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  • 裁判案由
  • 案件類型
  • 審判法院
  • 裁判日期
    112 年 01 月 10 日

  • 當事人

1107 (H.K. JACKSON LIMITED) (GROUP MERIDIAN ENTERPRISE INC.) 1101213 1078111 1441179 183185401 98169538 1012591 104100497185411 110927110017311,306西20201118 595 00014 201 Coal Sale and Purchase Contract No.00000000 16100 30412 1109291028調9 10978 55,00010991101010 282 28Formosa Industries CorporationFormosa Taffeta Vietnam Co.,LTD.貿7 1026100 100 2610991 19282810982410098 1837調貿11054 40134 311,306西2020 11185 95 COAL0000000010978 55,000Formosa Industries CorporationFormosa Taffeta Vietnam Co.,LTD.31098791726 811 Formosa Industries Corporation54,10098.4Formosa Taffeta Vietnam Co.,LTD.9001.61099192882122 10997 8312142324287,218 29,150調1109287 使7 4 7 11054 1109273554調 16Any dispute, controver sy, difference or claim arising out of, relating toor in connection with this Contract, or the breach,termination or invalidity thereof, shall be finallysettled by arbitration referred to the Chinese Arbitratiion Association, Taipei in accordance with the Association's arbitration rules. 100 調調16調2522541622This Contract contains the entire agreement and understanding between the Partises as to the subject matter of the Contract, and merges and supersedes all prior agreements, commitments, representations, writings, and discussions between them. 102 調109919161616 11098 簿110917111821111110845 385 調簿調321 232 使 462321使調321 311051886 調2710982454,100900 1.6109983comfirmed Shipping Schedule98.41.6 1737226287,21898.4282,622.512 1.6 111846527.1.24TheSeller has the option to withdraw the acceptance ofvessel nomination at any time in case L/C is not opened after the deadline. And all the related loss occurred to Seller and caused by the delay of L/C opening and the withdrawal of the nomination shall be Buyer's account.95 7 7.1.24424 401 調調 4013使使使40141037594013使使使使使106383 7 調使40134 1919使19286357199 調使7 7 11079110716 98.41.6 98.4 290291調7 使7 7DebitNote 716 51 4 7 7 4 調109917調4 35544 40134 311,306 西202011185 95 78        112   1     10     20         112    1     10   40 3814011 1622調3 3814014 163818931732使333 314014 317.1.241148227231 7調2314014 231調7調調調調調19286357 使23140134 23119199使使 473824011 47使