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    106 年 05 月 22 日

       104貿5     Hitec Power Protection bv  Jasper van Empelen                   106427 Foreign Elements982259Hitec P-ower Protection bvHitec 1 79 971859658225959 27Hitec 961019Hitec Hitec 242 HitecHitec116 25 403 501898Hitec 20 123Hitec 116 170 170 175HitecAnd-revan der Wei Jasper van Empe-lenJasper van Empelen 1267272 2592601 Hitec762,804Hitec3,088,794 Hitec Hitec 961019HitecRexchipR2Dynamic UPS Units8 3,814,02033 762,8043,814,020×20%762,804 60Hitec 97Hitec 3HitecH-itec1033111037158 27退Hitec Hitec 5Hit-ec1011Hitec 5使267 Hitec 95101 959510123,000,00095Hitec962-2156 HitecHitec Hitec HitecHitec2-2234Hitec 9711197 Hitec 7 96557,913 1,428,303 Winbond Electronics Corp. 7Hitec 17,9008 Hitec HitecHitec6HitecHitec Hitec762,804104 10285 %HitecHitec Hitec Hitec266Hitec HitecHitec98Hitec 1037158 27Hitec Hit-ec267Hitec192,000 206,9518,000198,951461,621118,328 102104 HitecHitec959 27Hitec HitecHitec9566345%959618,293,30016,912,017Hitec 2,535,598951,345,496961,190,1022,535,598880,133 95457,33396422,800880,133Hitec2-25 226,162101,004125,158 CDY118,67553,022 65,6533,070,8942,535,598880,133226,162118,6753,070,89417186 HitecHitec3,088,794 2-23 Hitec14179,000Hitec790%10 %17,900146HitecHitec171863,088,794 11.16 使Hitec 9596977,101,139 37,349,06347,467,016Hitec 20 %18,383,4447,101,139×20%37,349,063 ×20% 47,467,016×20%1,838,444 Hitec 9654,3381,942,040 11Hitec 16,441,40418,383,4441,942,040 16,441,404Hitec800,000Hitec800,000Hitec Hitec 800,0001052 155% 961019Hitec 3,814,0203110%9610270%10751090320%60 Hitec 95927 Hit-ec 2-2234Hitec 156 10112661便961019Hitec 601 13Hitec Hitec Hitec Hitec 12Hitec Hitec1033111033 26Hitec1 14 70Hitec Hitec 1023 45 5 695 Hitec 11Hitec Hitec 使Hitec Hitec使Hitec 5 Hitec 1037 158271519Hitec Hitec Hitec Hitec Hitec Hitec Hitec 使 HitecHitec 1011266 Hitec Hitec 使使104 Hitec Hitec Hitec Hitec Hitec Hitec 267 266 使267 3341H-itec267Hitec192,000 206,9518,000198,951461,621118,328 192,000 Hitec 267 1 65Hitec 267 A101"Extension of the standard 12 months warranty to a total of 36 months after commissioning or for a per-iod of 42 months atfer delivery ex-works, whichever is the sooner."12 36421265115Hitec972 97162012Hitec Hitec30HitecA102 "Extension ofwarranty is onlyvaild in case the maintenance has been carried out by trained Hitec qualified service engineers,accord-ing the Hitec Maintenance schedule duringat least the warranty period." HitecHitec65115 Marco NijenhuisHitec A102119 Hitec 206,951 使Hitec Hitec 267 Hitec 宿Hitec Hitec Hitec 使Hitec Hitec 宿Hitec 1,285.28宿5,8031831 206208Hitec H-itec宿Hitec 7,088.281,285.285,8037,088.288,000Hitec 7,088.28 461,621 Hitec 7%461,621 Hitec Hitec 267HitecHitec 3118,328 Hitec 267 Hitec Hitec 宿H-itec 267 7,088.28Hitec 7,088.28 Hitec 9596Hitec 95 959 272-1 89222-1 892,733,450413,4502,320,0002,733,45063,000,000Hitec 956 Marco Nijenhuis959951 94959951119 6 959 273 95101158Marco Nijenhuis 956Hitec 96 Hitec Hitec 6 171"The commiss-ion shall be calculated according Appendix VI." 6 4310514 " The Supplier shall not appoint another person or another firm for the sale or the representation of the Products within the Territory.It is necessaryto get Distributor's agreement when supplier would like to conclude the direct contracts with customersin the Territory. For each contract the Supplier co-ncludes directly with customers residing in the Ter-ritory,The Distributor shall receive a commision on a project to project base." 43 105Hitec 146HitecHitec Hitec 2-22347 2-2234Hit-ec Hitec557,913 500,000Hitec9711287 7 Hitec21722892 Hitec Hitec 2 Hitec Hitec 2 777 966 2-27Hitec Hitec 2-2156 172 "Base amountfor calculating the Sales Commissionsee Appendix VI6The sa-les commission shall be calculated on the basis of the order intake figures of Supplier in each calend-er year." 43105 962-2156Hitec Hitec Hitec HitecHitecHitec 177179Hitec 961128 6 discount in advancecase by case1130Hitec 2-21566Hitec193,000,000 15%5 %1 Hitec Hitec 1012316541076Basis of agreement33,000,000 6 630,000,00015%5%Hitec6 96127"The criteria as set outin the appendix, being a profit of 5% and an overhe-ad of 15% are not met. The actual average percentag-es appear to be only 2.32% and 10.64% respectively."65%15%2.32 %10.64%1132"96 6 Hitec 2-217 7 72Hitec 96 Hitec 95963,088,794 Hitec Hitec 2-237 90%146Hitec10%17,9007URPHitec77290 %仿10%7Hitec90%Hitec 17,900 11.16Hitec16,441,40411.1Hitec 8Marcel WentinkHit-ec" onbehalf of the Provider "Marcel WentinkHitec Hitec 961128HitecHitec131 234266Hitec 7"Service Share 2007 "Hitec Hitec "Service Share 2007"1542Hitec 1293Hitec 15426 HitecHitec16,441,404 Hitec 755,715.72762,8047,088.28755,715.7210410285%111417186Hitec9596800,000 1052155% Hitec Hitec Hitec 787939023922 106 5 22 20 106 5 22