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    103 年 04 月 22 日

         10290             102 6281015710348 88115 159,881 1007196101131 調10111011191015931015131416163192100 17退121161331518,870159,881184158,040 1841100 159,881 1996,6725%10071 2210112 101131101430101 5810159 121 6 100 10869,000 1996, 6721518,870159,881158,040100159,881 5% 179 881159471 退95626 10066100622 100718100723101131調121416-2025 100630滿10071 10063010012188-89 128 滿30調20-211015888調2310159 101511退調13 10072310113110111910159 101513100 101719 101719 10066100622 100719100723101131 滿滿滿161 22212 1006673716RE調16-18 10066 ""10073716 Currently Taiwan business department have big problem and sales,PM left all I can not say Yes if you take so long time OFF What my opinion as below for your reference Only 2 months since Aug But we need to talk about Whose sales take care the business and On board before you take vacationIf you are really sick to need take rest at home.I will discuss your issue at Monday and start to arrange job quicklyIf you are really sick to need take rest at home100622100718""""""" "24 1007181091007 1910066 10071922100 718 1007191007192222109 100121100718 100719100723101131 1011196 調21-23 101119101430 277 使 101117調211011195758601011591011273291/27William2/30i wish you can come back1/292/13William22/142/283/29I will take biz trip at 4/9~4/13wish to know u on board time101119101210131 101329101410158 調2310143010152 101511 10158 100 719 滿25101131滿3010143010158 調2310158 10143010152 10143010159 101513 121 6 81127 851888437 109713 10152 10152 10159 229 10159 101513141616222 10152101591015131416 10152 10158 10159 10159 10151317退121 1518,8701613330159,881163 192158,04043,900×60%×6184 10016159,8811841 1414417 121610159 14171518,870 111331滿1013滿20330 161215滿18121616133 159,881 滿1滿31114163192158,04043,900×60%×6 184 23102 2910071910072316100 1841159,881 141 10016 101111100 10116 101 161841 16133 17退1211841 1841996,672 1518,870159,881 158,040100159,881 5% 449178 103 4 22 202046611 2 103 4 22 466112