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         975   )       The Great Eastern Shipping Co., Ltd.   .      97514 9526981027 961012981 219610150960099106-107198 761 194209 698,532 Ardeshir H.Bhiwandiwalla128,779 1,0604,529600 600 600 5% 6914 12691,832 8,7791,0604,529 693,494 691,832 Kuwait Gulf Oil Company TANKER BILL OF LADING 6 103104 69149813107 674 97111209710467020 0.548 982209810035050 0.5%780.5%使0.5%transit loss989709810366120 transit loss0.5%225 693,494 IntertekIntertekChief Officer 78Chief Officer692,244.65 80691,832 2 693,494 1,6620.23%693,494-691,832 ÷693,4940.23% 97111296997848-1 0.12%0.33%0.227% 0.23% 0.227%0.5%6914 0.5%1/3 982278698,532 693,494 693,494 279 689,753 1/3 6914600 5% 449178 98 11 10 202046611 2 98 11 13 466112