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    104 年 11 月 11 日

        1031               退102 1113102 5 104 1021 104 1 20Andreas Wuest 104 1 2000000000000 849283 671120貿8612551 9367876 5 921120551 9367退931117101 8 23退36302145退1633594555193671081657816335945551936710816578461997103545817 退 101 8 22退退101 8 23101 9 30101 9 2720125 101 1 8 23110%148 7640Business Development Hospitality TaiwanHos 101 9 5 退101 9 21 148 7640101 1 1 8 23235 6330.38 148 7640÷235 6330.38 退45退854 60136330.38 ×30×45 854 6013 退104 1023291 553 退30101 9 23482 15553020551936714876408546013101923 5%155530205519367148764085460131019235% 26 86551 9367退退退93退退551 9367退退101 9 30退101 8 23101 1 8 235 5 101 9 101 9 Hos 101 101 14876401487640退854 6013 退551 9367 671120Technology-COSA 876 5 Edward Keller( Taiwan) Ltd931117101 8 22退36302145退16335945551 936746199710354581102 調1 調34364244調37383941調1819退調2324退調25879 16551 9367退調39212 213 171 879 16551 9367退879 16551 9367退退 931119退101 67西19781120103 退退調1920退551 9367退551 9367退 退551 9367退 87898386 Business Transfer Agreement BusinessAssets93121 退Retierment Fund 6470退551 9367 1711187 19781120退退20031120退退退20031120退退退41EK-TA will honor your seniority in the company based on the date you joined COSA ,which is November 20,1978.EK-TA agrees that the moneys due to you from HCL upon termination will remainat your disposal,i.e. do not need to be injectedinto EK-TA's pension plan. Should the Company terminate your employment,for reasons other thanthe employee's fault, before November 20,2003 retirement/termination benefits will be paid to you as if you had been employed until this date,minus the benefits paid out to you at the time of transfer from HCL to EK-TA. Should you terminateyour employment with the Company before November20,2003 retirement/ termination benefitsas applicable at the time of termination will be paid to you, minus the benefits paid out to you at the time of transfer from HCL to EK-TA . 調36退退92西20031120退退921120退退5519367 92112055193679311 退5519367 9311195519367 退5519367 Peter Sieber82西1993928765退退7 51501548489 551 9367退1541555519367退 7 退 退551 9367退551 9367 101 148 7640 退101 8 23101 退101 9 30101 9 30 101 8 22退101 8 23退退退西20129 30退調22543111101 8 22退退101 9 30退退101 9 30101 9 30 退101 8 23退退101 9 30退101 9 5 101 9 30退退101 9 3096101 118 西20128 22退20129 30退退45... 201219... 調9091101 927調40 42Hos 退退退101930退101 930 101 101 9 27Manager Remuneration for Calendar year 2012 for Wendy Liu2012調40424850調43444547In case the employment of the Manager shall commence or terminate during a running fiscal year , . . .The bonus shall be calculated based on actual achievement during period of employment in the running fiscal year . . . . 調414446241 101 9 30101 101 1 1 退101 9 30 101 1 9 4 調404345 100%101 50% 70% 退101 1015101 As a general rule Business Development refers to :new suppliers/ products that have been obtained , and new markets/ applications that have been addressed7674There is no further target setting nor specific communication with regards to the Business Development Portion 退9420%Target isto strengthen Taichung organization and reach EBIT of 788 K NTD for Taichung749610%120units Combi Ovens( all suppliers' inclusive)629710% 400 units Egro coffee machines for thewhole Taiwan market58 Hos 101 100%1 74086000101 1 1 9 30226 102 3 12西2012. . . 2012. . . 15. . . 稿39Hos Winterhalter 130%59Rational102.9%67Taylor132.7%68A .J .Antunes 392%68Hos 100% 101 101 A .J .Antunes 便A .J .Antunes 100 627.1 101 9 624.6 RationalRational50% 7475101 50% 50% A .J .Antunes 101 70% 155 100 101 11101 1015A .J . Antunes100 627.1 101 9 624.6 74751019A.J. Antunes70% 100%100%100% 190 20% 101285000190×20%×(9/12)285000 EBITEarnings Before Interest and Tax 101 1 1 9 30Hos 35901000Tec 1 506832506671101 9 30Hos EBIT30769104Tec EBIT77178581使Oracle56102 4 26327 329 EBIT5 OracleTec 899 50008617358157.2% 32101 9 30EBIT57.2% 66101 9 Hos Tec EBIT331260001 500689445 EBITHosEBIT3312600010193049985986 150068944TecEBIT70% 調414470% 101 9 5 101 9 30Hos EBITTec EBIT70% EBIT5 5 6389536349985986102 4 1 000000000092259 22298 12213 EBITEarnings Before Interest and TaxTax 102 4 26207 2101019305EBITEBIT5 EBITEBITEBIT9799EBIT1618EBITEBITEBIT5 101 9 215 101 102 便EBIT5 101 9 30101 9 30 5 101 9 20101 9 21797882101 9 8081101 9 101 9 5 9 101 9 208 209 51019 101 102 5 101 10101 102 . . . 9 . . . 101 9 2196101 102 101 10101 10101 10 101 9 5 EBITEBIT101 101 5973EBITHos 125 101 1 1 101 8 101 8 22退12101 8 5 滿退101 9 215 101 9 使101 9 70% RONOC Return of Net Operating Capital 29% 6670101 9 30RONOC 27.57%Oracle57102 4 26328 5 101 285000 退8546013 101 退退退45213 241 285000退6 退退2 4 552 退6 183 101 4 1 9 302850001557285000÷183 1557 4 67101557×30 4 6710退210 19504 6710×452101950 滿229 1 退551 9367退210 1950退104 1023291 退30101 1030285000101 9 305%762 1317551 9367210 1950101 10315%285000101 101 5%790 6317 450449179463390 23922 104 11 11 2020466 112 104 11 12 466112 4 調4045 35% with regard to EBIT Earnings Before Interest and Taxof the Local Business Line Hospitality Taiwan Hos 35% 20% with regard to Business Development Hospitality Taiwan Hos 20% 35% with regard to RONOCReturn of Net Operating Capital of the Local Business Line Hospitality Hos 35% 10% with regard to EBIT of the Local Business Unit Technology Taiwan 10%