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  • 裁判日期
    112 年 10 月 31 日

  • 當事人

11140 Lynsey Blair 1116610967112103 10262124463 1111213 Shingo Nishioka西西 334西 10西 8522551108274 110827110519244101108411051923100 153157159 161165167 西Lynsey Blair11247 433441 2471521240115 123,593109855105,9375 109856,606退退 110 123,593109855105,9375 10985 6,606退 199 200206 10286 105,937 IWG 108101TKPTKP SPV-10 Regus 西TKP西 10810110916109630 109710調10985調 115 109630212 7 調調Community Manager TeamLeaderCMTL Community Sales ManagerCSMInside Sales ManagerISM Community ManagerCM 1097110984123,593 10985退 退西 123,593109855105,9375 10985 6,606退 3 21091 3 4 10945 71096304336 447 115109710 10971 調25,00035,000105,937調 139140 10286105,937退6,066 10286109710 6115 10286102121010511 1096885 調調 367,29720 70,625497,973 10286 105,937 3 10810110916109630 10985調 115 109630212 7 調調10985 退退3 11 5 退 調調109690使調10286 1021210 10511 79 1414 449497 2577157 159165167 西西TKP SPV-10Lynsey Blair3 TKP SPV-10退3 115 115 115 112578使109 110 1091109163109 Enquiry to Deal 10934 109630447 115109710 10810110810調 1081010916150 109630212 10810 1085681210931231311672273 399 10810111091 10839 1094577 10810 1108312 2110916 91109111121 3 7 10913 3 109 IFC 1010810調 5 4 270271 271 10913 10831096818210811 109310812109210946 108111096 109 113109352737 10916 10810調 10810 10286 11117 3541028610810 使10810調 10916 1081101081101,6008,3191,3632,1661,2523,165403407109 10885.16110 10991.86108 78.23108110 3,0425,4862,1528,0832,3312,694409413109 10870.75110 109108.29 10876.62108 1107,1857,0826,0806,42410,0209,934 415419109 10884.62110 109164.80108139.46109 109 10814.8610.85160.1486 10910829.2510.70750.29251 0910815.381 0.84620.15381084 339120105114339 10833597115413 435994.43339÷3590.9443 45.5710.94430 .055710911454136681451084339 42.77145÷3390.42774 57.2310.42770.0557 1092387724 38109114526.21 38÷1450.26214 73.7910.26210.7379108 433911.2138÷3390 .1121 488.7910.11210.887910912 31093109108410941084滿109110921093滿11117 109 354 108101096 108109西西退退100 10111117109 359 109 10912 1091109210916 10911093314 153195 109226852 Please let me know when you be available tomorrow afternoon.we need to discussyour dedication and contribution to our business.I'll be in Landmark tomorrow afternoon. Landmark9It's end of February,I need to spend time for deals,so It's not a good time for meeting tomorrow.Many thanks!292Ok,then please get more orders tomorrow,and let me know when, thanks. 便155157 2 便 109227637 Let's have this meeting at 10 am next Tuesday, I'll send the file directly to u if u can not join.3310 10933945If the meeting for promotion and salary inerease,then I will glad to discuss. 10933108It's actuallynot,I want to see your behavior and performancefrom now on,as you are not performing like you have been last year,and the way you have been action and communicating with me was so disrespectful,I think we need to talk about the possibilities we can continue to work together.I actuallyhave worked a performance improvement plan baseon the ASM scorecard and your last 2 months performance,I think we need to talk about it and some actions and agreements are required to achieve.I'll be at landmark this morning, let's have a talk about this. Landmark153 15510933You are requested to join the meeting discuss your performanceimprovement plan with me,as you already didn'tshow up in the first meeting,you must join the face to face meeting with me tomorrow. 便159 109313114610821093I'm sorry you missed our performance meeting schedule on both March 3rd and March 12th,as it turned out the last 2 months was theworst months since you last February and yetthere are also some communication skills and disciplinary behaviors I would like to discuss with you. The group's ASM scorecard also provedthe recent months'status are required intensivecare.333122 22161 1210The expectation from meis as below,I'll continue to se up meetings to monitor the progress,please let me know when youarrive office by line/teams/phone call every morning,and I'll join your tours from time to time.Let s make it work and get the top sales back ontrack. LineTeams 便 1.Communication skill You are expected to follow the instruction and direction of your line manager without timely delays and with a professional attitude and work ethic. Submit weekly pipeline & forecast on time as instructed with discipline. Add and revise whenever win probability changes.Update pipeline & forecast report in Teamsgroup by 10am every Friday.10 You are expected to maintain a professionalrelationship with your manager and peers notdirectly influencing negative or bad behaviors to your colleagues. Work with your line manager showing respectto them and to the company,supporting necessary performance KPI metrics. 2.Disciplinary behaviors Required pre-approval for meals with brokersor customers prior to the spend,and we do not have budget for entertaining Regus employees.Once approved,please be reminded to include those you are entertaining Brokerage Company,all full names in attendance Comply with TKP s phone allowance which has been set TWD 1,599 per month1,599 Submit all taxi expense with proper receipts,marked with location to location & pivotalnumber of the tour(s) Contact your manager by office phone arriving office every morning. Inviting your manager to one broker meeting& one tour every week.11 Attend required meetings and calls as scheduled.3.Sales Performance & Result Meet all the individual KPI band requirements in the ASM scorecard In March. .E:D2020 .Deals Per Day0.50 .5 .WS Sold50 50使 Total SqM Sold Deliver 150+SqM or 50 WS new sales in March.15050使 163165 109319355 12 169109319 519 I'm sorry to see that you are not joining this meeting and giving me such short notice in the last minute.Please be reminded that the PIP consist of both the WHAT & HOW parts,it is not just about sales performance,it includes 3 majorpillars including communication skill, disciplinary behaviors and finally the sales performance & result. WHATHOW 1.Communication skill You are expected to follow the instruction and direction of your line manager without timely delays and with a professional attitude and work ethic.-Faild up to wk11 since you are still against what I ve been asking for. Submit weekly pipeline & forecast on time as instructed with discipline.-Faild up to wk11Add and revise whenever win probability changes. Update pipeline & forecast report in Teamsgroup by 10am every Friday. You are expected to maintain a professionalrelationship with your manager and peers notdirectly influencing negative or bad behaviors to your colleagues. Work with your line manager showing respectto them and to the company,supporting necessary performance KPI metrics.-Faild upto wk11 2.Disciplinary behaviors Required pre-approval for meals with brokersor customers prior to the spend,and we do not have budget for entertaining Regus employees.Once approved,please be reminded to include those you are entertaining Brokerage Company,all full names in attendance-TBC til the next submission Comply with TKP s phone allowance which has been set TWD 1,599 per month.-TBC til the next submission Submit all taxi expense with proper receipts,marked with location to location & pivotalnumber of the tour(s).-TBC til the next submission Contact your manager by office phone arriving office every morning.-Faild by wk11Inviting your manager to one broker meeting& one tour every week.-Faild by wk11 Attend required meetings and calls as scheduled-Although you attend our daily sales activity call but sometimes you were not there when I asked questions and then asit turned out I have to move to the next ASM until close the call. 3.Sales Performance & Result Meet all the individual KPI band requirements in the ASM scorecard In March. .E:D20-17.4MTD6 deals/23 enquiries .Deals Per Day0.5-0.428MTD6 deals/14 wor king days .WS Sold50-12 WS MTD Total SqM Sold Deliver 150+SqM or 50 WS new sales in March.-55 SqM MTD In regarding to the sales performance,regardlesswhat you have decided not to agree,there are 2 sales performance measurement tools that have been using throughout the group,and they are calculated and maintained by global team,they are 使 1.Dashbordtotal SqM,People performance,sales(update timely),effort,broker activity(update timely) 2.ASM scoregard()(E to D Band, Deals per day band,WS sold and T to D) Global team sent or updated above mentioned dashboard and report so if something is unfair it will apply to others.And regarding to the walk-in opportunities,I did see walk-in opportunities pass to you so probably it s not such great impact like you mentioned. 使167 169 1093261106Thanks for joining the meeting today,although we haven't finished before your customer tour,however,we did talk reasons for discussion 1.Communication() Failed to comprehend and follow manager's instructions.() Failed to schedule broker meeting to join with manager since Oct 2019.-Haven't received any feedback on this point yet(201910) Failed to submit sales pipelines & forecast report every week.-Jamie declared she uses Pivotal to make sales forecast,however this was not well communicated with line manager and it s not following manager s direction. ( 使Pivotal ) Inappropriate communication with colleagueswho do not report into her.-Jamie declared this was to fight for the whole taipei cluster s interest,however she should have done it in a more polite way and trusted hermanager has been making efforts escalating for the team.( 2.Disciplinary behaviors Failed to request for pre-approval for mealexpense(with internal colleagues & externa brokers or customers).-Jamie declared that IWG did offer meal expense line items with internal colleagues,however it should be approved by line manager in advance. Regarding to the phone bills,Jamie declaredthat the phone expense were all used for making compancy business,however,we ve also talked about TKP s phone allowance is fixed at NT$ 1,599 since last October's announcement ,and since then all the other ASMs are following the phone expense guideline.(使101,599 Frequently failed to show up for customer tours.() Failed to join the performance improvement meeting request yet replying impolitely.- Jamie missed the first 3 meetings but joinedthe 4th meeting.( 3 4) 3.Sales Performance & Results() Sales status are required "Intensive care" for Dec 2019 and Jan 2020 in ASM scorecard. (20191220201) Total SqM Sold from the 2 months were the worst since Jan 19,and the Total SqM sold has been dropping month over month since Sep19 which require immediately improvement. (2019120199 ) Please note that the business expectations are shared on March 12th which was the 2nd meetingsince you didn t join the first one on March 3rd ,you are expected to meet below standars.(312331) 1.Communication skill You are expected to follow the instruction and direction of your line manager without timely delays and with a professional attitude and work ethic. Submit weekly pipeline & forecast on time as instructed with discipline.-Faild up to wk13Add and revise whenever win probability changes. Update pipeline & forecast report in Teamsgroup by 10am every Friday. You are expected to maintain a professionalrelationship with your manager and peers notdirectly influencing negative or bad behaviors to your colleagues. Work with your line manager showing respectto them and to the company,supporting necessary performance KPI metrics.-Faild upto wk13 2.Disciplinary behaviors Required pre-approval for meals with brokersor customers prior to the spend,and we do not have budget for entertaining Regus employees.Once approved,please be reminded to include those you are entertaining Brokerage Company,all full names in attendance-TBC til the next submission Comply with TKP's phone allowance which has been set TWD 1,599 per month.-TBC til the next submission Submit all taxi expense with proper receipts,marked with location to location & pivotalnumber of the tour(s).-TBC til the next submission Contact your manager by office phone arriving office every morning.-Faild by wk13Inviting your manager to one broker meeting& one tour every week.-Faild by wk13 Attend required meetings and calls as scheduled-Joined omly on March 26th this week. 3.Sales Performance & Result Meet all the individual KPI band requirements in the ASM scorecard In March. .E:D20-18.8 MTD8 deals/32 enquiries .Deals Per Day0.5-0.42 MTD8 deals/19 working days .WS Sold50-24 WS MTD(But including 5 WS Point72 Expansion) Total SqM Sold Deliver 150+SqM or 50 WS new sales in March.-55 SqM MTD Please continue to work on above improvement items and we will talk about in next week,pleasereply in the response session and print it out to discuss if you want.(便) 171175 109420930 1093Below are the March result,as you didn't meet the expectation we filed in the PerformanceImprovement Plan,and there are still some more days before the end of April,you are required towork your best to meet below sales performance target for April.(3 4 4) 1.Communication skills Submit weekly pipeline & forecast on time as instructed with discipline. Make sure forecast number in Pivotal is accurate.(Pivotal ) Update pipeline & forecast in Pivotal by 5pm every thursday.(5 ) 2.Disciplinary behaviors Inviting your manager to one broker meeting& one tour every week.11 Updating your sales activity in Teams groupevery day.() 3.Sales Performance & Result() Meet all the individual KPI band requirements in the ASM scorecard In April. (4) .E:D20( 20) .Deals Per Day0.5(0. 5) .WS Sold50( 50使) Total SqM Sold Deliver 150+SqM or 50 WS new sales in April.(4150 50使) March PIP result 1.Communication skill You are expected to follow the instruction and direction of your line manager without timely delays and with a professional attitude and work ethic. Jamie has started replying her manager's instruction more timely when asked,however, she is still expected to communicate more proactively with her line manager so her work progress can be communicated and issuescan be resolved more easily.( ) Submit weekly pipeline & forecast on time as instructed with discipline. Add and revise whenever win probability changes. Update pipeline & forecast report in Teamsgroup by 10am every Friday. Jamie suggested to use Pivotal to communicate her forecast number,so it's agreed by her manager to leverage Pivotal tosave ASM's time from manually updating excelpipeline report,as Jamie hasn't submitted any excel pipeline report since requested, however,from the weekly review during past weeks,the pipeline on Pivotal system still weren't updated timely so forecast accuracy wasn't not there yet.(使Pivotal 使Pivotal excel excel Pivotal ) You are expected to maintain a professional relationship with your manager and peers notdirectly influencing negative or bad behaviors to your colleagues. There were no further events in March(3 ) Work with your line manager showing respectto them and to the company,supporting necessary performance KPI metrics. Jamie refused to join previous weekly performance improvement review meeting untilthe 4th meeting request on March 26th,she even rejected the 2nd calendar invitation. (32642) 2.Disciplinary behaviors Required pre-approval for meals with brokersor customers prior to the spend,and we do not have budget for entertaining Regus employees.Once approved,please be reminded to include those you are entertaining Brokerage Company,all full names in attendance Comply with TKP s phone allowance which has been set TWD1,599 per month. Submit all taxi expense with proper receipts,marked with location to location & pivotalnumber of the tour(s) Jamie hasn t submitted any expense report in March yet.(3) Contact your manager by office phone arriving office every morning. Jamie didn't contact her line manager by office phone arriving office every morning. ( ) Inviting your manager to one broker meeting & one tour every week. Jamie still hasn't invited her manager to anybroker meeting nor any tour in March.(3 ) Attend required meetings and calls as scheduled. Jamie joined most of the daily sales activity calls and Friday sales meeting.( 3.Sales Performance & Result Meet all the individual KPI band requirements in the ASM scorecard In March. .E:D20 .Deals Per Day0.5 .WS Sold50 The March result from enclosed ASM scorecard shows she didn't meet the KPI band requirements in March.(33) .E:D18(18).Deals Per Day0.41(9 deals in 22 workingdays in March)(0.41) (3229) .WS Sold25(25使 ) Total SqM Sold Deliver 150+SqM or 50 WS new sales in March. The March result from dashboard shows Jamie made25 WS(73 SqM) New Sales,she didn t meet the Total WS or SqM sold target in March.325使733 177183 109519406 1093Reviewing your April result,you didn't achieve the target we expected both in terms of SqM sales and the level of sales activities,I would like to schedule a meeting with you to talk about it at Landmark at 11:00 tomorrow morning.Let's talk about how we can help you getthrough this PIP and your expectation on this job.(411Landmark) Below is the items I expected you to improve from March(3): 1.Communication skill Submit weekly pipeline & forecast on time as instructed with discipline. Make sure forecast number in Pivotal is accurate.(Pivotal ) Update pipeline & forecast in Pivotal by 5pmevery thursday.(5)Can we confirm these are all updated correctlyand Ref NO #10801517 will be booked in June?( #10801517 6) 2.Disciplinary behaviors Inviting your manager to one broker meeting& one tour every week.11 Updating your sales activity in Teams groupevery day.() By far I haven t invited to any of the broker meetings since the first time I requested.( ) So far I only see 2 activities from you since Irequested.() 3.Sales Performance & Result() Meet all the individual KPI band requirements in the ASM scorecard In April. (4) .E:D20( 20) .Deals Per Day0.5(0. 5) .WS Sold50( 50使) Total SqM Sold Deliver 150+SqM or 50 WS new sales in April.(4150 50使) 185187 1095201214Per our review just now() 1.Updat your sales activity report daily and timely.() 2.Bring up all the opportunities and( ) 3.Confirm your base and best number for May and June(56 ) We have to see the effort and result happening in May and June(56)189 109525840 341526便109526857 調調109529416 調6 7SqM6 191193 109626135 Please reserve your time and join thismeeting at Landmark centre.(Landmark)109630 195 109 1 109226852 2 便109227637 1093310Landmark 10912 10933 1221093131146 1082109310912 121010934 1 109526便109526857 3 使1151096301647 147151 調調429 430456107108 調109104109630111 4Community Associate42,00035,20038,00043,00010調調11117 349351 109104339 調104 Community Manager Community Associate25,00035,000Sales Manager3 104 310419 34109630111 4Community Associate10983Li-Wen Huang(Ellen)504,00042,000109921Jing -Jie Lai(Zack)200 228 35,200200×8×2235,20010911 1Yen Pei Liang(Paddy)456,00038,000109111 Meng Yao Wu(Miranda)516,00043,000Li-Wen Huang4Community Associate 42,00035,20038,00043,00010調調 277 951 962792141 919230910012162 1031161310523 41040132621 141 4 1096301647115 1097101471511096301536147 1096301536242 109630243305 244 8306退1096301536退 241242244 1096301536109610961096301536 10963010963083061096301647115 6 1096301647 1096301536212 141 109630109630135 Please reserve your time and join this meeting at Landmark centre.(Landmark ) 便Landmark1096109610963016242109630 19 51096 1096301647212 退 1096301647109710367,29720 70,625497,973 1097110984123,593109855105,937109856,606退 退31 123,593109855105,9375 109856, 606退 449178         112    10    31   1083 463 1084 85 1085 93 1086 138 1087 71 1088 154 1089 134 10810 120 10811 105 10812 114 1091 41 1092 36 1093 68 1094 7 1095 7 1096 24 2020466 112         112    10    31