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    111 年 03 月 22 日

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109貿2 RIMOWA GmbH Richard-Byrd-Strasse 00,00000 Cologne,Germany JEROM DANDRIEUX TOBIAS KIRCHER 109514107貿6111222 201 RIMOWA RIMOWAMono-Store Framework Agreement8144446125512 1101231 7 51RIMOWARIMOWA36RIMOWA1841253031RIMOWA3891326851RIMOWARIMOWA1841231130RIMOWA 107122109121137717622RIMOWA10752510776RIMOWA 446125512 1101231 7 123124 9382Wholesaler/Distributor ContractRIMOWA1011212 RIMOWARIMOWAA1滿1滿 RIMOWA1061110642651075346 107781154421121263107525RIMOWASOGO101A9410776 滿RIMOWA30RIMOWARIMOWA281283285 124 RIMOWARIMOWARIMOWARIMOWA125133713 29549693RIMOWARIMOWARIMOWA422986238913268108815 5 1RIMOWA RIMOWA36RIMOWA1841253031RIMOWA389132681088155%1101231RIMOWA11476039 RIMOWA274372291088155%RIM OWARIMOWARIMOWA RIMOWARIMOWA107122109121137717622RIMOWA 11032751RIMOWARIMOWA18412530RIMOWA137717622 110327RIMOWA13771 762211032 75%RIMOWA RIMOWA RIMOWA71A 1 RIMOWA106 11290000000 107525722 3010776 10776 Michael De prenda1091125 RIMOWALVMHRIMOWARIMOWA34RIMOWA1091215 1091216 51RIMOWA365236423 134 6 2311使2518413031 285288 9382167169313315Wholesaler/Distributor Contract Mono-Store Framework Agreement2RIMOWA101830 1011212102215 3755B323345 A Auto RenewA94647332333RIMOWA MS. Rosanna Ewert10212910235 SOGO225229 10393033734610455185 RIMOWA 183RIMOWARIMOWA 1051222189187 RIMOWAPeggy Wai106111106125Theresa Lee389400Peggy Wai 1061129RIMOWA RIMOWA0000000391 RIMOWA10612203171071231 107116345 346RIMOWAPeggy WaiARIMOWA 1072 SOGO101 A94 107228107228107131107228RIMOWA0000000 RIMOWARIMOWA RIMOWA107320319321108331108331 10733 1RIMOWA 2223225239 RIMOWA107525349356107228RIMOWA722 10776 10764RIMOWA RIMOWA123133RIMOWA RIMOWA107625RIMOWA25927110771135736110786RIMOWA RIMOWA363372 107718107831RIMOWA2 211215231 236 RIMOWARIMOWA3410912 151091216 6169128 143145487 1011221831SOGOA AA1011F 143145487 RIMOWA105315 4632701 13110914288289 521240 RIMOWA 10731 9886387371The terms of this Agreement shall be for a period commencing onthe date of its signature until,with respect to each Store,the last day of the lease specified for such Store in Appendix A and, as a whole,upon the expiry of the last lease for a Store,unless termi-nated earlier by either party in accordance withthe provisions of this Agreement. This Agreementshall not extend or renew unless, with respect toeach Store,expressly agreed to in writing by theparties.43 A111A 4647A A parties A parties 721722737 68192使part one partythe other partyeitherpartythe Parties4345 71parties parties 403 71AA9 auto renew46475 A RIMOWARIMOWARIMOWA 71501532100921RIMOWA131 RIMOWARIMOWAMr.Stephan Hansen 3RIMOWA3551010RIMOWA100929RIMOWARIMOWA101123RIMOWALutz Heissenberg71RIMOWARIMOWACarsten KulckeRIMOWARIMOWA RIMOWARIMOWA71RIMOWARIMOWARIMOWA RIMOWA100519I don't know where this information comes form.we don't have auto-renewal rights in our agreements. What we have is a contractul relationship with ourdistributers for an unlimited with the right toterminate the agreement to the end of quater witha 12 month period of notice(See your agreemet forTaiwan).For USA we don't talk about an exclusivedistributer right. Here we talk about stores andlease periods.I think it is absolutely fair if the termination rihgt matches to the lease time fora store.If you lease for 3 years we have the rightto terminate after 3 years,if 5 years than 5,if10 than 10. Also we only talk about the rightto terminate not the obligation.If you are doinga good job, why shoud we terminate the agreement.109112123 3551010 71100929 Stephan Hansen h ad an idea to solve the termination time like we did it for US.Termination per Store491 71131 The term of this Agreement shall be for a period commencing on the date of its signature until, with respect to each Store,the last day for the lease specified for such Store in Appendix A and,as a whole, upon the expiry of the last lease for a Store, unless terminated earlier by either party in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. This Agree-ment shall not extend or renew unless,with respect to each Store, expressly agreed to in writing by the parties.The term ofthis Agreement shall be for a period commencing onthe date of its signature until, with respect toeach Store, the last day for the lease specifiedfor such Store in Schedule B and,as a whole,uponthe expiry of the last lease for a Store,unlessterminated earlier by either party in accordancewith the provisions of this Agreement.This Agree-ment shall not extend or renew unless expresslyagreed to in writing by the parties. Appendix ASchedule B71with respect to each StoreAppendix ASchedule BAppendix AA9auto renew4647447auto renew renew71 renew100519 I don't know where this informationcomes form. We don't have auto-renewal rights inour agreements.100929 Stephan Hansen had an idea to solve the termi-nation time like we did it for US.Termination per Store491RIMOWAauto-renewal rightsRIMOWA 71This Agree-ment will enter into force on the date of its signature for an unlimited period of time. It may beterminated by either Party,with a notice period of 6 months before the end of a calendar quarter.404RIMOWA 仿137 1renewauto renewA971,with respect to each Store,A9RIMOWAA A9RIMOWA 10111371R IMOWANow in relation to thetermination provision in Article 7: para.1 firstsentence would remain as is-second sentence should be amended at the request of M.DePrenda asin Section 13.1 (page 16) of the Dealer Agreement between RIMOWA North America/DePrenda. Thiscould certainly be done with a minor adjustment-but I am hesitating because I am concerned about the outcome: in my opinion RIMOWA is therebyplacing itself entirely into the hands of M.DePrenda with respect to the contractual term(s) (also already under Section 13.1). What if itwould suit DePrenda to extend the contractualterm(s) to 10 or 20 years? (he alone concludes the lease agreements!)Thus far I do not seeany opportunity for influence by RIMOWA?!Orarespecific agreements with established terms appended as an appendix (but there aren't any atall for Taiwan?!)If RIMOWA nonetheless wishes to make the framework agreement as a whole non-terminable until expiry of the last Mono Store lease agreementcontrolled solely by DePrenda(prior t o this notermination of a location takes pl ace in accordance with Section 13.1 but ratherafter expiry of a fixed term the Mono-Store agreement ends for this one location and both parties would have to agree a new/further applicability),in that case we should talk about the following options:In principle bind-ing of the term for each location to the lease agreement enteredinto by DePrenda for that location; but with the addition of an maximum time limit,e.g.5/6/7/8years from the start of the lease in quest ion (if his investment can be amortized). After that the location in question ought to be terminated but with 6 months,notice.if [illegible]+ consent of Rimowa!-However at least the twogrounds arising from Section 13.2 in respect of the admissibility of a termination for cuase (with or without a few monthsnotice) should be incorporated as they are not at all provided for thus far in Article7.363947 112RIMOWA 13116調 RIMOWA 1311020 RIMOWARIMOWA 使 131滿 - 5678 6Rimowa -1322 771仿 131使 RIMOWA RIMOWA 仿1322101123Extracts of the lease agreements have been requested from Michael DePrenda. 389101221 Logically the partner Ornatus must discuss with RIMOWA whether and for how long the lease agreement is possibly intended to be renewedin a timely manner in advance before the respective expiry of a lease period.40941071 RIMOWA 滿 AARIMOWA 71 71AA9 使 72RIMOWA A9 107125RIMOWA27OrnatusRIMOWA RIMOWARIMOWAOrnatus Ornatus RIMOWAA9RIMOWA RIMOWA10611290000000RIMOWA RIMOWA RIMOWA000000071 RIMOWA 107228107228107131107228RIMOWA RIMOWASOGO 101A94SOGO 101A auto renewRIMOWA2 273In the event of acomprehensive expiry or termination of the Agreement,(Partner) will not have the right to demandconclusion of a new frame-work agreement. If expire or termination only relates to individualMono-Stores, the Framework Agreement will continue in full force and effect for the remaining Mono-Stores.As from the effective date of any expiryor termination,the rights granted to (Partner) hereunder will cease in respect of the Mono-Storesaffected by such termination. The existenceof this Framework Agreement is not dependentupon the existence of the distributor's agreement concluded between the Parties hereto, and correspondingly vice versa.44 SOGO101RIMOWA A73 1Subject-Matter o f the Agreement11A Obligatory Mono-Store list including lease periods is set out in Appendix A.38722This Agreement may also be terminated early as follows:[2.2] As a whole or with respect to any Store,by either party in the eventthat the other party fails to perform or otherwise breaches any of its fundamental obligations under this Agree-ment,by giving notice of its intent to terminate and stating the grounds therefore.43 2271 使 使 滿 71 73 RIMOWA 1171A RIMOWA 722 10731SOGO101 RIMOWA30 722The Party receivin g such notice shall have-30 Business Days from the receipt of the notice to cure the failure or breach at which time this Agreement shall terminate if the failure or breach has not been cured. 43 30 RIMOWA 30 RIMOWA107525107228RIMOWA722 10776 RIMOWA10752510776 3010764RIMOWA RIMOWARIMOWA107718107831RIMOWA2 10776 RIMOWA 使102682 RIMOWAA9RIMOWA71A A9RIMOWA RIMOWA 使148 108101 73RIMOWA1171A RIMOWARIMOWA72使使RIMOWARIMOWA1075251077630 10776 RIMOWA使RIMOWA RIMOWA 10393033734610455RIMOWA RIMOWARIMOWA1051222189143145487 1011221100831SOGO A AA1011F 143145487 A9RIMOWA7 1 RIMOWARIMOWARIMOWARIMOWA10611290000000RIMOWARIMOWA0000000 RIMOWA106112971 RIMOWA使使RIMOWA1072281071310000000 RIMOWA使72SOGO101 RIMOWARIMOWA使 1064265 RIMOWA1075346 107781154421121263SOGO101 RIMOWA2 RIMOWARIMOWA10776 RIMOWA10911 34 1249RIMOWA10776 10776 51RIMOWARIMOWA36423134RIMOWARIMOWA71RIMOWA1841RIMOWA10776RIMOWA RIMOWA2311RIMOWARIMOWA10776106111077114RIMOWA1077510611 RIMOWARIMOWA使253031RIMOWA 131RIMOWA RIMOWAMr.Mario HermannRIMOWARIMOWARIMOWA71A9RIMOWABELLAVITA RIMOWARIMOWA201調 51RIMOWA RIMOWA 36RIMOWA184 1253031 RIMOWA389132681088155%1101231RIMOWA1147 6039RIMOWARIMOWA51RIMOWARIMOWA18412530RIMOWA137717622110327 RIMOWA449145078         111    3     22   2020466 112         111    3     22