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          1101563            Linde Inc.Praxair Inc.)  John Mathew Panikar   10981810981 PraxairInc .)Linde Inc. 87111849%51%106123 ICCICC10782822560/PTA ICC 423313812 3401134 ICC4714040 1 調49%51%87 62447 130 18612174813使使19.1Proceedings which shall be in English shall take place in Taipei under the then existing rules and supervision of the International Chamber of CommerceCourt of Arbitration. 106123ICCICCICC131365IC C調 107419ICC27 828 ICCICCICC37 ICC47 1 ICC ICCICCICC19404037 147 24950404950404011 3 4 8762430147 1使使861217481347 137 14712495040 ICC40使 481449178 111 2 24 111 3 9