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      9812                                                   44.                        使 使 使 使 使 使 使使 調 調 調調調調使使調使調 稿稿稿稿稿 調 調調調調 調 使 使 退 使 使 使退 使 稿稿 稿調 使 退 退便 耀稿 退 使使 退 使50for company articlesofMelanie , Do we have the company articles of We should take a quicklook at the articles to see whatownership ofwe want to have to ensure that we can control company without any light of SFB's procedural rejection of the 4-in-1 case,do we still sign up these five agmts this afternoon lawrence,based on my understanding, we should still proceed on purchases of . 退退 便調 WhenSherie and I spoke with Angelo this Monday,he seems receptive to lauching a TO for G shares end of the month,but I am not sure if he has changed his mind since.退退 Dear All, and friends 20quota 2006/2/28 20quota total 40SHERIEOK1.2.deal2006/4/30 2006/4/30 circulate melanie :one point I made in response to sherie'sinquiry on this is:what if some sellershaving signed to close by12/31are willing to take a deposit say 10-20 and re-sign a new agmt w/us for later closing beyond the50-day timelinewould it work they might ask for time-value/interest would we want to escrow some proportionate shares anyway,this is one suggestion. HH proposed settlement sheduleMelanie ,Sherie ,Here is a proposed settlement schedule for your comment.Please let me know ASAP if you have any comments. 退退退 退退退 調The Mandatory Offer Takeover Panal The Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Repurchases[October 2001] 使使使 使 退 退使使退使使 Regardless of #1and#2 above,we do face a decision-namely,do we launch a tender offer for if we are able to buy more than 20ofsharesOf course,we can do two phases of settlement of purchases as outlined in my earlier email to Sherie/Vincent/Hsianmin,but a more efficient way although it may be too controversial from a PR standpointis to do a tender offer of shares asap.If we take this apporach,a question we need to answer is:are the shares purchased thru such TO "excluded" from the 20rule in respect of G shares following the G/ merger completion If the answer is "yes",then the argument for doing a tender offer of is more compelling. 使使 使使 使使 使 使使退使使使 使 使 使 使 使使 使使使 使使 使使 使使使 稿 便 稿稿 滿稿稿稿稿稿 調 稿 西Rule 14 e Rule 14e-3Rule 14e-3c a 仿西Rule14e-3 退 使 調調調調調調 調 調 便退便 使滿 使使 調調使退BLOCK TRADE 使 使稿 使使使使便使使使使使使 稿稿 耀 耀 使 耀耀耀耀 耀 調 耀耀 00000000 00000000 00000000 使 99 8 27 10 99 8 27 342 5 1 216 使210 215 使 210 5 4313 175 181 22282 1 431 431 2 3 435 2 3 436 1 441 3 601 621 939698116 120 160 2 180