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         95231                  95331 93742 9619 ICMOICA MOICA Giesecke & Dervient Asia Pte LtdG&D Aisa 7 928 2 CHTD9100019256921231IC7 G&D AisaICIC退730 3 23 730 使退G&D TecoIC93IC9 G&D TecoIC25933104151 34IC3.5234119.68252,992 119.68×250,00029,920,000 25,0001 0,08025 100,80010,080× 10 100,800925 2259×250000 2,250,000 374922593 47724 256137476,296374×2×6×17 76,29625 61 374233,376374×2×6×52233,376 PVCPVC0.3 2575,0000.3×250,00075,000 1,7797,52825×208 - 7.2 25×201.850,450,000 50,450,00029,920,000100,800 2,250,00076,296 23337675,000PVC 17,794,528IC91,7794,528 1,7794,5285 9331093415IC921231滿IC退 ICICICG&D AisaICG&D AisaG&D Teco92114124ICG&D G&D 93227G&DG&D G&D TecoG&DG&D AisaG&D Teco G&D 93IC93310 G&D Teco3.52 ICG&D G&D TecoG&D Aisa9339Pay To Pay93IC IC921125931545921231931245 9331IC10331 39317 IC9293IC93310 IC退G&D93 31093 25ICG&D ICMOICA G&D Aisa7 91810 CHTD 9100019256123111IC501 159 2 3 G&D AisaICICIC退 730 93G&D TecoICIC2593310415 134 3.52531023 463270113 9511279495921231滿921231滿93310415ICG&D G&D G&D Teco G&D Teco9331093415IC93317IC G&D Teco9 1,7794,528 921231滿9334IC921231滿9393310 IC93415IC ICG&D Aisa7 91 810CHTD910001"MOICA" 10IC 1011 925612319339. 93531Pay To Pay126 93531 92569353193310415IC 921231滿 ICICG&D G&D AisaIC 277G&DAisaICIC退7 G&D Aisa調1114ICGD Asia G&D G&D G&D ICICIC 924179322572,159459322568,496 19925693531 921128921294,0002 88IC調93225 9211 25 G&D93227MOICA G&D TECOG&D TECO G&D93227Therefore Giesecke & Devrient delegates all business responsibilities for the MOICA project to its Taiwanese joint venture company,GDTECO.Histonically we have been handingthe MOICA project via G&D Asia,but his was before we established GDTECO in Taiwan. G&DMOICAG&D TecoG&D AisaMOICA 6263G&D Aisa93310 G&D believes that the best approach moving forward is for Abeltech to procure via GD Teco as they are local in Taipeh and will allow all parties to work together on this project.G&D has at this time certain contractual commitments which make it necessary for G&D to manage its Taiwan business from the joint venture there. It is intended that GD Asiais continuing to provide the modules and technical support to GD Teco.G&DG&D TECOG&D G&D TECOG&D AsiaG&D TECO 6465G&DG&D TECO G&D TECOICG&D G&D TECO IC退ICG&D TECOG&D AisaG&D TECOICG&D TECO93531 93G&D TecoICIC2593310415IC 93317 IC925 612319353193127調93316 151 9393317 92127 G&D TECO G&D TECO9 11G&D TECO931094415IC IC9 216 93G&D TecoICIC25933104151 343.529325ICIC25ICG&D 25ICPVC 25IC25IC 93225IC72,156 5IC 134 3.528635,63072,156× 3.52 ×348,635,630938 1793430 786934131,755 退2,541 305 310退 8331,523 8,635,630 2,541×3.52×348,331,523 9 8331,523936 24305 450449179463390 23922         96    1      23         202046611 2         96    1     23   466112