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  • 裁判案由
  • 案件類型
  • 審判法院
  • 裁判日期
    111 年 05 月 30 日

  • 當事人
    晶彩科技股份有限公司陳永華COREFLOW LTD.ERIC JOELY香港商亞蒙國際管理顧問有限公司葛瑞棻葛禮仁

109貿8 COREFLOW LTD. ERIC JOELY (REVITAL SHPANGENTAL) 170 170 1701731751CoreFlow LTD.CF ERIC JOELY110420Ami Herman4CF15 CFCFCFAirbar107423CF83,550477M_AOI_airbar290,050478M_AOI_airbar110710510814173,60083,55090,05017 3,60083,550CFCF VPL LPVScanline FlatnessCF2,000 CF15CF259 257,1503595017986,8 002272,000257 ,150173,600107105 83,55010814 586,8 001089255 2,0001092 115 CFCFPrice Quotation Price Quotation Price QuotationCF CFPrice Quotation CoreFlowCoreFlow Terms and Condi- tions apply.CoreFlow24a This Agreement shall be governedby and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Israel,notwithstanding its conflicts of laws provisions.24b/ The exclusive jurisdiction withrespect to any matter related to and/or arising outof this Agreement shall be granted to the applicablecourts in Tel-Aviv,Israel.CF CFCF15CFCF15CF24912 2824912 982259952 104589使103 571 CFCoreFlow1 CoreFlowWhen the corresponding Purchase Order is signed by Customer and is acknowledged by CoreFlow's confirmation notification,these Terms andConditions will become a binding contract for the purchase and sale of the product described in the corresponding Purchase Order.Any other business or legal terms,whether offered by the Customer or otherwise,are hereby expressly excluded.343 193CoreFlow24b/The ex- clusive jurisdiction with respect to any matter re- lated to and/or arising out of this Agreement shallbe granted to the applicable courts in Tel-Aviv, Israel.CoreFlow Terms and Conditions346195CoreFlow CF107420Price Quotation 161Part Number000-000-00A Export invoice177 Your OrderBP-0000-0000107423Order CFCFPrice Quotation Purchase OrderCFCFCFCoreFlowCoreFlow CFPrice Quotation CoreFlowCoreFlow Terms and Conditions apply.161-163 CFCoreFlowCFCoreFlowCF使 CF15158722871574122915712611CFCFCFCF147-157AttnTel. No. Fax. No.CF 1031 (使) 622413FAVITE INC. 147-157 396 使CFCFCF (使) CF1515CF15 CFCFCoreFlow2824912 249129578         111    5     30   101,000         111    5     30