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  • 裁判案由
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  • 審判法院
  • 裁判日期
    112 年 11 月 29 日

  • 當事人

11145 11172511037 112118 446125513 11011 2541216161225338372 5 132536009261225338372 5 143144 7991000036009233837217202 33837210911 13114 1231487 11011 253600926 1225338372 11011 25360092612 253383725 101 SmartflowWorkday使COE 1091112 239 7991846 1054104 1105331HR Head 00000 1113114 1091231 338372172022562512251338372 22739023676744338372114123024895369 1 1 1 1 114 調使調 100110108110108109107 HR 100110108110DuPont Sustainable SolutionsN&BSolamet PV pastes110101Mobility and MaterialsM&M 102104107 11021 104711069120191 201952159204213227291308597604379 425 10710910811SmartmanSmartFIowe0000Workdaysmall modellarge model使HRShared serviesCenter1091151071011 Workday HR10554New Global HR Structure10382610872125 Workday Large Model307308373453455457461486259261441474479690 105HR HR Three-Pillar Model)調HR Business PartnersHRBPCenter of ExpertiseCOEShared serviesHRBPHRStrategic HRBU) Local HR109 373 62LocalHR146 1 1 1 1 Local HR SmartmanSmartFIow 0000Workday small modellarge model使109 8012017050055010565 10846 336 SmartmanSmartFIow e large model使 elarge model使使Local HRlargemodel使 108 000 001791115301334M&M8000000 110 1101121115313033065976041951990002307M&M111 4597604 10912 HR1105HR5002442 1 2831121 2020119 192020costreductionHRcost purelysiteconsolidation costpeople cost implement Tracy10 2019HR365371稿343359HRpeople cost 3 3 2 273 1477991 10541041105331HR Head 371 313 3 people cost 114 114 487235234 11011 234235487 3383721720225 62512251338372371 2145 2 234 109112145 487110112536009233837217202 61225338372 滿22912331256251225 5 1101125 360092612253383725243 441 2 450784412         112    11    29   耀 2020466 112         112    11    30