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  • 裁判案由
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  • 審判法院
  • 裁判日期
    111 年 07 月 08 日

  • 當事人

1104 0 0000 111613 946953979799751297597 951l0 492 975129759797941818102 9469539739512996619972668420382 972 81049 ()A2594627A239531 946953973 El4 9511049() 便退9511049 El4 97341920382 8 l049 使 8812181l011 65 (The Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct, 2002)33.13.24.l4.2(Code of Conduct for United States Judges)22A 82223 (Judicial Conference Regulations on Gifts)§64 0.45使 9511049 9734使 23589511049 12退使 9511049 10911072118 5 16581322 10176 (104925)745325310 502 52 946953973 944 953 97() 3412822 9511049 946 951 1 1 使 退西便 58232216 9734 97828調 97597 193216 ()109l028調 退3 95199997949925310 l022l049 退調4050113 521 5 91415710096107 1099 使104520205220仿 105 1 911319892 912194824 9482597827調978289892 9893 9511049979 946 3 951966972976981099299910221029103110421049112 97828調 9 29751297597 121 94918918102 102 121 12101217 11072611032 1091028110716調 971210910 28... 975979710297512 121010212 9511049 129511049 10497 715598925127999208102130241 1951退29661012使 1 10使9710 971012 9511049 9710176 9519979725310 10176108717 109610110120111622601 7310961010971710021095221045202 2 109610 1002 10176491302 101763026 211215231511618 1087171097171 5 使302 109610110120 1017650115112 3112123 4 108717109717501 15退退退退退1020112 133112123 412 滿2 調5 136145退退退7145退退退81645 917 502 322 退退退退退10206 2 滿2調 4550109610110120 10176521: 108717109717521:退退1 使使50114使 57使5 109610110120 15824913027951l049129791010127310 5使 10176 使521 105 使l0491109165使 94695397979 946953979469539711032 1091028110716調 Oliver W. HolmesLaw in BooksLaw in Action legal culture)使 946 953 973 調3 9495973 3 979 80 1660176119203312 97828 94918918102 12101217 97828調 97828調 使 9469539712 979 516 94695397979 951 1049975使 496 331         111    7     8         2020         111    7     11   耀