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  • 裁判案由
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  • 審判法院
  • 裁判日期
    112 年 05 月 30 日

  • 當事人
    傅隆承安矽思科技股份有限公司SATORU TANAKA

11134 SATORU TANAKA 111411102211259 10863 238 25198,33310911911245調487 1091110 125198,3339,000 退退 調使調調調 1091110125198,333 265%9,000退 124調) 108424OFFER LETTER23-25 10863 238198,333102 10947109250109-112379,000 1091191124535-43 1091110調109128調 65 20 10911911245 1 0911101198,3339,000退 1124 1.... 1124調使1001057 112 95597 114 ()調調使(98652100 1057 2.10911911241124 109119115 1.115 使107246110911571031254 2.108424OFFER LETTER108 63238 198,33310227-31 10947109250 379,000109-1121091091091445.5707067.51092501091137.9109 152601091091 3.108424OFFER LETTER108631094 7109-112109422PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PLANPIP He is responsible to drive License Compliance (LC)business growth among ANSYS prospect and achieve his assigned Sales Quota in Taiwan,execute the LC strategy and sales channel enablement.11310863 4.SmartFlow0 Smart FlowEgress report使 Smart Flow0 Smart Flow1095395-407 Smart FlowEgress report Smart FlowEgress report 5.108 SOA MFBU+otherBU109 10947109109-112 1092502502 6.使154915754715497515使 7.調 10812調 10923 調使使159-164165-168 171 Warren FuLC BP調 滿399-400 It is extremely rude and unprofessional ofyou to allow your Compliance Manager to address mein such a manner調 調 8. 1081126 My feedback to you is 1.straegy for leads generation:We need to leverage as much information as possible from SmartFlow to develop newbusiness opportunity. 2.strategy for deal closing deal: A closing stategy other than litigation.Be confidence on those information you have and be able toorcherstrate the people who need to work you towardclosing. 3.Forecast & Pipeline report management:Organize the information to show the updated progress of Pipeline and Leads.Moving forward,you and Iagreed to have a weekly review meeting with me and Federico,during the meeting I need you to share.Present update on top 3 Forecasted opportunities including Sales/LC plan agreed with the Sales/Channels and the closing strategy and action. Present an update onthe Upside opportunity that could be used to fill the gap of your sales target.Please let know how youwant to do to make your plan with a closing strategyand action for opportunities.Present 3 high-quality,qualified leads,including supporting evidence and action plan to move forward into opportunities.This should include leads from the channel partners and Smartflow.During the session,demonstrate expertise using SmartFlow to look for new business and manage existing case. Considering your bandwidth,only your ownsales target/deals/ required,there isno need for you to include Diane's information during the review.1571.SmartFlow 2.調3.Roger Lee)Federico3// 3 使SmartFlow使SmartFlow10811 10911094221.You are currently forecasting no revenue fot Q2 2020.Your current forecast should be US$700,000 according to your quota assignment,or shouldbe teasonably close to this amount supported by a realistc plan to close the gap. 2.As of April 17,yourcurrent pipeline is US$406,072.With a typical pipeline to revenue conversion ratio of 3:1,this indicates that you can only contibute US$135,000 in revenueto the business.3.In Q1-20 you only achieved 39.2% of your quota.As of to date,you have generated US$166,780 in revenue.THE expected revenue targets are US$425,000 in Q0 0000 and US$700,000 in Q2 2020,for a total of US$1,000000 in first half 2020 quota. 4.Yourlack of motivation and sense of 15% of your first half 2020 quota.5.You are expected to work very closely with your LC Investigator and xommunicate,over phone or videoconference-othen on a daily basis-to review and work on LC cases.However,you have rarely commuicated with your LC Investigator and,in the buildrappot with the LC legal firm or review with and gettheir to qualify or strengthen LC cases.You droppedfrom one of the calls with the legal firm as we were not talking about your cases',but you also didn'tmake an effort to include your topics on the agendaor use this as a learning opportunity to improve ourcase preparation or closing rate.6.You are also expected to actively look for leads in the Case Management software,if possible every day,even if just fora few minutes,and then work and communicate with your LC Investigator to develop those cases.This has rarely 3Xhappan.7.You did not follow the LC case approval process to obtain prior consent before you con tact customers.Performance Plan:To meet the minimum performance expectations for your position,youmust improve your Forecast and Pipeline and overallquota attainment as discussed above.Expectations/Goals:1.Build a pipeline of 3xQ2 quota by 29 May2020.2.Deliver on your Q2 quota of $70,000 by 30 June 2020.3.Provide a realistic and achievable plan torecover the $259K gap from Q1 by the 30 June.Duringour weekly calls,we will agree on specific milestones to close this gap.4.At least 5 Prospecting callson a weekly basis.5.Take a proactive approach to your training and development.Ask questions,utillize the resources you have in fellow sales representatives,use the sales portal to get answers to questions,attend all trainings that have been set up to help yoube successful.6.Work at least 3 hrs per week with your LC Investigator In lead generation activeties using SmartFlow and to develop cases.7.Work at least 5hours per week with the Channel Partner to identifyand develop LC opportunities.8.Attend all the training sessions organized by the Ansys LC team.There isat least one monthly Knowledge Transfer Session plus several ad hoc sessions throughout the quarter.Youare also expected to join on time and contribute tothe sessions.9.Meet with Roger Lee and Federico ona weekly basis to report progress on Forecast,building pipeline and closing deals.10.Provide weekly sales activity report.This is due every Friday morning while this plan is in place.During our weekly calls,we will agree on and adjust format.11.You need to follow the LC case approval process to obtain prior consent before you contact customers.ASSISTANCEWarren Fu,I am confident that you can attain the goals above and believe you can be successful.I committo assisting you with these goals by providing the following.1.Once a week on-site meeting with Roger Lee.2.Poger and Federico to conduct join weekly call.3.Multiple training sessions delivered by the Ansys Global LC Team.4.Ad hoc knowlege transfer session with a senior LC investigator for deep lead generationactivites review in SmartFlow and with channel partners.PIP113-114PIP 20202 700,000 LC調LCLC調LCLC使LC調LCPIP 1.20205293xQ22. 2020630Q270,0003. 630259,0004.55. 使6.LC調3使SmartFlow7.5 LC8.Ansys LC9.Roger LeeFederico10.調11.LC RogerLeePogerFedericoAnsysLC LC 調 SmartFlow PIP 109930Roger Lee Federico調Sachin Jadhav 255-258277FedericoFedericoThanks for your taking the time to discuss with business with me every week.163 Roger LeeFederico 259-269 337PIP PIP109630 PIP Performance Plan2109630700,000113 1092700,0001099301099 PIP PIPMONITORING PLANWarren Fu,ifyou do not demonstrate and sustain immediate and noticeable improvement,as outlined in the Plan above,disciplinary action,up to and including termination,will result.Continued employment is contingent upon not only improvement of problems/issues discussed above,but also ongoing successful performance of all aspects of your job objectives.114PIP109630 2 PIP 6 6調 9 9 1111312-313PIP109630調PIP Verbal Warning: The department manager will give a specific verbal warning to the employee who misconducts or has poor performance.The warning will specify correcitve actions and the timeframe for improvement. The general timeframe is two tofour weeks. Written Warning: If the employee has been given a verbal warning and corrective actions have been specified within a specified timeframe and the misconduct or poor performance has not been improved,the departmental manager will issue a written warning, copying the Human Resources Department. The department manager will list specific conduct tobe corrected and/or performance standards to be metand the deadline. If the employee breaches any itemof the work disciplne as detailed in Article 1 of Chapter of this Employee Handbook,the Company may gr ant a written warning directly.Termination ofEmployment Relationship: If the employee fails to meet requirements of the Company within specified timeframe after receiving a written warning, the Companywill terminate the Employment Relationship in accordance with the Labor Standards Act of Taiwan. 85-87 1081126 109422PIP 109119... 000000.00000000000.000310-311 調316 調調234 調調調調使340 9.調10911 10915 340 調使仿340 PIP1094109117 調滿調 10. 109119115 109119115 10911101198,3339,000退 487 1091110 125 198,33326 5%9,000 退 449178         112    5     30   202046611 2         112    5     30