207-208 107 10153-209 CTO 108 4 1100000000CTO 9295107 10359 CTO 107 1081-82 CTO Pyxis A10-C-21-52 9394102 1022Pyxis Corabells Investments Limited Au Wing Yan Wong Yu Keung 189 127 A10-C-21-42 103 4 16Pyxis Yvonne Au 268,223 95189-190 101 9 28A10-C21-103 Pyxis JohannesYvonnePyxis 1.652.97232-235 Pyxis Pyxis Pyxis 97198 Pyxis 100 4 232. 100/4/24 AMC Pyxis BVI S S 稿4/25S 972 Pyxis Pyxis 104 105 105 8 307 Pyxis 8311Pyxis YvonneJohannesSteven ChengPyxis Pyxis Pyxis Pyxis 80204 812549190 81173 177 827 -87966Pyxis 101 102 89 Colony Asia Investors I , L .P .Colony Aisa L .P .Colony Capital Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Colony Capital CTO Colony Capital 925 125 Colony CapitalColony Capital925 5 CTO OBU 14Colony Capital4 214 108 4 1100000000CTO 9295CTO 107 10359 928 1012936 129411150034501 2 1 4 5 4850 CTO OBU 92128 092036433 932 23093004566 935 4 093010285 931210000000000 942 15094002157 CTO CTO 101 2 1410100655620 CTO Colony Capital4 214 5 6 34-35 79-89 Colony Asia L .P .CTO Colony CapitalColony Asia Capital , LLC Colony Asia Capital CTO Colony Asia Capital CTO Limited Partner Colony Asia Capital General Partner 2.04Exhibit1Colony Asia Capital Colony CapitalAdvisory Services Agreement Colony CapitalColony Asia Capital 107 10151-286 926 10CTO Colony Asia Capital , LLC 1357Colony Asia Capital Colony CapitalColonyAsia L .P . CTO MEMORANDUMColony Capital Asia Pacific Pte Ltd CTO Colony Asia L .P .2 111213Colony Asia L . P . CTO Colony CapitalColony Asia Capital Colony Asia L.P. Colony Asia L .P. CTO MEMORANDUMMemorand um CTO Colony CapitalColony Asia Capital Colony Asia L .P. 4 12135 KAMC O CRC#46 1012KyongNamBank8 HANA Bank 9 13Hawks Town1112Bank of Overseas Chinese NPL13Yangtze Special Situations Fund L .P .14151617CTO Colony CapitalColony Asia Capital 92103 8 4 Colony Capital Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 6 9496Colony CapitalCTO Colony CapitalColony Asia Capital CTO Colony CapitalColony Asia Capital Colony Asia L .P . CTO OscillumGarrisonGarrison L .P . CT Asia L .P .NewtonGarrisonGarrison L .P . CT Asia L .P .Colony Capital 933 20930013CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Oscillum Company LimitedOscillumGarrisonColony Asia Investors Garrison933 201.Colony Asia Capital , LLC Colony Asia Capital Colony Asia Investors I Colony Asia L .P .2.CTO OscillumGarrisonGarrisonCTO Oscillum4 2 1 2 APPENDIX B COMMITMENTSLimited partner CT opportunity Investment Company Comm itment US$ US$200million 4.08: CT Opportunity Investment Company . Atthe option of CT Opportunity Investment Company , Garrison Colony Will have a Subsequent Closing on orprior to the first anniversary of the First closing atwhich Closing CT Opportunity Investment Company shall make a further Commitment of two hundred million DollarsUS$200 million 79 3467180 225-227 Agreement of Limited Partnership of Garrison Colony Asia InvestorsAgreement of Limited Partnership of Garrison Colony Investors 933 29179 148 9312101 77114 Oscillum2 4546921119BVI BRITISH VIRGIN ISLAND 45Pinnacle34148 149 150-153 941014Cayman46Pinnacle4894Oscillum BVIOscillum Cayman CTO Oscillum933 20Oscillum Cayman Oscillum Cayman CTO Oscillum BVI6787-92 124-126 188 189 191 226 229 233 236 238 Garrison921210Garrison Asia Investors Limited 933 21Garrison Colony Asia InvestorsGarrison18Garrison Asia Capital Limited GarrisonOscillumCTO 933 Garrison9411KPMGGarrison Colony Asia Investors調CaymanLimited PartnershipAgreement941121Garrison Colony Asia Investors L .P . Garrison L .P . Garrison1994941116稿4 105 107-108 109 117 118 119-120 122 -12434170-172 174 3681-86 98145 156 159 CTO OscillumCT Asia L .P .94112112OscillumCTO OscillumGarrisonNewton43Newton92129 4 153 155-156 167 -171 CT Asia L .P .NewtonGarrison L .P . GarrisonCTO OscillumBVI 921210Garrison Asia Investors Limited 933 23Garrison Colony Asia InvestorsGarrisonGarrison Asia Capital Limited 使941121Garrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P . Garrison L .P . OscillumOscillum2 4546BVI 45Cayman46Oscillum BVI921119PinnaclePinnacleOscillum Cayman 941014Pinnacle48Pinnacle94Oscillum BVIOscillum Cayman Pinnacle48927 21Pinnacle9297Pinnacle-1135-206 PinnacleA10-C-1-36945960PinnaclePinnaclePinnacle便Pinnacle105 8 441-443 Pinnac le OscillumGarrisonGarrison 11 101PinnacleOsci llumPinnacle902 16927 21Pinn acle PinnaclePinnacleCTO Oscil lum PinnacleOscillumGa rrisonNewt on 調CTO OscillumGarrisonGarrison L .P . CT Asia L .P .Newton GarrisonOscillumOscillumColony Capital 933 29190 144 -14 5 CTO Oscillum GarrisonColony Asia Capital , LLC ny Asia Capital Colony Asia In vestors I Colony Asia L .P .CTO OscillumGarrisonGarrisonGarrisonOscillumColony Asia Capital Colony Asia L .P .OscillumColony CapitalColony CapitalCTO Oscillum179 4-75OscillumColony Asia L .P .Colony CapitalColony Asia Capital 46OscillumPinnaclePinnacle927 2157252 253 7313OscillumColonyCapital GarrisonGarrison Asia Investors Limited Garrison Colony Asia InvestorsColonyCTO 5,814 8,989 933 20CTO 58,148,989Garrison Asia Investors Limited GarrisonNewton2 22CTO 934 281 9-1417-19 9-1417-19 933 20CTO 4 28Garrison18921210Garrison Asia Investors Limited 933 23GarrisonColonyAsia InvestorsColonyLimited 933 292 CTO Garrison Colony Asia Investors179 148-150 934 19CTO OscillumGarrison Colony Asia I nvestors 179 4-75933 2058,148,989CTO 3 223 23Garris on 3 29CTO Garrison4 19CTO Oscill um GarrisonColony Asia Inves tors 4 28CTO 58,148,989GarrisonColonyCTO CTO GarrisonCT Asia L .P .Colony Capital 15GarrisonCT Asia L.P.CTO 15CTOCT Asia L.P. 4104121GarrisonCT Asia L.P.CTOColony CapitalColony CapitalGarrisonCT Asia L.P.OscillumGarrisonCT Asia L.P.Colony Capital 95Garrison L .P . Garrison L .P . Garrison19CTAsia L .P . CTO Best Method Top WishesCTO Colony Capital8 Garrison L .P . CT Asia L .P .CTO CTO 264 Best Metho dTop WishesGarrisonGarrison L .P . CT Asia L .P .GarrisonGarrison L .P . CT Asia L .P .CTO 退 CTO GarrisonColony Capital 200 Colony Capital1.5 150 50-52 Garrison Colony Ga rri son ColonyGarrison Colony Colo ny Colony Capital190 165-166 Colony Asia L .P .Capi tal Call CTO 1.5 11114760677412465 CTO 50208050200 CTO Colony Asia L .P .9412281 21313510.15 13531.5 CTOOscillum B2-19F-1-596-97 Agreement of Limited PartnershipCT Asia L.P.General Partner OscillumOscillumGPOscillumCT Asia L .P .Garrison使GPMemoradum 9394-95 97-98 GarrisonCT Asia L .P . GarrisonCTOMemoradum Notice of DrawdownGarrisonColony Asia L .P .Memoradum CTO Colony Asia L .P .MemorandumColony Asia L .P .Memo randum GarrisonCTO MemorandumGarrison52 CTO Garrison6 12CTO GarrisonMemorandumCTO CTO CT Asia L .P . Colony CapitalGarrisonGarrisonCTO Colony Capital Garrison2.04. Advisory Services Agreement Colony Capital Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Colony Capital179 85Advisory Service132'greement Exhibit 1 107 10151 Colony CapitalColony CapitalGarris o nOscillumColony CapitalColony Asia L .P .Colony CapitalColony Asia Capital Garr iso nColony CapitalColony CapitalGarrisonOscillumGarrisonCTO Colony Capital A8-40 A8-40 105 8 103-105 A10-C-22-14 97182 A10-C-22-14 80209 調A8-40 A10-C-22-14 2-3 82123 A10-C-22-14 2006/7/20 2006/7/20 105 6 8 2006/ 7/20957 20105 6 8 105 2 3 A8-40 A10-C-22-14 REF NO .105 10121052244590005 Crimson International Investments Crimson Regency Worldwide Investment Fund Regency 51RengencyMulti-Strategy Global Investment Fund Multi-Strategy40Multi-StrategyGlobal Tactical Investment Fun dGlobal Tactical 28Global Tactical New Generation Gamma Fund New Gen eration New Paradigm Investment FundNew ParadigmIEP Milestone Value Fund IIEP OBU 105 8 39-54 Newton2004/04/28 GC Newton $58M 1 18~19 2004/06/29GCNewton$80M2 27 ~30 2004/7/2 3 GC Newton$24.5M2 42~43 2004/10/19 GC Newton$3M 2 51Grand Way , Grand Way CTAI4 106 109 2006/2/22 NewtonMulti $1M 2006/3/1NewtonMulti $4M 7 225 2006/7/19 NewtonMulti$4M 2 簿OBU 稿Grand Way Grand Way CTAI4 106 109 ( 33,000,000) 2006/6/29 Rege ncy ( 22,380,529)2006/6/30Multi-Strategy ( 2,000 ,000) 2006/6/30 New Generation ( 4,839,471) 2006/6/30 New Paradigm ( 4,000,000) Regency Multi-StrategyNew GenerationNew Paradig m OBU 3,300 調A10-C-1-20956 30調3,335 2,464,978.905,972,828.562,208,338.17450 770 450 600 9438-39 956 2930LaureolaRegency Multi-StrategyOBU 3,300 105 6 29Regen cy2,200 Multi-Strategy65105 6 30Regency 500 Multi-Stra tegy 535 36562006/2/22 NewtonMulti$ 1M 2006/3/1 Newton Multi $4M OBU 稿 A10-C-1-20957 13956 309430-39 OBU ( 33,000,000) ( 31,159,266) 調Laureola957 13956 30調祿LaureolaLaureolaOBU 81116 調Laureola調LaureolaLaureolaLaureola36LaureolaLaureola A10-C-22-18 OBU 9720OBU 稿OBU 使OBU 便 101 11 使 11 101 使159 4 3 3 159 4 1 58148989 571 2 955 30171 1 3 2 955 302 1 111 79161-170 806-8 825-13118-128 80196-210 190 164-166 CTO GarrisonNewtonA10-C-22-14 A8-40 934 277 15174 -1751197-10636358193213-216 9718 92114 CTO 1 2 92128 09203643321291218000000000000 6 3 3 CT OOBU 000000000000 CTO 000000000000933 205,814 8,989 Garrison000000000000GarrisonNewton000000000000 Newton205,814 8,989 4 1,714 8,989 000000000000950 0000000000001,800 0000000000001,350 000000000000933 224 NewtonNewtonGarrisonGarrisonCTO 934 27ColonyCaymanCT OpportunityUSD$58,148,989ColonyColonyGarrisonColony Asia Investors 934 28CTO 5,814 8,989 GarrisonCol ony CTO 28 5,814 8,989 GarrisonNewtonNewton4 1,714 8,989 950 1,800 1,350 3-193-19 101 2 1410100655620 CT OPPORTUNITY INVESTMENT COMPANY 92114 92114 934 101 2 3 1010003287CT Opportunity00000000000020038 8 20041 191 101 3 231012220160002 CT Opportunity Investment Company 000000000000Garrison Asia Investors Limited 000000000000Newton Asia Investors Limited 000000000000102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P Garrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P 934 289495稿SUNG YOUNG INVESTMENT CO . , LTD . And NEWTON ASIA INVESTORS LIMITED US$9,500,000.00 LOAN AGREEMENT CHUNG KWAN INVESTMENT CO . , LTD . And NEWTON ASIA INVESTORS LIMITED US$17,148,989.00 LOAN AGREEMENT6 232856-60 6674-76 100 102 7 8 151197-1063635-37 819878-81 CTO 1 2 933 23Garrison941121GarrisonL . P . CTO Colony Capital2 CTO CTO Garrison1418CTO GarrisonNewton43 調904 4 105 8 271 -2734 106 5 8 933 使. . . 105 8 138-140 106 6 3093西20043 1 9 00000-0000000 100 . . . 934 28965 23105 8 129-131 CTO 5,814 8,989 934 28105 7 269395稿7077105-107 16稿4 5,814 8,989 2 934 2728933 29CTO OscillumGarrison2 Garrison179 148-150 CTO OscillumGarrison179 4-75CTO Garrison58,148,989119911101 1197180 224 CTO 47137 CTO CTO GarrisonGarrison 1 3450 4 8100 8100571 2 955 30171 1 3 2 955 302 1 111 79161-170 8014 -2581118-119 825-13118-128 47131-138 80196 -210A2-27F-3-1-3EASTASSET INTERNATIONAL Partner Plus Group LimitedPPG Minos Investments FundA10-C-6- 29 93A10-C-6-20-93.1.1 A10-C-21-88 Minos Investments FundFROMMinos Investments FundTOKae Lee Investments Co . , Ltd .100 1226( ) 1000152304948 159 5 2700Bel Air Investment Fund Nestor Investment Fund2006112 Nestor Investment FundA10-C-21-42 103 4 16A10-C-22-103101 9 28A10-C-22-104A10-C-22-14 A8-40 4 68-10436227-230 60210 8061-66 8281-84 90136-205 93213-216 9561-66 187-191 217 9718231-235 936 9 1 4 5 CTO 936 111 4 5 CTO 000000000000931125931210093035727 4 93626 CT OpportunityGarrison Colony Asia InvestorsCaymanCT OpportunityUSD$81,000,000ColonyGarrison Colony Asia Investors11113 936 29CTO 8,100 Garrison Garrison8,020 Newton43 Newton298,020 13099168.55 Bel Air Selene Investments Fund60000 000000000000795 6164.38 18055080Helios00000000000022663013.7238 8519.12 545 2920292 5976.34 757 2328.77 Minos 38000000000000Bel Air 2913099168.55 Nestor41Pinnacle000000000000 Bel Air934195557899.73NestorNestorBel Air62913099168.55291650 Global TacticalOBU28000000000000Global Tactical 291,120 Global Tactical9478 400Nestor 221-38 157-121-38157-1 101 2 1410100655620 CT OPPORTUNITY INVESTMENT COMPANY 1 931125941 102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P Garrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P 936 29101 3 231012220160002 CT Opportunity Investment Company 000000000000Garrison Asia Investors Limited 000000000000Newton Asia Investors Limited 000000000000100 1226( ) 1000152304948 159 5 2700Bel Air Investment Fund Bel Air A10-C-22-14 A8-40 104 5 6 1040152136Global Tactical InvestmentFundA2-27F-3-1-3EASTASSETINTERNATIONALEastasset International Limited 107 119 00000000936 9 4 10-22 6 117-157 7 2-1411112-115 3633-48 81-86 3810-11 9047-53 93213-216 9718107 10377-383 CTO 107 10377-383 6 117-119 144 146 933 23Garrison941121Garrison L.P .CTO Colony CapitalCTO Garri son CTO Garrison1418CTO GarrisonNewtonBel Air HeliosMinos Nestors Global Tactical 6 283338414333Helios11113 11112 CTO 933 29Garrison11115 CTO GarrisonGarr ison NewtonBel Air Minos NestorGloba50-52 NewtonBel Air Minos NestorGlobal Tactical Nestor400 Pinnacal100 500 Bel Air Noble Medal 2 2636157-1 5 157 157-4 2636157 157-4 Bel Air PPG 2700Noble Me dal500 Bel Air 調 95158 300 OscillumAMC 105 9 14Oscillum300 92124 OscillumPinnaclePinnacle927 21Pinnacle927 21PinnacleAdvanvue Capital Management Limited AdvanvueAdvanvue905 24923 27923 27927 18927 18Bel Air 調929 24Bel Air PinnaclePinnacleBel Air Minos Pinnacle調OscillumPinnacleAdvanvueBel Air Mino s調929595OscillumAMC 93Oscillum調調Pinnac le Pinnacle48PinnacleBel Air PinnacleBel Air 調 2,450 2,450 571 2 955 30171 1 3 2 955 302 1 111 653-1048-54 92-97 79161-170 8014-25 825-13118-128 80196-210 102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P Garrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P 937 23CT Opportunity Investment 000000000000Newton Asia Investors Limited 000000000000Garrison Asia Investors Limited 000000000000A8-40 A1-7調20118 24Joyce Lin A10-C-1-36- A10-C-14-26 -Twinstar A10-C-14-30 - Ms . Kathy Yen2 Twinstar Holdings Banking Agreement A10-C-22-14 A1-129-18 - 100 A1-131-52 - Twinstar Holdings 90D25-55D-A25-55Lucky Bell Holding Limited-12014.7.111123-126 3633-48 81-86 96-1238735-85 89122-136 212 274-281 93213-216 94599584-90 9718 936 9 1 4 5 CTO 936 111 4 5 CTO 000000000000931125931210000000000 4 936 212 CT OpportunityGarrison Colony Asia InvestorsCaymanCT OpportunityUS$24,500,000 ColonyGarrison Colony Asia Investors11124 937 23CTO 2,450 Garrison GarrisonNewton43 Newton232,450 3 450 Twinstar57USA 0000000000001,000 祿000000000000990 3739.21 0000000000002 41-43 41-43 102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P Garrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P 921111937 23Garrison Asia Investors Limited 000000000000Newton Asia Investors Limited 000000000000A10-C-22-14 A8-40 7 7811123-126 3633-48 81-86 93213-216 9718 CTO 107 10377-383 6 117 -119144 146 933 23Garrison941121Garrison L .P . CTO Colony CapitalCTO GarrisonCTO Garrison1418CTO GarrisonNewton43Twinstar祿11124 11123 CTO 933 29Garrison11125 11126 CTO GarrisonGarrisonNewtonTwinstar祿Newton eTwinstar祿2 300 300 571 2 955 30171 1 3 2 955 302 1 111 102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L.PGarrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P 937 23CT Opportunity Investment 00000000000 Garrison Asia Investors Limited 00000000000 Newton Asia Investors Limited 00000000000 A10-C-22-14 A8-40 11123-126 3633-48 81-86 96-12393213-216 9718 936 9 1 4 5 CTO 936 111 4 5 CTO 00000000000 0 931125931210000000000 4 931015ColonyCaymanCT OpportunityUS$3 ,000,000 ColonyColonyGarrison Colony Asia Investors11153 931019CTO 300 Garrison GarrisonNewtonNewton19AHHK4RO264112 50-52 50-52 102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P GarrisonColony Asia Investors , L .P931019101 3 231012220160002 CT Opportunity Investment Company 000000000000Garrison Asia Investors Limited 00000000000 Newton Asia Investors Limited 00000000000 A10-C-22-14 A8-40 7 2-1411150-156 3633-48 81-86 93213-216 9718 CTO 107 10377-383 6 117-119 144 146 933 23Garrison941121Garrison L .P . CTO Colony CapitalCTO Ga rrison CTO Garrison1418CTO GarrisonNewton11153 11150 CTO 933 29GarrisonGarr ison 11155 11152 CTO GarrisonGarrisonNewton 2,600 2,600 571 2 955 30171 1 3 2 955 302 1 111 PinnacleAdvanvueKGNVInvestment III Limited2 PinnaclePinnacleOscillumOscillumPinnacleOscillumGarrisonNewtonGlobal Wealth OIL Global Wealth GarrisonNewton2600Global Wealth 使調825-1383119-129 A1-7調20118 24Joyce Lin A10-C-1-36- A10-C-14-26 -Twinst arA10-C-14-30 - Ms . Kathy Yen2 Twinstar Holdi ngsBanking Agreement 102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P Ga rrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P931019931019CTO 9310931015A10-C-22-14 A8-40 11150-156 878493213-216 94599584-90 9718 936 9 1 4 5 CTO 936 111 4 5 CTO 000000000000931125931210000000000 9448ColonyCaymanCT OpportunityUS$ 6,000,000 ColonyColonyGarrison Colony Asia Investors1234-39 944 13CTO 600 Garrison GarrisonNewton Newton13AHHK5RO11590944 18Newton5,999,992 946 16ColonyCaymanCT OpportunityUS$20,000,000 Col ony ColonyGarrison Colony AsiaInvestors 1274946 24CTO 2,000 Garrison GarrisonNewton Newton24944 185,999,992 500 2,500 Global Wealth 893 28DataManagement Technology Limited 905 25KGNV Investment II918 1 Global Wealth KGNV Investment 29000000000000Global Wealth 946 292,500 2 59-61 5 143 -14959-61 143-149 101 3 231012220160002 CT Opportunity Investment Company 000000000000Garrison Asia Investors Limited 000000000000Newton Asia Investors Limited 000000000000Global Wealth Development Inc .=KGNV Investment II Limited=Data Management Technology Limited 000000000000102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investmen t CompanyCTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P Garrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P 946 247 2-141273-80 35177-199 3633-48 81-86 CTO 107 10377-383 6 117-119 144 146 933 23Garrison941121Garrison L.P .CTO Colony CapitalCTO GarrisonCTO Garrison1418CTO GarrisonNewtonGlobal Wealth 4329 123674600 12342,000 1273CTO93329Garrison1238761234-35 7379CTO GarrisonGarrisonNewtonGlobal Wealth Global Wealth 94Global Wealth GlobalWealth34218 219 OIL Global Wealth Global Wealth 963 2 8556915.53 855 6915.53 571 2 955 30171 1 3 2 955 302 1 111 PinnacleAdvanvue2 PinnaclePinna cle OscillumOscillumPinnacleOscillumGarrisonNewtonFermion 17Greycliff Group Co . , LtdGreycliff Greycliff 92124 Fermion 00000-0000000 105 6 8 89退退KGNVKGNVFermion Advanced Synchronous1 Novizio Technology CorporationAdvanced SynchronousAdvanced SynchronousAdvanc ed Synchronous 00000-0000000 Advanced SynchronousGlobal Wealth 調6592-97 69183-187 7014-21 65125-126 72120-126 743-6 8123-32 190 96-102Fermion Devices Company Limited 104 4 2310422483903964000000000000100 8 25( ) 1000108849104 9 11104 090125929595稿104 9 141500302296100 96100 稿簿- 00000000000000000000000000000000000 - 000000000000- 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 NEW ABLE981 23981 159396954 26954 26954 6 951 4 退退967 26Pyxis Management LimitedLease Agreement Addendum 2006Fwd :[] 952 230-293 21A27 36190-194 5488-99 931224988 8378.15 CTO 941 25CTO 942 15094002157 5 6 142- 144151 166 168 CTO 931223988 8378.15 00000000000024CTO 941 4 Garrison Colony CaymanCT Opport unity US$ 1,056,915.53Garrison Colony Garrison Colony 1211941 24CTO 105 6915.53 Garrison GarrisonOscillum 943 1 ColonyCaymanCT Opportunity US$7 ,500,000 ColonyGarrison Colony Asia Investors1221943 4 CTO 750 Garrison Garrison4 NewtonNewtonFermion 000000000000Fermion Advanced Synchronous000000000000 Advanced Synchronous4 11150 Global Wealth 000000000000Global Wealth 114,726 4,600 0000000000004 5 2 000000000000000000000000使 Advanced Synchronous94126 111 8,823.68OscillumOscillum6 100 Blue Water0000000000003 65-90 65-90 101 2 3 1010003287101 2 1410100655620 CT OPPORTUNITY INVESTMENT COMPANY 101 3 231012220160002 CT Opportunity Investment Company 000000000000102 1 1110222274201254000000000000102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P Garrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P 931223931216941 24943 4 CTO 931223931224Global Wealth Development Inc 150 3 CT Opportunity Investment 000000000000Garrison Asia Investors Limited 000000000000Oscillum Company Limited000000000000Newton Asia Investors Limited 000000000000Fermion Devices Co Limited000000000000Global Wealth Development Inc .=KGNV Investment II Limited=Data Management Technology Limited 000000000000Advanced Synchronous Solutions Co Ltd 000000000000CT Asia Investment Limited000000000000Blue Water PacificLimited 000000000000101 5 141012220160004 Advanced Synchronous Solutions Co Ltd 000000000000000000000000102 1 2210222274201395000000000000000000000000102 3 8 10222274202407000000000000000000000000103 106 1 3 1 101 101200000000000000000000000000944 134000200 944 25500 6 19-29 142-157 7 2 -14 2947171-187 11179-182 187 1210-23 1344-47 129-131 351 -52 92-101112 -134177-199 368-2833-48 66-71 81-86 96-1234144-45 155 42204-205 228-240 48191-192 CTO 6 142-144 166 168 933 23Garrison941121Garrison L .P . CTO Colony CapitalCTO GarrisonCTO Garrison1418CTO GarrisonNewtonOscillumBVI Fermion Advanced SynchronousGloba l WealthBlue Water1 8 17294345NewtonOscillumBVI Fermion Global Wealth Fermion Greycliff Advanced Synchronous1 89退退KGNVKGNVKGNV855 6915.53 121121121018CTO 933 29Garrison1213-14 231210151819CTO Garris on GarrisonNewtonOscillumFermion Advanced SynchronousGlobal Wealth BlueWater OscillumPinnacleAdvanvueGlobal Wealth 109 1036.57 109 1036.57 571 2 955 30171 1 3 2 955 302 1 111 Global TacticlMulti-StrategyRegency OBU Multi-StrategyRegency AdvanvueOscillumBlue Water81173-178 83119-129 綿52217-220 5319-22 250 -25354145- 147168-169 195 55288-291 588-9 59232-234 A10-C-22-18 OBU 105 10121052244590005 OBU Worldwide Emerging Market FundCrimson International Investments Regency Worldwide Investment Fund Multi-Strategy Global Investment Fund Global Tactical Investment Fund New GenerationGamma Fund New Paradigm Investment FundIEP Milestone Value Fund IOscillum Company Limited000000000000Blue Water Pacific Limited000000000000Advanced Synchronous Solutions Co Ltd 000000000000101 5 141012220160004 000000000000104 4 2310422483903964綿7 503592-101112-134 368-2853123-126 254-255 547-142 9719-50 3-63 94126 7 Global Tactical 6 000000000000Multi-Strategy7 000000 000000Regency 7 000000000000551643.78 236659.36 302733.43 109 1036.57 Oscillum000000000000 Oscillum94127 100 100 25.95 Blue Water00000000000033464000000000000000 Blue Water941220150 4,987 9,500 0000000000000011000000000000000 100 25.95 33,464,00094128 29,040,0003 88-96 88-96 Oscillum Company Limited000000000000Blue Water Pacific Limited000000000000101 5 141012220160004 000000000000101 112000000000000000000000000000A10-A-5-1 A10-C-21-30 -94 104 3 2010422483903188104 3 3010422483903637000000000000104 3 301040633 0000000000000000000000000000104 4 8 104071410000000000000000000000000000104 4 2 10403302200000000000000 104 4 131045001648綿000000000000104 4 2310422483903964104 6 117 503592-101112-134 41135-140 52180-183 53128-133 135-156 158-178 187-201 203-243 5445-46 5810-15 95 162 962124-27 32-36 Global Tactical Multi-StrategyRegency 284051Regency 3 933 2695105 8 39414257-61 3 94126 7 Global Tactical Multi-StrategyRegency Oscillum 750 750 571 2 955 30171 1 3 2 955 302 1 111 Minos NewtonBlue Water101 3 231012220160002 CT Opportunity Investment Company 000000000000102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P Garrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P 941228Newton Asia Investors Limited 000000000000Blue Water Pacific Limited000000000000101 112000000000000000 2-1412143-144 35 112-134 3633-48 4179-146 941013CTO OBU 000000000000601 2912.59 CTO OBU 000000000000750Minos38Novizio Technology Corporation000000000000 Minos 14749 9000750 Newton000000000000 Newton9410255012.95 Blue Water000000000000 Blue Water25501683000000000000 000000000000271,500 0000000000005170-176170-176 101 3 231012220160002 CT Opportunity Investment Company 000000000000106 1214106224839165045 102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P Garrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P 941228Newton Asia Investors Limited 000000000000Blue Water Pacific Limited000000000000101 5 141012220160004 000000000000101 112000000000000000A10-C-21-30 -94 7 2-144912143-144 35112-134 3633-48 41132-134 95162 105 8 66 -67 CTO CTO CTO Minos NewtonBlue Water2 750 2 2,700 4,850 PPG 2,700 CTO 4,850 CTO GarrisonMinos Garrison4 CTO CT Asia L .P .PPG Hopesen 102 StandBy L/C PPG 571 2 955 30171 1 3 2 955 302 1 111 955 24711 957 1 571 2 CTO Garrison2,400 4,850 1 355-356 3 43-45 125-127 47110-120 155-157 4814-17 49153-155 50174-176 183-184 191-192 1 201-204 213-214 228-230 57251-253 65111-116 739-13186-188 788-16253-258 7994-95 80196-210 8123-32 190 96-102102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P Garrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P 948 29948 28簿948 22100 1226( ) 1000152304948 159 5 2700Bel Air Investment Fund Bel Air Partner Plus Group Ltd104 6 5 100 1226( ) 1000152304948 159 5 2700Bel Air Investment Fund PPG Garrison Colony Asia InvestorsPPG PPG A10 -C-1-5Wealthy Wonder105 3 9 1 2 3 4 300 3 105 6 3 1050003579000000000000105 000000000000001 947 21940024101 3 231012220160002 CT Opportunity Investment Company 000000000000104 4 11PPG 1 3 474 10-22 29-67 221-277 7 2-141288-99 50193 215 57254-261 66145-160 68183-207 7281942-20 西Bel Air Estates 74調19902004well under his control105 8 374-385 PPG 2,100 100 3,000 1,100 100 6,300 PPG PPG 50174-176 PPG 300 Bel Air 2,700 Jade 1,200Chinaboard100 CapitalL Crown100 Silkbridge2,1006,300 3 125-127 PPG Partner Plus Group Limited47946 8 6,300 Bel Air Estates 20059 PPG PPG Bel Air Estates ( BVI Partner Plus Group LimitedPPG Bel Air Estates PPG PPG BVI 2 Eminent Success Investments Limited EminentEastasset International LimitedEastasset PPG100% PPGBel Air Estates6,300USD63,000, 000) PPG 1.Silkbridge Ventures Corporation2400 2.BelAir Investment Fund2700 3.JadeInvestment Limited1000 4.Chinaboard (Holding)Corporation100 5.Capital Crown Holdings, Ltd.100 6,300 20057 22PPG Bel Air Estates Bel Air Estates 9.3 5 PPG 1.5 2.8 3 110 -1144250262263 PPG 6,300 PPG PPD 300 300 300 942 2 1 2,000 8,000 2 948 2 5,000 4,000 9,000 00000000000-0)9,660 祿祿300 Lucky Return948 3 Lucky ReturnWealthy WonderWealthy WonderPPG 5 315-321 315-321 A10-C-1-6 A10-C-1-5 Lucky ReturnA10-C-1-5 A1-6Wealthy WonderA10-C-1- 5A2-27F -3 -1-3PPG A10-C-1-73簿66156 157 79174 175 81156 82237 238 241 872190549422962 2766152-159 PPG 948 3 Wealthy Wonder300 PPG 948 1 PPG 948 3 Wealthy Wonder300 PPG Wealthy Wonder941112948 1 FAX 00000000105 8 420-421 調PPG PPG 300 祿Lucky ReturnWealthy WonderNT$90,000,000 Lucky Return A/CWealthy Wonder Group Ltd .Wealthy Wonder Group Ltd. PPG 82241 9422300 Lucky ReturnWealthy Wonder300 Bel Air 2,700 Bel Air 2,700 a 947 21CaymanCT Opportunity Investment Company CT Opportunity Investment Company Garrison Colony Asia InvestorsNote24,000,000129494829CTOOBU00000-00000002,400Garrison b Garrison Colony 29Newton c Newton29Bel Air 000000000000 d . Pinnacle 00000-0000000947 8 100 Bel Air . Global Tactical8400Nestor 0000000000008,100 2 2627283136157-1 Bel Air . Bel Air 7 11500 Noble Medal TORRANCE000000000 110000000000008 9 Noble Medal 500 Selene Investment FundBel Air94812使8154999992Bel Air e Bel Air829Garrison2,400Noble Medal153002,700PPG000000000000PPG600 f PPG 9 1 1,000 77594000759 4000Wise Gain Investment Limited000-00000000161,750Invest Online Ltd000-000000000 5153155 157157-4160163153155157 157-4160163 100 1226( ) 1 000152304 948 159 5 2700Bel Air Investment Fund 101 3 231012220160002 CT Opportunity Investment Company 000000000000102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P Garrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P 948 29Garrison Asia Investors Limited 000000000000A10-C-1-5 Wealthy WonderNoble Medal A3-21F-1A3-21F-2A1-6Wealthy Wonder & Noble MedalA10-C-1-73簿-Jeffrey J .L . Koo , Jr . US$ A/C105 7 211050013800941 1 94123128914 10-22 7 2-141288-89 13179 183-185 3681-86 77245-246 79176-177 81156 82242 87329334-47 942-20151-156 a CTO GarrisonCTO Garrison933 23Garrison941121Garrison Colony L .P .CTO Colony CapitalPP GGarrisonNoteCTO 2,400 CTO GarrisonNewtonBel Air Bel Air 300 e . Bel Air PPG 2,700 b CTO 2,400 947 21CaymanCT Opportunity Investment Company CT Opportunity Investment Company Garrison Colony Asia InvestorsNote24,000,0001294CTO CT0 3 1 i ( a CT0 financierscapitalists 77220 ) Garrison4 4 109 CT0 Oscillum3.02Authorized Activities D E N 2.17CapitalizationGarrisonGa rrison 179 1524-25 ) CT0 Oscillu m 3.02D Garrison107 10119 CT0 NOTEGarrisonNOTECT0 Garrison2400NOTE2,400 948 29968 282 1292107 9 6 0000000094CTO Garriso n 2,400 77114 1 948 221296-9 9CaymanCT 101 11nity Investment Company CT Oppor tunity Investment Company Garrison Colony Asia InvestorsNote24,000,0001297CTO 2,400 Garrison2,400 CTO Garr ison CT0 OscillumCTO GarrisonCTO c 7839-40 in (b.dptcd Garrison50207 3 CT0 Ga rrison 93001393.3.29 93.4.19 Agreement of Limited Partnership of Garrison Colony Asia Investor s 4.03A 1 v 7840NOTE107 10861 1 107 10117-118 2 Garrison2,400 Garrison2,400 d CTO Garrison2,400 2 CTO OscillumGarrison2 1 2 180 226 CTO Garrison2 402 2916.03 Garrison72502 76522916.03 48232-233 4 CTO Garrison2,400 1292-93 貿Recipit)1289-90 CTO CTO OscillumCTO GarrisonGarrisonNewtonBel Air PPG e PPG 2,700 CTO Garrison2,400 300 Noble Medal 948 15499 9,992 Noble Medal . CTO Garrison8,100 2 27271,650 936 29Global Tactical 2 3636400 947 8 Nestor2 5 157-1 157-1 400 Pi nnacle 100 5 157 157 Bel Air 5 157 157-2 157 157-2 947 11Noble Medal Torrance5 157-3 157-4 947 5 Noble Medal 82242 948 4 9421A10-C-1-6 Noble Medal . 948 12Einco Capital Lucky Return400 700 Noble Medal Torrance5 158 -1159-1 158-1 159-1 Noble Medal 500 948 15Bel Air 5 160 325 16Wealthy Wonder5 159-2 159-3 159-2 159-3 948 4 9421A10-C-1-6 948 8 Einco Capita lLucky Return947-8 343,303,721 948 15Noble Medal Bel Air 500 947 11Noble Medal Bel Air 500 Bel Air 325 Wealthy Wonder944 Noble Medal . 947 11Bel Air Noble Medal 500 9421948 15Noble Med alBel Air 500 947 11Bel Air 500 Bel Air PPG 2,700 2,400 948 29CTO Garrison300 948 15Noble Medal Bel Air 500 . 500 948 9 Noble Medal 500 Selene Investment FundBel Air US$5 ,000,000 US$5 ,000,000 10,000,000945 6 946 使Selene Investment FundBel Air Selene Investment FundBel Air Selene Investment FundBel Air 調 CTO Garrison4,850 941114CaymanCT OpportunityInvestment CompanyCT Opportunity Investment Company Garrison Colony Asia InvestorsNote48,500,000 9411160000000000004,850 CTO CTO 16Garrison Garrison9412161,503 7,500 CTO CTO SAP Garrison Colony 11/16/2005-5/14/2006 Garrison9412173,300 Top Genius52000000000000 941228 a Top Genius3,300 Garrison b Garrison28CTO CTOSAPGarrison Colony c CTO 2894121628Garrison15,037,50033,000,000Colony Asia L .P .600 4 5 103 103 5063914 CT Asia L .P .000000000000CTO CT Asia L .P .CTO SAP CT Asia Investors I , L .P . d CT Asia L .P .281,157 673 3,906 241 Total Bright54000000000000Grand Way 31000000000000 e Grand Way 282,400 Newton f Newton28Garrison g Garrison28CTOCTOSAPGarrison Colony h CTO 28760 CT Asia L .P .CTO CT Asia L . P . i CT Asia L .P .28750 Mi nos000000000000 j Minos 28750 CTOCTOSAPMinosInve stment Fund k CTO 282420CT Asia L.P.CTOCT Asia L.P. l CT Asia L.P.282,409 6,386 Top Genius000000000000 m Top Genius28Newton n Newton28Garrison o Garrison282,409 6,386 CTO 2,323 7,136 359,250 50CTO SAP GarrisonGarrisonCTO 359,250 Garrison23,237,13650 p CTO 281,980 CT Asia L .P .CTO CT Asia L .P .CTO SAP 4 102,230,914 CT Asia Investors I , L .P . 9712197-121 102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment CompanyCTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P Garrison Colony Asia Investors ,L .P941116941216941228101 1 131010000756101 2 1410100655620 CT OPPORTUNITY INVESTMENT COMPANY 101 3 231012220160002 CT Opportunity Investment Company 000000000000102 1 1110222274201254000000000000Garrison Asia Investors Limited 000000000000CT Opportunity Investment 000000000000Top Genius Services Limited 000000000000Red Fire Developments Limited 000000000000Alpha Service Holding Inc .=KGNV Investment Holdings ILimited 00000000000 Joint Aviation Corporation000000000000CT Asia Investors I , L .P .000000000000Grand Way Services Limited000000000000Total Bright Services Limited 000000000000Newton Asia Investors Limited 000000000000CT Asia Investment Limited000000000000105 8 121052239930019 941228CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO 1 223 914 2002881 B2-19F-1-596-97 A3-21F-39412286 2-17165-182 7 2-14171 -18712118-128 138-146 351 -52 64-91 101 -111157-163 3633-48 78-86 96-1237984-85 111 935596-97 a CT Asia L .P .調CaymanCT Opportu nity InvestmentColony Asia Investors I CT Asia Investors I Limited Partnership CT Opportunity Investment Company ColonyColonyCapital 調CT Asia Investors I Limited Partnership Colony Asia Investors I ColonyColonyColonySection 9.01ColonyColonyColony180 258-259 b 調CT0Colony AsiaL .P .CT Asia L .P .CT Asia L .P .Colony Asia L .P .CT0 CT Asia L .P .CT0 Colony Asia L .P .CT0 CT Asia L .P .CT Asia L .P .Colo ny Asia L .P .調CT0 調107 10120 ) 103 7 2800000000CTO Colony Asia L .P .941228CT0 CT Asia L .P .48182 CT Asia L .P .179 76-147CTO Oscillum c 105 8 121052239930019 941228CTO CT Asia L .P .1 223 914 2002881 7984-86 CTO CT Asia L .P .4 102,230,914 CTO 9411164,850 CTO GarrisonGarrison退GarrisonMinos Grand Way Top GeniusNewton使使2,156,944.77CT Asia L .P .CTO Colony Asia L .P .CT Asia L .P .CTO CT Asia L .P .CT Asia L .P .Colony Asia L .P .調CTO CT Asia L .P .CTO Colony Asia L .P .調CTO CT Asia L .P .CTO CT Asia L .P .CT Asia L .P .CTO OscillumColony Capital4,850 CTO CTO OscillumCTO Colony Asia L .P .CT Asia L .P .調CT Asia L .P . d CTO CT0 3 1 i ( a CT0 (financiers)capitalists 77220 ) GarrisonGarris on 4 : 4 109 ) CT0 OSCILLUM( 3.02Authorized Activities D E N 2.17CapitalizationGarrisonGarrison179 1524-25 ) CT0 Oscillum3.02D Garrison107 10119 CT0 NOTEGarrisonNOTECT O pportunity Investment CompanyGarrison Colony Asia InvestorsNote48,500,00012120 94111415CTO 4,850 6 173 -1751 77114 45941114941115Garrison4,850 CTO 9411164,850 / 12122-124 CTO 12118-119 CTO GarrisonGarrisonTop Genius e CTO CT Asia L .P .CTO Garrison2,400 PPG 5 153 -161153-161 Garrison4,850 CTO CTO CTO GarrisonGarrisonCT OGarrisonGarrisonCTO 9412284 CT Asia L .P .4 CTO 79112 4 CT Asia Investors ,L.P79111-112 CTO CT Asia L .P .Total BrightGrand 101 Minos 300 Bel Air 2,700 2,400 Bel Air Estates 20053 110-114 PPG 300 65113 50174 49145 153 PPG 95108 9697PP G2,100 PPG 974 2 8 25Bel Air 974 2 PPG 2,100 西退105 8 386-399 300 9697Bel Ai rPPG Bel Air Bel Air 2,700 300 2,400 GarrisonBel Air 957 Best Method Top Wishes1.2 957 31CTO 48233 2,700 2,400 300 PPG 65114 2,400 Bel Air 2,700 977 2 Bel Air 3 115 974 2,400 2,700 OscillumMinos 4,850 Minos 750 CTO CTO SAP Minos Investment Fund 4 115 115 Garrison2,409 6386CTO CTO 215 6944.77 GarrisonGarrisonOscillum4 120 123 124 120 123 124 PPG 1.5 1.6 971 1.6 PPG 9697CTO Garrison2,400 2,400 CTO Garrison4,850 CT Asia L .P .調500 500 300 300 調1.6 調1 65112-116 1 5 20081249153-155 PPG 2008121.5 1.451 5 20092 3 PPG 調105 8 415-427 20082 1 5 451 5 1 1 50228 -2301 5 CT Asia L .P .4,850 15,060,241CT Asia L .P .50,630,914Grand Way 39,060,241104 106 109 104 106 109 94122829IPE Milestone 7,954,270 Mult i-Strategy 100 New Generation1,105,971 Regency 300 New Paradigm100 Global Tactical 100 =7,954,270+1,000,000+1,105,971+3,000 ,000+1,000,0000+1,000,000OBU 105 8 39-45 OBU 退CT Aaia L .P .使OBU CT Asia L .P .CT Asia L .P .OBU 7 3 3 Hopesen 34Hopesen 102 7 225,000,000 102 8 5 20,000,000102 112615,000,000Standby L/C 使Hopesen Hopesen A10-C-22-22 - 西Hopesen 105 4 7 67249-275 682095241 244 252 9762-65 238 7 4 3 7 1 滿3 Hopesen Hopesen and id 708080196-210 8127-32 105 8 307-323 3 1.5 3 3 Hopesen Capital 2 1 2 111 2 948 CTO Garrison2,400 957 CTO 9697Bel Air 2,700 2,400 Hopesen 2 1 2 111 使100 6960 2 3100 3 951 Oscillum6,240 954 6 OscillumBlue Water6,240 954 261 2480955 30Red FireOscillumBlue Water1,922 4,000 4 8,100 1 44024000967 266 250240007.128697.62 31001 440240008697.6571 2 955 30171 1 3 2 955 302 1 111 9571571 2 調6592-97 69183- 1877014-21 825-13835-12119-129 7080-93 7114-23 72120-126 128-130 104 9 11104 0901259295稿954 26954 26104 6 1210431209800 9623697 967 26104 4 2310422483903964104 5 2910422483905806104 6 3 10422483905979104 6 171045001512000000000000101 112000000000000000000000000000CT Opportunity Investment 000000000000Garrison Asia Investors Limited 000000000000Oscillum Company Limited000000000000Blue Water Pacific Limited000000000000Red Fire Developments Limited 000000000000Oscillum Company LimitedNew Able International LimitedAlpha Wizard International LimitedBlue Water Pacific Limited104 3 2010422483903188000000000000951 20953 31104 7 161042248390747097549975100 1226( ) 1000152304948 159 5 2700Bel Air Investment Fund Oscillum Company LimitedA10-C-21-30 9295調4 153-220 1771-84 21( ) 2227-34 242-7 1725-27 2588-1473487-95 148 -153159 -164 175 -185262-266 3570-91 92-101112-134 3681-86 96-1234179-1464689 -2075283-183547-142 5617-29 131-139 5821-81 235 591-189 73115 95127-179 951 951 4 4 6 6,240 261 2480955 301,922 40004 8100967 267.12 951 4 3,120 Oscillum941230000000000000200 6,567 3,120 3,120 954 6 3,120 9411164,850 CTO CTO95116215 6944.77Garrison 000000000000 Garrison16Oscillum000000000000 Oscillum951 20315 Blue Water000000000000 Blue Water20310 8789.02 1 000000000000 953306,000000000000000331 2,0149,4702,0129,3312432 3,120 3,120 4 101250270 260 260 280 125010250 250 240 150 170 4 1228900 400 4 9920 4 8,100 1,922 4,000 Red FireRed Fire) 955 24200 OscillumOscillum2529100 60Blue WaterBlue Water2529933,242 601,922 4000Fullpoint Enterprises 1,922 4,000 4 123 137-4 6 187 194 123 137-4 187 194 104 6 121043120980 09623697 967 26101 112000000000000000000000000000 Oscillum Company Limited000000000000Garrison Asia Investors Limited 000000000000CT Opportunity Investment 000000000000Blue Water Pacific Limited000000000000Red Fire Developments Limited 000000000000104 4 2310422483903964104 5 2910422483905806104 6 3 10422483905979104 6 1710450015120000000000002013.3.13 95101 1 131010000756101 2 1410100655620 CT OPPORTUNITY INVESTMENT COMPANY 101 3 231012220160002 CT Opportunity Investment Company 000000000000102 1 1110222274201254000000000000102 3 2200000000CT Opportunity Investment Company CTO Colony Asia Investors I ,L .P Garrison Colony Asia Investors , L .P 951 16951 20953 31954 10954 7 101 5 141012220160004 0000000000009594104 3 2010422483903188000000000000104 5 2910422483905806104 6 3 10422483905979000000000000954 3 2 000000000000953 312 000000000000000000000000000000000000A10-C-21-30 95A10-A-5-1 102 1 2210222274201395000000000000104 7 1610422483907470104 8 131042248390850300000000000 6 2-17165-182 7 2-1451-52 171-187 12162-168 1771-84 2125-27 95-98 2228-29 31-35 372372812589-98 100-101 3570 -91 92-101112-134 3681-86 96-12341141-146 167 52133 547-8 37-39 50-56 56133-139 159 188 227 5834235 59151-152 171-176 179-182 60117 69215-216 70109-110 73115 95163 165 961012 調 7 8 2 105 8 114-126 954 261 2,480 AdvanvueOscillumNew Able100,000,000 10,000,000New AbleBlue WaterAlpha WizardBlue Water952 8 New Ab leNew AbleNew Able42Oscillum941230000000000000 200 6,567 OscillumOscillume Oscillum9411164,850 CTO Garriso n OscillumBlue Water4 97123-133 97123-133 4,850 951 20Blue Water3,108,789.021 2228Blue Water5438BlueWater OscillumBlue Water4 8,100 1,922 4,000 Red FireRed Fire955 24200 Oscillum100 60Blue Water9332426019224000Fullpoint Enterprises 1,922 4,000 Red FireOscillumBlue Water74168 -17073115 92-94 967 26 Oscillum941230200 6,567 25149 25149 105 8 492 Oscillum Blue Water951 20310 8789.02 1 4 128 128 10,000,000@10 2228CTO Garrison 953 306,000 6,000,000 @10 2229) 953 312,014 9,470 2,012 9,331 4 130 131 130 131 2231-34 954 3 2 4 130 131 130 131 - - 258990954 1 954 30954 3 2 ) () 8321) A25 8990105 8 494 Blue Water955 29601,9924000 6192192 5/30BLUE WATER600,000 19,224,0008320Blue Water105 8 494 3, 120 3,120 4 101250270 260 260 280 125010250 250 240 150 170 4 136 137-4 136 137-4 954 101,250 270 260 260 280 2,320 - 25100 1,250 - 2235954 101,250 250 250 240 150 170 1060- 2237- 2235105 8 447-448 100 100 105 8 343-344 2 31003,240 3,240 19224000869760007 1200- 6 25024000869760003,240 +3,240+1922 4000+8697 60002 3100Oscillum9411164,850 1,922 4,000 Red Fire3 2,957 9346.84 956 8 Red Fire2,957 9346.84 Alpha Service 2,957 9346.84 調Alpha Service 調967 112 1 111 Gifted ProTotal MassMoon Soon Alpha Service Gifted ProTotal MassMoon SoonAlpha Service6 195-223 195-223 Alpha Service KGNVAlpha WizardBlue WaterNew Able Total MassCentury Top Associates LimitedJoint Gifted ProMoonsoon200635110-111 127 140 -145150 153-155 174-176 180 -183198 204-207 211 -213218 220-221 52133 230-233 55155 163 -19 2 Gifted ProTotal MassMoon Soon Alpha Service 2 3 273955 412 2,148 953 1 Newton412 2148OBU Multi-StrategyMulti-Strategy1 412 2,148 Oscillum571 2 955 30171 1 3 2 955 302 1 111 957 1 571 2 NewtonGarrison412 2,148 OBU Multi-Strateg y Multi-StrategyOscillumOscillumOBU Multi-StrategyOscillumTotal MassGlobal Wealth Moon Soon New Able使調GC Asi aTotal MassBlue WaterGlobal Wealth Moon Soon New Able921224Eucl id Advisors Corp . Multi-Strategy7960-68 81173-178 788-16190 96-102100 8 25( ) 1000108849Total Mass Investments LimitedBlue Water PacificLim itedGlobalWea lth Development Inc . =KGNV Investment II Limited =D ata Management Technology LimitedMoonsoon Management Limited New Able Internati onal Limited Mu lti-strategy Global Investment Fund104 5 6 1040152136Multi-Strategy Global Investment Fun d0000000000002 230 -29334159 -164186-24 6253-25 8262-266 36185 -18938 953 1 413 NewtonNewton412 2,148 OBU Multi-StrategyMulti-Strategy412 2148Oscillum Oscillum953 8 125 Total Mass000000000000Total Mass8 000000000000 Oscillum953 1520Blue Water000000000000Blue Water15182464.86 Oscillum954 6 195 4500Global Wealth 0000000000006520Moon Soon 000000000000 Global Wealth 6 125 40GC Asia 0000000000006 437 2,246.05540 New Able0000000000007 224-242 224-242 Newton Asia Investors Limited 000000000000Oscillum Company Limited000000000000Total Mass Investments Limited00000000000 000000000000Blue Water Pacific Limited000000000000Global Wealth Development Inc .=KGNV Investment II Limited=Data Management Technology Limited 000000000000Moonsoon Management Limited 00000000000 New AbleInternational Limited 0000000000003592-101112-134 177-203 207-221 3633-48 Newtone Newtone Garrison93323Garrison941121 Garrison L.P.NewtoneNewtone9531 413 Newtone OBUMulti- StrategyMulti-StrategyOscillumOscillumTotal MassBlue waterGlobal Wealth MoonSoonNew AbleGC Asia Multi-StrategyMulti-StrategyOscillumOscillum Best Method Top Wishes1.2 Best Method Top WishesCTO CTO CTO 321 127 1 1 321 127 1 1 65135-137 199-206 208 -209662-4 6-8 121-124 126-127 134-135 254-256 Best Method Top WishesOBU 957 17調957 2509560003932 957 17Best Method / Top WishesEstar Cable LTD 951129KGI International Finance Limited 105 3 241052242070003 / Best Method Top WishesCT Asia LaureolaCTO KGNV Investment IIGC Oaks NewtonGC LusiaGarris on 2 230-293 7 2-1429171-187 282-299 291-162 196-339 3570-91 101 -111157 -163177-199 368-2830-32 33-66 72-77 78-80 87-95 96-123160 -164174-185 38146-176 39240-258 5294163 5458-63 126 5675-12259146-150 65154-188 219 -22066195-203 276-280 6714-65 68299-304 84510-558 87117-162 9495-100105-110 157-233 Best Method BVI Chiu Te-Hsin922 13935 3 8 20Huang Hsi-Hui Best Method 925 3 00000-0000000 Angelo J .Y . Koo 957 197 Top Wishes923 21Maurice 西Huang Fen-Mei Top Wishes957 2000000-0000000 532 1.2 Best Method Top Wishes956 7 Best Method Top Wishes9,500 2,500 Best Method Estar Cable 3,093,355 Top WishesTop Wishes Development LimitedTop Wishes Development4 957 17Best Method Top Wish es 957 19967 27Best Method 957 19Best Method 957 19OBU 00000000000000000000000065130-133 136 -137201-205 208 -209662-4 6-8 122-123 126-127 129 -132134 -135255-256 258 -260105 8 53-75 Best Method Best Method Top WishesOBU 957 17調957 2509560003932 957 17Best Method / Top WishesEstar Cable LTD 951129KGI International Finance Limited 105 3 241052242070003 / Best Method Top WishesBest Method CT Asia L .P .LaureolaCTO Global Wealth GC Oaks NewtonGC LusiaGarrison2 277 -278282-6 188-19 6212-257 263-290 296-132 142-143 207 211 240 35160-161 198 369 294556-57 93-94 95107 A38 5 146-154 164 169-172 39240-258 52163 545861-63 5675121 65183 -18866276-280 6747-51 5884509-510 558 Best Method Top Wishes1.2 CTO 8 264-289 302 -312264-289 302-312 CTO CT Asia L .P .LaureolaTotal BrightA10-C-1-53A10-C-1-54Top WishesTop Wishes957 18Top WishesExact GC CGHS NewtonGC LasGarrison LP A10-C-1-53Es tarA10-C-1-5495.7.10 Estar Cable A10-C-1-58Estar Cable Best Method Estar Cable 951020/ Best Method HKOBU OBU GC WGC Oaks GC Mega Global Wealth GC LusiaGarrison6 6 160 7 3-4 10-11 19-20 29173 12175 -178A2 9123-1335159 -161198 224 361022-24 2945-47 49-50 56-57 58737986-87 8893-95 111-119 161 163-164 38190 191 -195196-198 199-201 482150196 51200 52945458-60 126 56121 65293 6720-21 47-51 9495-100104-111 115 122-148 Best Method Top Wishes1.2 Best Method Top Wishes2 9495-96 BestMethodTop Wishes953233331 102 16Best Method Top Wishes321 331 29133 957 962 IDBest Method Top Wishes105 8 6766174 175 Best Method BestMethodBest Method Best Method Top WishesSystem OperatorCNSBest MethodTop Wishes Best MethodTop WishesEstar Cable3,093,355 Top WishesTop Wishes Development40% 4 375 371 60% Best Method Top Wishes4 3 4 5 30Best Met hodlegal MortgageBest Method Giga MediaGiga MediaBest Method 105 8 1753-75 Best Method Top WishesESTAR Cable 3,093,355 Top Wishes40% 4 Best Method Top WishesBest Method Top Wishesequitable mortgage1030legal mortgageBest MethodTop Wishes95719958216200.5%LIBOR1.2% Best MethodTop Wish es3Legal Mortgage(Best Method Gig a Media Best Method Top Wishes951129961 29105 3 240000000000000 106 12201062254390005 107 3 9 1072254390001 KYC 28-211-12 105 8 12139-351 Best Method Top WishesBest Method Top Wishes957 19961 291.2 Best Method Top Wishes1.2 1 1638Best Method Top Wishes1638902 901 885 1 Best Method Top Wishes957 19 ESTAR Cable Top Wishes DevelopmentCNS 107 3 9 1072254390001 957 Carlyle Group EMC 320 . . . . . . / 394 44,60099Kbro) 524 . . . . . . . . . Kbro726 64,87942,880105 8 12140-141 Best Method Top Wishes94113 7,992 Best Method Top WishesEstar Cable Top Wishes Development191,084 4 4,600 852,234 6,400 Best Method Top Wishes957 1.2 32.839.36 85Estar Cable Top Wishes Develpo ment Best Method Top Wishes967 31967 27105 3 241052242070003 282-5 2953-60 Best Method Top Wishes1.2 32CTO 32Best Method Top WishesBest Method Top WishesBest Method Top WishesOBU Best Method Top Wishes265 275 Garrison L .P .CTO CTO 105 1 1 3 WEALTHY WONDER 100 102 使103 18228 104 8171107 6 5 105 26171 1 1 107 29102 5 7 3 1 103 4 2336.77 105 102 101.441 姿103 6 16103 6 18mite 103 12104 1 22000 A 285 121.441 103 16.57 102 13.44 10153 8 3 3 1 1.44 9.9 使2 104 1 A 282 103 9 178 200 Internal Rate of Return IRR 3.2%183 104 1 2 9.2 4 307,000 104 2 264 1 CSR 使2 便9.2 104 2 263 3 3.25 %調2.75 %3 4 2 9.9 5.771.111.19HSBCDRMASTER PRE SS HKLT D 104 5 128 272 使2 1 2 1 1 101 10454 2 227 200 104 2 2 104 8 316 468930% 6125便2 2 調5%退調30% 5 112.5 104 8 2861252 103 9 104 使1 4000104 9 1813.9103 9 200 2 104 9 使 退104 9 246 4829LINE2 532 . . . 退10/13 200 7 4116LINE2510506 LINE 2 2 104 8 28104 9 255%調調30% 104 101 9 使9 1951LINE調 104 101 退7 5 18LINE2 4,800 3 5%IRR 3.2%3 5%102 1 182 23LINE 4,800 3 調5%10185 IRR 3.2% 185 200 104 107 39LINE4,800 2.875%200.3 4,800*12/2.875%=200.3 使調200.3 滿IRR 3.20% 2.875%4,800 5%185 IRR3 .21% 3.09% 185 102619LI NE 使LINE 104 104 8 1751LINE便 2 104 104 101424104 105 104 9 24102 2 2 104 105 195 197.8 104 102 185 2 2 104 105 185 2 200 2 195 197.8 200 443 454 200 200 200 104 105 8 119 11LINE185 IRR 3.2%IRR 10IRR Capital Rate Cap Rate3%200 480010IRR Cap Rate3.1% 2.805%使1016.86 18.63 使200 2 2 調195 197.8 調207 202.4 104 106 4 404 4152調200 退7 200 104 107 2 2 6,125 使200 104 107 1 200.8 8 200.8 131513200 使104 10129 15.6755 200 268 200 104 10131 503 2 3,100 使 4 3 101 104 9 24104 9 25104 122 105 1 1 使 使104 15.6755 5.779.9 14.515.6755 1.175515.6755 -14.5=1.1755 2.3192 104 2 132 319222% 16西9 2.31924 1,115 105 1 1 104 1230105 2 151015 5 103 1045使CHAN , AARON WEI-LI WOO WING SUM SAMUEL 104 7 14使104 5 133 Mr.Aaron Chan 5%19Aaron 2 5 5 21104 5 282 3 2 3 5 5 4 104 6 7 19,5694.77使104 7 6 使9,200 201 171 1 1 168 2 1 2 171 1 2 3 使55168 2 1 2 3 53-54 79-81 48172-174 52211-216 653-1048-54 694-7 36-38 46-49 849-32127 18-24 57-61 152 4-9 15-20 155 6-10156 28-31 145-146 149-153 158 6-10160 37-41 174-178 162 10-13 171 71-73 75-82 178 96-111182 271-281 65111-116 71141-146 182-188 80196-210 8123-32 154 51-55 66-72 78-84 156 48-51 89-93 95-9 7100-103 116-118 121-124 127-130 134-138 140-143 157 186-191 302-307 159 252-259 160 5-13134-139 149-157 160- 162168-170 161 242-245 167 4-14152-156 219-224 238-243 168 4-9 45-53 110- 119174-181 252-254 257-259 169 4-7 9-1035-37 39-41 54-56 60-63 84-91 93101-103 105-10 7147 -149153-160 162-166 193-197 B1706-1012-15 106-11 2114-117 180-185 187-190 B1714-6 8-131535-37 47-50 64-65 85-88 91-95 126-131 133-138 172 4-9 11-14 77-79 81-83 129-132 134-136 173 4-1012-17 105-109 111-115 197-200 202-205 174 38-48 175 8-1440-45 70-78 103-112 176 5-1143-53 89-97 170-177 187-203 177 5-7 17-21 42-4 553-58 65-74 178 5-8 9 -15 32-33 35-37 70-73 75-77 149-151 203-205 212-214 00000000105 4 2210250110283 2 0000000000105 620000000000Deal Meeting104 2 2 9 54- 104 7 23104 8 3 104 2 13104 2 25VC0000000 104 2 13104 2 26- 6 37104 3 3 104 3 12104 3 27104 79104 10211040152200000000000000000000000 000000000000104 9 18104 9 2400000000000 104 2 13104 107 104 107 104 318 104 108 - 6 51104 1013104 112 48102 4 30104 8 28104 1119105 1 7 105 1 19000000000000105 2 2 1050100864B4-2-71 B3-8F-1-4 B4-2-5228 B-5-3 - 1 1 104 10B3-7F-4-1 1 1 C4a-281 1 C4a-315 2 104 9 21105 9 201050018 105 9 262 105 2 1 104 2 16104 4 24104 1230104 5 13104 5 26104 5 2790104 111210400229105 2 2 105 2 13A10-22-1105 9 299 1-316 4 184-196 6939-45 109-121 150-164 70204-206 93141-197 204-206 9797-117999 82-84 102 2 163-173 174-199 103 2-138 104 31-126218-227 107 84-85 109 46-194110 2-25111-157 112 57-68 71-90 117 2-3 301 128 135-301 130 161-186 219-273 132 2-166 134 2-56154 94-105174-175 156 67-69 104 -108157 194-198 203 236-242 255 163 8-30166 139-142 148 172-190 192 -198217-221 167 185 168 5559-76 104 106-107 264 -278169 59109-112 119-122 208-218 171 51-57 96-119139 -196172 18-19 33-54 84-101106 - 111 114-126 137-139 141-157 161-162 164-166 173 21-40 42-90 116-175 188-18 9206-244 175 16-32 34-38 47-63 65-68 80- 9597-100114-117 B17613-37 66-78 118-119 124-125 179-184 205-20 7217 177 5976-239178 17-29 40-67 79-90 120-130 131-146 153-165 192-199 181 84-90 96-98 118-12 4143-144 148 169-185 187-192 182 56-59 109 -131135 162-187 183 3-6 105 8 272-27 4325-440 使 使 104 2 5 2 31925 5 5%2 31925%10% 2 3192108 3 231,920,000 108 3 27231,920,000 5 使 9.9 956 103 9.9 2 201 201 使 1 1.441 1.441 1.44 使 姿 姿姿6 104 1 10104 1 4 2 使2 875%2 875%102 12貿40% 20168 202 使 PWC 使95 調使 2.3 5 0.5 250 使 2.805%2.805 2 2 200 2 157310200.8 使 6 2 60-70 a.AD11' AND 103 9 178 使4,850 6,100 6 B1B2B31 2 ) 3 4 10 3,080 107,000 105 108 6 5 1.6129201 退201 102 7 31103 6 18使A 102 19退退退C 6 256 103 30 10使 4 4 281.44104 4 30 103 12104 1 22 102 104 2 104 1015120 999,960 210 76滿50 1.6 便104 5 12西103 102 1.44104 6 29103 1.44104 8 281.6129 2 調調2 108 3 29231,920,000 5 0 使2,500 2 200 15.67 200 480 14.5148,800 0 185 2.875 3.2 使A8Cap RateIRR 200.8 IRR 3.2 使48002.805 IRR3 .22200 178 180-220 200 207 ( 16.22 ) 202.4 ( 15.87 ) 178 185 2.875% cap rate 104 2 12稿cap rate3.21% 168 2 171 1 3 102 91103 104 5 1 91-103105 8 18-67 102 103 Wealthy Wonder10102-4777-11739101 -103106 -107223-231 494072-97 55115-151 57248 59252-253 69112-113 74175-179 105 8 113-11 4136-137 101 129711Wealthy Wonder3 84114 6 100 3 7 9912133 Wealthy Wonder69441 154 535 105 8 160 162 姿95 102 6 284 361436102 6 272 27調104 7,024 4,564 146 8,800 . . . 102 調105 8 403-474 160 170 調105 8 337 375 105 8 195 1-3 5-7 1011-13 22調調152 4863183 89 19102 3 7 1 102 5 7 311027314679 2120102 103 104 38.09%36.77 36.77%103 6 16106 2 107 2 102 10311.441 1220103616103 6 18104 2 26102 1031103 6 18102 1031103 6 16103 6 16137 124 154 38182 140-141 1 296 -255-61 I 1112145051 103 104 000 A 28171 7172178 99100 156 30145 146 149 150 158 6 178 70156 4849122-123 127 128 136-137 141-142 160 149 150 104 5 12103 12311 1.44104 172-173 178-179 105 28-29 104 6 29100%104 8 28103 12311.44調 1.6129537 5.2 104 10154.1 調1 1.6129103 0.81104 5 12 23.20 調104 1015104 1225104 175 -176154 47 103 154 70105 8 163-164 104 2 10154 69105 8 164 102 105 9 2 3 1 6 1 6 2 ( 103 4 163 便4 2/3 9 2 3 1 姿2 156 127 128 178 702 2 便2 104 104 2 10160 149- 150姿156 149 150 105 8 118-119 193-195 53-54 103 104 156 3048-49 122-123 127 -128136-137 141-142 145 -146149 -150158 6 160 149 -150171 71-72 178 7099-100103 125 II1 104 2 1020II3 103 6 16156 128 105 8 117 姿2 姿156 142 104 104 2 10105 8 193- 194205-207 105 8 119-120 131 姿10105 8 31-32 10-20 156 150 105 8 55103 104 2 20156 30 2 9.2 7 9.9 調 105 8 196 105 8 121 2 104 1 2 105 8 195 227-245 3 4 2.3 104 2 2 105 8 195 247-25 12.3 2 5 104 3 319 2.3 6929300 178 110 --2 9.9 2 104 1 2 3 4 2 9.2 104 2 13Deal Meeting161724267 9.2 104 3 1213171923104 3 2527104 3 314 1 2 212223262735363840112 31-32 170 65-72 Deal Meeting 170 98-99 使 104 1 28120 150 104 2 13180 220 104 2 25200 156734122025調調調170 114-115 調2 103 8 178 2 2 180 220 105 8 363 170 1215105 8 393 2 177 調170 109 104 2 23103 94B4-2-1170 107 120-150 20122013450 460 1 9 1 2 1 40% 50% 4500120 150 180 2 13180 220 2 25200 169 40調1 2 1 400 2 1 5 6 20152 25170 116 292 252 104 2 1112113 23-24 113 30調調2 使 Deal Meeting180 9.2 170 96 -97180 180-220 170 102 200 103 94-95 使200 200 10.5180 使9.2 10.5104 3 7 2 35Deal Meeting10.57 9.2 DealMeeting 9.2 Deal Meeting9.2 105 8 395 401 滿 2 2 3 5 104 1 272F_v1 .pdf_ elsa+Tina . xlsx183 2 2 使1 1 105 8 195 253-265 使180 183 185 14.5104 200.268 15.6755 4246108 3 25105 8 358 180 185 便1800103 24便180 180 便調167 7 8 168 6 170 182 105 7 14170 73-81 便 156734103 949515.34 = 4,689*12/2.875% *783.67 4,689 2.875 Deal Meetin g 3 4,689 2.875%19.57 170 9615.34 167 9 19.57 195.7 =4,689*12 /2. 875%783.6715.34 使180 14.1061 = 180 *783.67 120 9.4 = 120 * 783.679.2 LTV 7530使LTV 6570Deal Meeting103 24-25 170 96-97 使使 3.25% 調2.75% 3.252.97調2.752 2.875 調2.75100 105 8 371 372 381 384 調105 8 402 403 405 1 1 10105 8 422-423 103 調116 3 462.875 2 103 871 2 112 5051104 3 3 103 862 2.875 調2.75使1 2 7,000 104 4 1 167 145 9.2 調9.2 調104 2 26CSR 便104 2 266 37103 4-6 CSR CSR 103 2 3 滿103 2 3 105 8 427 180 LTV 7530使LTV 6570調9.9 9.9 200 2.805 3.2 200 268 15.6755 207 16.22 202.4 15.86 13.99 2 3 1 3 10101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 176 51104 101 59104 107 104 318 8 157,361 200.8 818415.6755 200 268 104 218-219 Discounted Cashflow Model DCF 2 使105 8 195 261-265 2 105 8 195 253-260 17使11-2使調6,125 4,800 調3 調5 滿2.805 2 6,125 4,800 8 8,900 2 1 177 562 6,125 2 112 902.805 使2.8 1.09使200.8 112 81使 146-2 1 1.5 104 9 301.305 2.805 105 8 222-230 107 3 151072250002Weighted Average Cost of Capital ,WACC3.2%105 8 9-10使200.8 3.618 3.331711-2IRR 調3.612 3.31IRR 2.805 3.2 200.8 207 16.22 202.4 15.86 6980 6,125 200 使2.805 3.2 調6,125 調4,800 2.805 3.2 1,998,300 2,000,268 1,968 =2,000,268-1,998,3001,542,263 = 1,968 *783.67 1 =1,968/1,998,3002,000,268 2 6,125 48002 24,920,706=( 6,125-4,800) *783.67 *24 1,542,263 200 268 200 使 104 9 171 2 171 81178 102 104 9 2 160 153 155 ) 178 106 104 7 8 _v2 . xlsx442 104 7 8 104 9 182 4 5 2 2 1 2 1 5 160 155 454 -15 101 1030454 29227 2 2 178 80200 268 185 200 28178 76使200 調200.268 200 200 2 200 227 200 200 178 80200 200 200 103 8 178 200 268 2 104 107 104 318 . . . 103 9 1813.95 112 65181 178 2.805%178 200 7 269.2 104 2 135 8 3.103 9 13.91,774 103 919910167 13183 442 178 185 14.5200 268 15.6755 178 調200 268 15.6755 2 20152 6 3 11. . . . . . 20152 5 1020172 82-83 11161752798596200.8 200.268 178 8 12173 9 105 8 275- 276168 116 105 8 299 105 8 325 200 使200 調1117Cap Rate調使/ 2.805 3.2 IRR 180 1111-217200 B3-7F-4-1 105 8 195 253-265 1226313537200 3.2 滿調107 3 151072250002便7%5% -15% 3. 2% 3. 2% 102 ( Weighted Average cost ofCapital , WACC) 3.2%3. 2% 105 8 9-10103 8 C33.2%3.2 95*2.895+ 5 *93.202595% 2. 895% 5%9 3.2%103 8 3.2%C33.2%4 6 12212226313.2 104 108 1,573,610 2,008 6,125 4,800 3 調5 3.62% 2.805 IRR 3.333.2 112 58593.2 173 204 3.2 調使滿 使200 調180 200 4,689 3 5 6,125 4,800 3 5 6,125 4,800 0 48003 5 6,125 0 使6,125 4,800 3 5 使使6,125 2.875 4 3.2 3.1 使2.805 Cap Rate使2.805 104 7 8 使2.875 2 Cap Rate1.5 104 9 301.375 調1.305 104 9 302.875 調9 302.805 222 230 使使2.6%~2.8 %使1.09% 使2.805 3.1 3.2 4 使使使200 調調 使200 8 185 14.515.6755 1.17552 2 202.4 207 197.8 195 185 185 使 104 105 195 197.8 443 454 28調調207 202.4 6569802 使調30調調15% 調15% 調30% 調調調調1%調105 8 22252720121037調調4 6 調調105 8 31-32 363841調4060調50502.8 調2.6 2F43調44調調調調1 44使45% 調 使調4060調50502.8 調2.6 2F43調442 調調195 調207 調6.15197.8 調202.4 調2.32 使 使使175 66使105 8 23-24 105 8 37105 8 22-23 26使105 8 44 2 721216便1415調169 5 6 105 8 287 LINE19DTZ 1719 6,125 102 9 1 104 8 312 2 滿調5 169 109 104 8 286,125 30.62%= 6,125-4,689 /4,689104 7 1 454 227 4,689 2.479 =( 4,689*12) /2,270,000 2.875%1.5 104 9 301.375 調1.305 104 9 302.875 9 302.805 調5 4,923 =4,689*1 .052.602%= 4,923* 12 /2,270,000調6,125 3.24= 6,125*12/2, 270,000 2 5 6 7 112 7 5 104 8 28480 75169 154 155 174 41227 使使2 4,689 200 2.813 2.805 104 9 302.875%調2.805%104 7 8 200 4,800 6,125 4,800 2.875 2.875%4,800 12326,125 4,800 6,125 1 554 1,918 -2110-111 便便 105 1 便177 220 221 178 73105 1 6 便96106 1228106 調190 調調-2110 111 調1 554 1,918 調500 +107200 2400+108300 3600+1091 11350 3850+10912204 1918調-3347-358 108 4 -3345 359-370 - 371-405 調105 1 480 1 10341918=1554 1,918 +4802 24104 121 231 1,040 = 480 *23 105 2206使2.805 3.2 使使103 調調185 2.3192 104 2 2 20.817,2302.3 104 2 1311,150,000104 2 2 154 174 175 104 2 13NT$231,920,000229797104 2 16156 64654 156 56154 94101 102 1 5 156 90105 8 207 1 105 8 56156 152 104 1230156 6768156 69105 1 1 9 104 2 162 3,192 104 1230243,516,000 2 3,192 156 66-68 104 1230156 671920 104 12303 105 2 152.3192104 2 165%243,516,000 10% 104 2 165 10156 6768105 1015156 69104 2 16 2.3 105 1015108 3 231,920,000 108 3 27231,920,000 -5233-235 -477-83 104 4 246 102.3192 5 5 5 5 104 5 13192197105 104 5 26182 99108 104 5 27157 214-239 104 5 283 2 197,500,000 296,250,000 5 0 1 14105 8 432 171 78105 8 56A10 -C-22 -9K 9710-12 2 47-48 105 1 1 -121-52 0.5%4.5%-153-58 74- 88-247-51 93134-140 5 2 5%105 8 433-434 157 188 189 305 158 10 104 3 315 104 5 5 9 11105 8 195 249 B3-B5 105 8 373-374 使105 8 395-396 5 160 151 Arron 171 785 105 8 431 使0.5 5 -4.5250 0.5 % 250 250 105 8 433 436 182 74 232425. 104 5 4 104 5 12104 6 29II52535763104 121710402913070 104 122110460004620 103 104 100%111 70-72 142 7 104 6 5 1042243550003 104 6 161040002843117 103-300 104 8 27II65 4 退104 4 8 調1.3948II38~40 1.44Morgan Stanley104 4 202227284 153 84-89 281.44調4 30II46484 退 103 6 167 3 3 1/3 104 211/3 154 25134 175 使134 175 154 35421 1.44154 36102 154 38117 233 4 117 285 104 3 314 8 II351.44 104 5 121.461.481.46退1.45154 41421.441.39481.46JP1.451.44105 8 77-79 1.451.45調1.44641.4328105 8 20-27 1.441.45104 199-208154 42104 5 12154 44 104 4 8 調1.39481.44調1.3948使968,230 937,890 117 260 1.441,350,562 =1.44* 937,8901.39481,350,487 =1.3948*968,230 1.39484 退1.44調1.441.441.44103 16.57 102 13.44 1.441.3948西105 8 22 104 5 121.442 8,865 102 1025104 4 8 205.68調1.91104 4 8 20.75 154 43103 5 4 Project PiII102 10311.4426,7141.44102 10313019.78 937.89104 4 8 1.3948調26,8481.3948104 4 8 3020.69 0.8119.88 968.231.3426,848-26,714 104 4 301.44調28,8471.44* 20.69 * 968.2319.99 =28,847-26,84821.33 28,847-26,714 117 260 21.33 102 6 30103 123119.89 117 265 104 6 29802,584,215 97.49 9,185 0.00滿104 180 117 219 274-279 1.111.56154 42 1.61291.44調103 1.441.39481.44退1.44103 1.61292 1.44103 退Business Judgment Rule1.451.44201 171 1 1 168 2 1 2 171 1 2 3 使 姿2 2 9.9 2 200 使200 268 15.6755 2.31925 1.6129 A B C 3 103 2 5 103 4 15A 5 1213161718192528303132343536373940414244484950515354555658596061626366676873788384858687919295105 106 107 23103 2 5 103 4 15484735052 23133 A 72232 48.52 32.02 103 2 5 4120.46 91.71 103 2 6 3022383 A 30.98 63.85%96.75%A 132 69304072986939402939 103 1110104 2 10B 2 3 5 1112141819202931323334373840424445465052555657585961626364687374787980878889909596979899105 21103 1110104 2 10663920629 25341 B 55870 36.92 45.35 103 11102529.80 96.87 104 1 8 4 ( 5 ) 1 4 103 11101618504 33.11 89.69%73.02%B 14641061395 810118599162 104 5 26104 8 26C 1 2 3 4 8 9 101112141819233031344244505155586265787995979899100 103 109 110 111 23104 5 26104 8 26655410378926393 C 12218684.94 21.60 104 5 264522.03 99.69 104 6 1 19( 24) 12111 C 104 5 261725811 21.12 24.86%97.79%C 3 155 1 1 4 5 171 1 1 A B C 2 使駿31 105 8 30103 4 2225161 18-23 102 10,000102 12301/4 2,500 1 102 1230103 3 103 4 172,451 SRB334105 8 71-91 C4A-27103/08/18 103 8 187,549 7549158 16102 10,000103 4 172,451 103 103 8 182,451 使103 08187,549 103 1 1 8 18駿103 4 1724511,714 1,069 =3,520-2,451105 8 71-103A 駿1,269 =198+606+465645 =251+394使A 駿 104 6 157,549 104 6 157,549 161 26104 6 16104 6 18161 4-5 45-47 161 27-28 SRB334105 8 109 103 8 18104 6 15使104 6 15103 8 187,549 103 8 18104 6 15駿154 89105 8 105-107 B 駿84B 駿 102 10,000103 4 17104 6 16駿駿102 103 105 8 276 295 308 使105 8 269-313 161 46使102 10,000103 4 17104 6 16便駿A B 155 1 5 使A B C 61103 4 2810300122116 6 滿6 滿6 使使105 8 38-40 58-60 87-88 102-103 103 3 17 使22-D22-E103 3 17482 A0373 490 A0374 482 A0372 490 B0379 18.90 971 972 =482+490101 9 17101 9 19138 243 105 7 22105)8 1 6 138 52103 3 17103 3 1722-A~C499 50040 499 50041 405 50042 499 50043 499 50044 405 50045 18.90 1,401 1,403 =499+499+405101 9 1820105 8 331 6 106 6 191060001326103 3 192024105 8 3241103 3 24103 3 1720-A~B21-A~B23-A~C24-A26-A~H27-A~C28-A~C29-A~C30-A31-A33-B35-B42-A~C44-A45-A~C46-A47-A48-B~C49-D52-A54-A55-A~B59-A62-A~C 2 使2 105 8 129-130 便2 4 10159 156 10* 6 6 15* 4 使3 =9-6使2 2 2.使 103 2 13 6-B 275 200342752003516.8 274 10267 1021225103213 1 5-C7-A8-C16-A17-B~D 18-C29-D~E32-A~C32-G~H33-A~D35-A36-A37-A~C38-A~H39-A~C40-A~C41-A48-A49-A~C51-A~B53-A~B56-A58-A調 3. 使使使105 8 31 103 2 7 2-A 使491 W0803 250 X0033 241 X0034 16.8244 241 5 6 139 71使4.5%8 142 61989N 0000000103 3 7 149 72103 3 11139 71103 3 便105 8 44-48 2 2 2 5 103 3 115 103 3 4 103 3 255 2197103 3 6 103 3 284 25103 4 2 1 1-5 6 17-21 2993-98 使4 3-A 4-A 5-A 6-A 7-B~C 8-A~B 17-A18-B25-A~C 2582-85 2993-9830 99-104 6.455-B 9-A 17-A18-A2 103 2 7 3 6 3 7 2-A 17-A18-B103 2 122 193 6 3 7 2 105 8 137- 138105 8 399 103 2 7 101 8 1622105 8 7 103 2 7 103 2 19101 8 20144 113 103 2 19 2 使103 3 184 3 105 8 137 103 3 184 3 23-A~C29-A~C4 2582-85 2686-89 2 使5 使2 使2 5 4. 2 使使293 20使105 8 29 -30117-119 103 1110 31-B~D499 X0015 499 X0016 144 X0017 1,142 499 X0018 499 X0019 144 X0020 1,142 19.81,141 0000-0000000便149 103 104 3 6 412 2 5 103 111112132532-D~F33-C34-A~C40-D~FLINE2 499 使103 111020105 1 302 16193 7 25使490 使105 8 141-148 2 使103 111012便105 8 30使31-A33-B64-B65-A66-A68-A69-A71-A 5. 2 104 7 1420499 2 10X0308 X0309 X0310 X0313 X0315 X0316 X0318 X0320 X0322 X0323 X0324 X0328 X0329 X0330 X0331 X0332 X0333 X0334 X0335 X0336 X0337 X0338 1 =499*20+10*21 9,998 57-A1 149 144 2 00000000000 105 7 1710,000,000.00 149 144 1 1 4,370 109 222 A 103 2 6 12103 2 1010103 2 1125103 2 121 103 2 1910103 2 2110103 2 258 103 2 2627103 2 2722103 3 3 10103 3 4 3 103 3 5 12103 3 7 8 103 3 1010C 104 8 1140104 8 1320104 8 261 1 1 103 2 6 0.90% =12/1,333 103 2 120.07 %=1/1,292103 2 190.6%=10/1,665 103 2 270.69% =22/3, 180103 3 3 0.33 %=10/3,051 103 3 4 0.17% =3/1,783103 3 7 0.49% =8/1,643103 3 100.46% =10/2,159 104 8 260.35% =1/2871 103 2 101.12% =10/890 103 2 211.04% =10/963 103 2 251.02% =8/7 88 103 2 261.40% =27/1,933 103 3 5 1.32% =12/906 1 A 使C 使2 2 A B C 2 A B C 2 2 A 103 2 7 17487 287 300 812 746 113810292 8 2 24397 309 143 176 268 369 247 437 503 513 217 2 5 7 2 5 7 1,397 562 631 C 103 111026111112232 2 A C A C A A C B C A 103 2 5 103 4 15102 使便A A C B C 使2 2 2 2 2 A C 155 1 5 2 2 104 1 199 3344101844使23.05 23.10 23.15 23.20 22.95 105 22.95 22.95 22.95 22.95 22.85 10235810245822.85-22.75 22.80-22.70 2 -2269 104 6 2 138 18使24.6138 4213132524.65 24.80 2 -2333-335 104 6 3 9 14399 1941使26.10 26.15 26.05 2626.20 5 26.10 262626269 20463 -2339-341 104 8 20132224使13235613244122-2407-409 155 1 4 2 A B C A10325415 A 35,05223,13322,3832 A 12,669750 A 750 645 使駿103 4 17104 6 16駿使A 645 駿A A 105 =750-645103 2 13747 =472+275=200+272+275747 使746 =200+272+2741 12,564=12,669-750- 645103 2 5 4 15A I 102 1220102 1 14102 1225便便15103 1 22102 122017A 2 A 87-122使A 2 2 A 2 151 94962 A 2.B1031110104210 B 20,62925,34118,5042 B 2,125 6,837 4,712 B 2 B B 104 1 12B 19202 103 1124124 103 1113297 1117105 12121097104 1 8 403 B 104 1 12B 22242 B B 104 1 7 103 1124252019201 8 19.85 21.16.291 9 126.874.651223.61 131515242224B B 104 1 8 123 1 8 406 3 1 9 791 1275248 使1 8 10 43 1 9 641 126 772 2,226 3,952 1 8 12364 20.40 2012413220.50 1 9 9 3 2620.95 2 9 6 3621.15 2 1 8 121 8 1241451 9 1 129 25104 1 8 123 2 1 121 12B 19.85 22.99 2 2 2 662 104 1 8 1921304 5 1 4 104 1 8 使21.20 20.95 21.00 9611552 20.15 951 1921303 4 1 4 2 2 B B 1 A 1 2 使B 調4,712 調105 8 393 105 5 13B B 104 1 131 30B 104 1 II3 5 104 1 26使B 105 8 100-125 B 2 2 B 調2 3.C 104 5 26 8 26 C 103,789 26,39325,811C 77,978582 77,396C 77,9787,549 104 6 16駿105 8 109 70,42970,429=77,978-7,549 60,000104 6 2 14,5005,500 7 6 7 2020,00060,000SRB334105 8 111 118 104 5 297 037 17106 5 105 5 136 4 99) 退 C 使582 104 6 3 494 85A C 104 6 104 6 3 26.55 104 6 3 2 A B 1820A B 2 2 C 0.83=582/70,429 C 69,847=70,429 -5822 C 192412111 2 C 2 2 2 使C 2 2 C 2 使2 2 2 A B C 2 A B C 2 2 A B C A C B A C 2 A B C 調 303 2 94305%使5%Red Fire Developments Limited Red FireRed FireRed Fire3.9 5%Red FireRed Fire30474717.12 981 4 9522201 962540107 9 12103 9 572 3 6 981 4 9522201 962540 Red Fire3,047 4,717.12952 173 8 Red Fire2 1 111 952 173.9 952 17#0000000 00 00Red Fire1 4,697 2,000 953 8 2 8,458 4,000 4 3,155 6,000 Red Fire3 4 108 1,000 Red Fire3,047 5,000 Red Fire955 3 3,140 AHHK6RT01579Red Fire3,047 5,000 955 24200 #00000000000 Oscillum 956 8 2,954 9,000 Red Fire#00000000000956 8 2,957 9,000 #00000000000 AlphaService 955 24Red Fire#000000000000Osc i llum 200 955 25955 29#00000000000 Blue Water l00 60956 7 #000 00000000 Joint Aviation Corp . 7 5000325000956 8 #00000000000Ga rrison 509000#00000000000 CT AsiaCT Asia L .P. 499,000 133 956 9 #00000000000 Blue Water Oscillum955 25#00000000000 Blue Water lOO 933000#0000000000000 Full point Enterpri ses Limited Oscillum955 25#00000000000 Blue Water 60#000-000000-000 ( 13) Oscillum956 7 #00000000000 Joint Aviation Corp .7 5000956 3 109000#0000000000 Oscillum956 9 #00000000000 Blue Water Pacific Limited 133 956 9 16Hong Kong And Shanghai Banki ng Corp#000000000000 Patinum Art Jewelry Ltd lOO Hong Kong And Shanghai Banking Cor p #000-000000-000Etectera Ltd Red Fire956 8 2,957 9,000 #00000000000 Alpha Service956 9 60#00000000000 AlphaWizard956 122,090 2OO #00000000000 KGNV lnvestment95117 Global Wealth 918 1 Global Wealth 34190 Global Wealt h956 15130 #00000000000 Alpha Wizard 956 1550#00000000000 Blue Water 956 17l20 8000#00000000000Total Mass Investm ent s Limited957 24958 15455000364000#00000000000Join t Aviation Corp .958 16107 5000#00000000000 Gifted Pro Investments Limite d958 16l1 0#000000000 00Moon SoonManagement Limited29402000 Alpha Service 956 9 #00000000000 Alpha Wizard International Limited 60956 136846956 14956 1510008800Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd .#0000000 Yugen Kaisha GTLim ited Alpha Service 956 12#00000 000000 KGNV Investment 2,O9O #00000000000 GC OaksAlpha Service 956 12 #0000000 0000 KGNV Investment 200 956 132 2,860 956 132 2,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Ba nking Corp , Tokyo#0000000000Nakatoshi T oushi kofun Yugen Kaisha 95103116282000Sumitomo Mitsui Bank ing Corp ,Tokyo #0000000000 Nakatoshi Toushikofun Yu gen Kaisha Alpha Service 956 1516#00000000000 AlphaWizar d 120 956 15ll1 Hang Seng Bank Limited ,Hongkong#000000000000 Mr .NG Kwok Kuen David Alpha Service 956 15#00000 000000Blue Water 50373,000 #00000000000 Yu Yen Liang Yu Yen Liang37#0000000 00000956 15Blue Water125,000 125,100 #00000000000Ne w Able 125,000 #000000000000 (13) Alpha Service 956 7 17#00000000000Total Mass120 8,000 120 8,020 Alpha Service 00000000000 -18 120 8,000 #000000000000 Century Top Assolcates Ltd . Alpha Service 956 7 24#00000000000Joint Aviati on Corp .455,000 966 25 Alpha Service 958 15#0000000 0000Joint Aviation Corp .364,000 968 15#00000000000Joint 958 15363,935.98Join t958 15-19 Alpha Service 958 16#0000000 0000Cifted GiftedPro 107 5,000 Bank of America# 00000-00000 Bein and Fushi Inc . Alpha Service 958 16#00000000 000Moon Soon Management Limited l10 Hong Kong And ShanghaiBanking C orp #000000000000 Carl Becker , Son and Company Ltd . 9 182 2 1 111 GC Oaks NewtonGarrisonCTO 267 103 9403B 3032 Red Fire98402,090 111214232614111214232614CTO 3 957 4717.12 954 5 Red Fire957 4717.12 955 2510311 2 4 121416183 1513957 4,717.12Red Fire2,090 CTO 111214232614使使使957 4717.12 使111 111 559754997595Red FireRed FireRed FireRed Fire3,047 Red Fire956 7 調Red Fire3,047 3,047 Red FireRed Fire使使使Red Fire3,047 Red Fire3,047 4,717.12Red Fire30,475 2090111214232614111214232614957 4717.12 955 2510311 2 4 121416183 1513Red FireRed Fire55103 2792103 9 975499759 1 267 348 2 9 1 8 299 1 301 1 303 2 155 1 4 157 1 1 1 2 3 171 1 1 2 7 2 1128381 3 515 108 8 23 10滿20 108 8 23 155 使 157 1 使 滿 滿 171 使 91103 CTO CTO Colony Asia L .P CTO Garrison CTO CT Asia L .P9.9 5 2 2 2 使 2 使 使 使調IRR 3.20199.83 103 1 2 105 4 20 105 1 30 105 2 1 105 2 2 105 2 3 105 2 15 105 2 16 105 2 17 105 2 18 105 2 19 105 2 22 105 2 23 D 105 1 303 25 105 2 24 105 3 21 105 3 22 105 3 23 A 103 2 5 4 15 B 103 1110104 2 10 104 1 8 104 1 9 104112 C 104 5 268 26 使使 D1 使使 103 1 1 104 1030 104 104 使 使 使