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  • 裁判案由
  • 案件類型
  • 審判法院
  • 裁判日期
    112 年 01 月 10 日

  • 當事人

1112 Rahil Ansari 1101112110111111220 10532814609 1095109P240 1002611610調調109925調831調 調1011098311061061216 231 10910 714609 退10812910925155341000-0000 )848300998000 (000-0000調13調10982631調10991106106 1216 390 392112113 10532810961調 831調 107 14609 109106231216 1081291092515 534184830099800068200014970010941966120011046 170500 10981810991 調10982731913921232425101 109831106 1514 10961調 831調 1216109106 10961調 831調 調1015調調使調調1112 便 退10812910925155848300Employees cannot sell the car for at least 9 months after purchase9I agree to hold the purchased vehicle under the registered name as indicated in this form for at least 12 months based on thevehicle registration date without any transfer of ownership.12 109123312 2 289310 使61361512 1095291 095125調Internal InvestigationsCan HR have unlimited"Power"to threaten employee with a mail like this調 There is no ownership transfer for the car and that is the reason I mentioned multiple times... 311315109521624 10942028使5577137782 10961 調調調調831調 1514調調2調 12The Employee's title and location of workmay subsequently be changed by the Company pursuantto the Company's work requirements131Any modification,amendment,extention or alteration of this Agreement shall be madein writing provided that all modifications and amendments which confer benefits on the Employee and which do not in any way abridge or derogate from the Employee's rights under this Agreement may be made bythe Company at its discretion and shall be binding upon both parties as soon as it has been communicatedto the Employee either orally or in writing4652調10961826調8588161183 109831調調10336 179234393 調2 23Excel 359361459467調 8調 10961 調109814調925 調調189191調10979 363366109831調359363調調調調調調調調調調8 調3 161216109106 316 1216調10991 15141514調 10992 109928With your internaltransfer to Group MD office,please be reminded onceagain to follow Group MD instructions for your newposition.If you are required to work overtime for your new position,please discuss your plan with GroupMD.You no longer belong to Group Finance department,so we are unable to recognize your work rendered foraccounting.調 AVT will pay the OT according to Labor Law,but it doesn't change the fact that you are disobeying the Company'sdecision of reporting to the new position. 455457109831調15109107209214171172調109 91 235調 1099114 106 1921170 485489509515577594109812283031099 1調279193 調滿10992543744515調14109831調251 調調604 109831109 1061099 5612131920262710134 316 109913921 232425101 151216109106215 218 109106109107 10910714609 5 2         112    1     10   202046611 2         112    1     10