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    99 年 01 月 26 日

         98577               987109713 99112 401 1 西 ()20016279 : including but not limited 7 If at any time theMain Contractor fails to make any paymentdueto you under the New Sub-Contract, we undertake. 19.19092794011381 4014 9 90200691820061011 149 4014 4014 7 ()14(If atany time the Main Contractor fails to make any payment due to you under the New Sub-Contract, weundertake upon a written demand mailed viaregistered or certified mail by you to that effect, tomake payment instead to you within fourteen (14) days of your written demand, of an amount equivalent to the payment that the Main Contractor hasfailed to make.7any payment due to youunder the Sub- Contract 12401 4 7 196 使40143 975 197522便976597820 97326 9742497619Chatfield 976 5 97659761997815976597825 974197826 196 19612 使978 149782097910調使97814 97910調 97910調973269791012 973269765 97619 97528 97619 97619 975597619 Chatfield 971 4.34.4975289752297326 4739752297424 97326 97528 97619 97619 97626 (97815) (4142)97887 7 9765978 97626 97910 97910 9791010 97619 41429762097815562 9791012 97712 97910 97910 便288 調調97326 196 使196 40143 978 97619 422 9710249634()74,278,545964 199634973 4014 (///) () (Builders Federal (HK) Limi tedTa i wan Branch) () 90627 (1) (4) (7)9 () 使9 1027使9 7 14147 9 19.1 19.1()調調56調19.I 96416 (96117 )969268 便使便 ()使 1497838941134 4014 931203使40144014 (591)4014891936 96117 4931退()40143 使Dr. Chatfield Joe Khoury調調171197調23140134 978 973 使使52使使978 97326 976 5 976597815 () ( )97820ALT Limited 40134 9 4014 9 9091197 調9591810111020 7 96416 904014 9399293 2008( )調 403 使 3840496 18 (981123) 2001627 959187103 101114102096416 971024963474,278,54596419 4011381 404 4014 23140134 422 4011381 4011381 1498962631 9 (If there is anydifferen ce,dispute or questions arising out of, in conne ctionwith or by reason of this letter,including anyquestions regarding its existence, validity or termination (collectivelydisagreement), the partiesshall attempt to negotiate a solution within ninety (90) days foll ow ing the date that oneparty first notifies the other of such disagreement. If no solution can be reached within such ninety(90)days, such disagree ment shall be referred to and settled by arbitrat ion in accordancewith the Arbitration Law of Taiwan.The place ofarbitration shall be in Taipei, Taiwan.)90( ) 9 ()9 9 7 ()14(If at any time the Main Contractorfails to make any payment due to you under the NewSub-Contract, we undertake upon a written demandmailed viaregister ed or certified mail by you tothat effect, to make payment instead to youwithin fourteen (14) days of your written demand,of an amount equiva lent to the payment that theMain Contractor has failed to make.19.17 7 7 4011381 404 40149 9090...(the parties shall attempt to negotiate a solution within ninety (90)days following the date that one party firstnotifies the other of such dis- agreement. If nosolution can be reached within such ninety(90)days, such disagreement shall be referred to and settledby arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Law of Taiwan.)(at-tempt to negotiate a solution) 9 調9320089 90401495918 7 103 1011141020145146149150) 使調 4014 4014調22調401493120340143 7 () 14(If at any time the MainContractor fails to make any payment due to youunder the New Sub-Contract, we undertake upon awritten demand mailed viaregister ed or certified mail by you to that effect, to make paymentinstead to you withi n fourteen (14) days of yourwritten demand, of an amount equiva lent to thepayment that the Main Contractor has failed tomake. 調4014 7 74,278,545931203931203 591 401 4 103 401 4 4014979 12()4672 7 974981887 91331 7512331 Gart ner33155,652,808 ()767 403 19.196117 19.1使96117 23140134 調使231 4013使調13191211882679 97326 976597820 19196 104 19196 97326(324345) 97651474 Chatfield 調使調40134 97910 97820 43112 In relation to the respondent's report file in August, we will exclude the writtenreport...l <8 >97820Khoury97911 Khoury KhouryKhouryI mustn't allow you to mention the report 433 97912 43597911Can I reword it.Mr.Khoury,apart from this job have you specify Vaspar as a paint for high-rise or super high-rise building (Khoury Vaspar) 978 978 978 使97619 97619 978 6 8 ()86調252 97528 97619 976 26 416 使196 4013使 422 42 971114調973 973308138139983303240 134 38373842242 2 9 調使401343422 449178 99 1 26 202046611 2 99 1 26 466112