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  • 裁判案由
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  • 審判法院
  • 裁判日期
    107 年 05 月 11 日

       10632                                        107413 25512 1.4,669,164調 5%2.1061024 10739 1.4,669,16410611215%2.4,669,164 10611215% 3.4. 10538 11,851v.16010s80080071,609.0832.922,357,371 71,609.08×32.922,357,371 11%105315 1053251053266 30972,286,6782,357,371×1%23,57423,574×972, 286,6787,00018,1154,669,164 2,357,3712,286,6787,00018,1154,669,164調調184 118816341.4,669,16410611215%2.4,669,16410611215%3.4. Kanway Line Company Limited Kanway LineKanway LineKanway Line Kanway Line 10541310621 調Hague Visby Rules42a2q42a2q 調691 69117 調調1.2. 1%2,286,678 7,00018,115 10631062163 4 62269116400 15621761562 1.2. 1063151061024 562 76156 2 7616911.2. 1053v.16010S 105229 105215105229105229105828105229105728 105310063607252516.412142.9 4002518.12112134.622 634 KANWAY INTERNATIONAL CO, .LTD __ AS AGENTS ON BEHALF OF THE CARRIER KANWAY LINE CO.,LTD.68 BOOKING LIST69Kanway Line961195122109500237111056136137Kanway Line Kanway Line 106 211 Kanway Line 15使Kanway Line 1Kanway Line562761Kanway Line 18411971761 562 562 76188714566136. Unless notice of loss or damage and the general nature of such loss or damage be given in writing to the carrier or his agent at the port of discharge before or at the time of the removal of the goods into the custody of the person entitled to delivery thereof under the contract of carriage, or, if the loss or damage be not apparent, within three days, such removal shall be prima facie evidence of the delivery by the carrier of the goods as described in the bill of lading. The notice in writing need not be given if the state of the goods has, at the time of their receipt, been the subject of joint survey or inspection. Subject to paragraph 6bis the carrier and the shipshall in any event be discharged from all liability whatsoever in respect of the goods, unless suit is brought within one year of their delivery or of the date when they should have beendelivered. This period, may however, be extended if the parties so agree after the cause of action has arisen.63 1 562 1 5 Article IV bis 1. The defences and limits of liability provided for in these Rules shall apply in any action against the carrier in respect of loss or damage to goods covered by a contract of carriage whether the action be founded in contract or in tort. 1 5626231 1 使10536 562 941850 1053151063151061024 1562761 18411881871440 28101803232 1051895 1841188 2818823 184 1 62631052105229138 1552338 10522910572811111910622916009S16010S106310621 106310滿調 7254735 調120129691 871440 184118816341. 4,669,16410611215%2.4,669,16410611215%3. 78 107 5 11 20 107 5 11