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  • 裁判案由
  • 案件類型
  • 審判法院
  • 裁判日期
    99 年 10 月 19 日

       9992              9871097139910 5 90 62797102496347,4278,54596 4195%65% 990401479 196使234013 4401142 297 3 95 918101120 9 7 9使 90 6279710247,4278,54596 4195%65% 15114) 4013使 4 使4013 4使使使40 1 99090If there is any difference, dispute or questions arisin-g out of, in connection with or by reason of this letter, including any questions regarding its existe-nce, validity or termination (collectively "disagre-ement"), the parties shall attempt to negotiate a solution within ninety (90) days following the date that one party first notifies the other of such disa-greement. If no solution can be reached within suchninety(90) days, such disagreement shall be referredto and settled by arbitration in accordancew ith theArbitration Law of Taiwan. The place of arbitration shall be in Taipei, Taiwan. 9401 49(at-tempt to negotiate a solution調959 1810 3111420145150155156使951020 96416904014 79 7()14If at any time the Main Contractor fails to make any payment due to you under the New Sub-Contract,weundertake upon a written demand mailed via registere-d or certified mail by you to that effect, to make payment instead to you withi n fourteen(14) days of your written demand, of an amount equiva lent to thepayment that the Main Contractor has failed to make. 91346 7101103)74014 9調931203調93120322調40 1 4 196使4013 41919697815調4013使使調使調4(209219467282107108135)調使97326165217) 52830 6199112 28797 815調75 815調2(8687)(104)19 19697 815調97 815調9791028586)113Joe Khoury12 4 3調Joe KhouryCarl Wagus97 815調 297 815調 196234013 4 97 34013 442 2 使調使4013 497 32 45078 99 10 19 20204661 1 2 99 10 19 466112